Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The ABCD of Obama Care

The ABCD of Obama Health Care
In pursuit of the truth – – Wednesday, August 5, 2009

1.)H.R. 3200 (Obama Health Care) provides for the following items:

a) Government use of left-wing community groups, such as ACORN and AmeriCorps, to register individuals for the government health care plan (p. 95)

b) Government mandates Advanced Care Planning Consultation-that is, end-of-life counseling on “the use of artificially administered nutrition and hydration” and other of life treatments. (Section 1233)

c) “Advance Care Planning Consultation” may include a government order for end of life plans (p.429)

d) Government will restrict the enrollment of special needs people (p.354)

2.) On Thursday, July 23rd, more than 70 pro-life and pro-family organizations united for a massive web cast event to directly address these challenges and mobilize grassroots activists. (Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family, Chairmaine Yoest, Americans United for Life, Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life, and Tony Perkins, Family Research Council)

a) The current health care reform proposals, if enacted, would result in the biggest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision imposed abortion- 1973

b) Washington D.C. bureaucrats and abortion industry lobbyists are trying to force YOU to pay for abortions through your tax dollars as part of their proposed trillion-dollars health care takeover – even though recent polls show that 71% of Americans taxpayer-funded abortions…

c) This political power grab is an effort to implement one of the cornerstones of the “Freedom of Choice Act” (FOCA), and could lead to a massive taxpayer-subsidized abortion industry bailout – something that American families do not support and cannot afford in these tough economic times…

d)Under the proposed health care takeover, virtually every American would be forced into a health plan that mandates abortion coverage, if the healthcare reform law does not clearly state that abortion is excluded, abortion automatically becomes a minimum required benefit.


a)Requiring all members of Congress to get their health insurance through the proposed government-run plan (offered by Rep. Dean Heller, R –NV)

b)Preventing taxpayer-funded health benefits from going to illegal immigrants (offered by Rep. Dean Heller, R –NV)

c)Specifying that Congress should read the health care bill before voting on it (offered by Rep. Kevin Brady, R-TX)

d)Ensuring that workers who like their current health plan can keep it (offered by Rep. Judy Biggert, R –IL).

H.R. 3200 is promoted falsely by the Catholic-label politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Linda and Loretta Sanchez, Joe Baca, Hilda Solis etc. For a mess of pottage, they sacrifice the faith of their fathers and the family culture that they were born into. SHAME ON THEM!
George H. Kubeck

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