Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Greetings! Salutations! Happy Days! - 1

Greetings! Salutations! Happy Days! - 1

In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It’s good to get away from all this serious talk for a couple of paragraphs. Let’s have a few smiles. I picked up the greeting “Happy Days” from President Franklin’s Roosevelt’s campaign song. Maybe, we can sing that song together, “Happy Days Are Here Again” with the defeat of Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez in 2010. It can be done with your help.

We may dislike some of Franklin Roosevelt’s policies but at least he was a patriot for traditional America. There is a big Tea Party coming up throughout the country around Aug. 24th to Sept. 12th. Be prepared! I attended one in Seal Beach. We had symbolic tea bags pinned on us. Verbally we called out: Down with, “Deficit Spending”, “Big Government”, and “High Taxes.”

For the second one at the Buena Park City Hall, I had a sign which on one side read: “VOTE AGAINST THE CANDIDATES AND ISSUES THAT HOLLYWOOD AND THE “ELITE” MEDIA SUPPORT.” It was an old one of more than 20 years. On the other side, I wrote two names Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck and underneath Common Sense.

Sarah and Glenn are both hated by the radicals. I believe that is a badge of honor in America. I remember when I joined the Army in 1958 for 3 years; the country that the communists feared and hated the most was the U.S.A. Which American do you think they hated deeply? It was Richard Nixon. Why? Nixon helped to put one of their own “useful idiots” Alger Hiss, a spy for Stalin into jail.

Those were the days when we had the “Cold War” with Communist Russia. We had quite a number of front-organization. Undoubtedly, many were run by commies or “useful idiots” proclaiming unilateral disarmament etc. We were dealing with “Masters of Deceit.” Today we have to deal with their indoctrinated children and the religion of secular liberalism which harasses Christians and seeks to eliminate religion from the public sector.

This secular religion has the goal of promoting same-sex marriage nationally and changing the American motto: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness to the French motto: Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. Do you feel like becoming a European? These elitists are in power today. They have taken over the Democratic Party. The ACLU and judicial activists are their means to reeducate and control us. In 2010 we vote intelligently.

There is no doubt in my mind that many past voters for Loretta Sanchez believe that she is pro-life, pro-marriage and pro-family. They have been duped by a master of deceit, Loretta Sanchez. She is really a puppet and still hasn’t got the intelligence or guts to challenge 5 other Orange County Congressmen each to a debate on the ‘Stimulus Package’, ‘Cap and Trade Legislation’ or the ‘Mandated Abortion Obama Health Care’.

It is time to get our signs ready! One e-mail suggested: “Loretta 100% for Abortions” or “Loretta Says Yes to Abortion” or ‘God Says No to Abortion’ ‘But Loretta Voted Yes Every Time’. Send me the ones that you can make. Here are a few: ‘Hands off my Health Care!’ ‘Support a Natural Law Health Care System’ –

‘Down with Abortion-Mandated Health Care’. ‘Support a Balanced Budget, Free Enterprise, Entrepreneurs!’ – Down with Liberalism & Progressivism!’ ‘Don’t Mess with Marriage!’ Sanchez supports Same-Sex Marriage – Voted 3 Times for Partial-Birth Abortion- ‘No to the Stimulus Package’ –‘No to Cap and Trade!’- ‘No to Our Country’s Economic Suicide!’ ‘No to Mortgaging our Future’
George H. Kubeck

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