Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Update on Loretta Sanchez at St. Callistus Church

Update on Loretta Sanchez at St. Callistus Catholic Church

In pursuit of the truth – – Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Again let us reference: and the Orange County Register article, “Garden Grove Vigil Focuses on Affordable Health Care” Aug. 3, 2009. Here is the article:

Rep. Sanchez among 300 at event calling for overhaul: by Marla Jo Fisher
Garden Grove * About 300 people from throughout the county got together Sunday and prayed for affordable health care, in a vigil that included Christian pastors and a public official.

The vigil, held at St. Callistus Catholic Church, was about the national healthcare overhaul package under debate and the loss of health care in California because of the state budget crisis. It was sponsored by the Orange County Congregational Community Organization, which represents 22 congregations in seven cities.

Rep. Loretta Sanchez, D – Santa Ana, the guest of honor, said she supports universal health care, but that is not what is being debated in the Capitol.

Instead, she said, the current proposal would provide federal subsidies on a sliding scale for health insurance premiums for families that earn up to $88,200 a year, which is four times the official federal poverty level threshold. Overhaul opponents say the proposal to extend health care coverage to nearly every American are too expensive and unworkable.

Due to budget woes, the state is sharply cutting programs that provide free or low-cost medical care for indigent people and children, said Isabel Beccera of the O.C. Coalition of Community Clinics. In Orange County, an estimated 30,000 children who would have previously been eligible won’t be able to enroll in Healthy Families, the state’s medical care program for lower-income families, while 42,000 kids currently enrolled will lose coverage, said Francisco Estrada Jr. of the Orange County Congregation Community Organization.

Event organizers asked supporters to contact their legislators and to get ready for a planned Aug. 11 day of action in support of health care overhaul.
Contact the writer: 714-796-7994 or

May I share a couple of comments from readers: They pulled the youtube video? Sanchez also has fundraisers at the playboy mansion… # 2 Finally found the video by typing in Loretta Sanchez on the Search… The girl who answered the phone (at St. Callistus) told me that they had received approval from the Diocese.

George H. Kubeck,
Also, Loretta Sanchez thought she was going to get away with her remarks. However, a responsible person videotaped her talk. She deliberately politicized a religious prayer vigil. Our priests know their theology but when they are dealing with nincompoops like CINO politicians Loretta Sanchez or Nancy Pelosi, they are always being used.

There are three thoughts on my mind. First, Pope Benedict XVI’s new encyclical “Charity in Truth” is not taken seriously by some clergy. The message is clear: Social Justice Issues are interwoven with the life issues. If they are not; it’s a NO to any Health Care Program.

Secondly, I do not want to see the mindset of the bishops that existed in Canada about 4 years ago. Catholic-in-name-politicians called Liberals promoted and passed Same-Sex Marriage laws for the nation. Except for a few Canadian bishops, there was silence. This was scandalous and cowardly. In the previous decades there was also silence on Canadian abortion laws by the bishops.

3.) It may be a good idea throughout the nation to have town hall meetings with the bishops; where in their dioceses there are Cinops. Keep in mind what happened in the 1930’s in Italy and Germany. We do not want National Socialism in health or any other activity which can be taken care of by private enterprise. Our signs can read: “Kill the Abortion Mandate in Health Care,” “No to a Socialist America,” “Down with CINO Politicians who are the enemies not only of our Catholic Faith but also traditional America.”

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