Monday, August 31, 2009

We Are At War! - 1

We are at War! – 1
In pursuit of the truth – – Monday, August 31, 2009

Wake up America, we are at war! It’s not about rockets and bombs bursting in air. It’s a kind of civil war with ideas and messages. There was a time when you can vote for someone and then forget about it until the next election. Not today!

It’s different. We have cabal in the White House and Congress with a secular religion that is out to change America. You have to sort it out, sometimes in a humorous way like the fables of “The Pied Pier” and “The Emperor Wore No Clothes” or “Troika” our ‘Rahm, David and Barack’ and ‘The Teleprompter’.

For pro-life, family and marriage advocates it’s a kind of guerilla warfare with the elite and the established media. For decades we have been marginalized but not anymore. We have learned from the Tea Parties and Town Hall Meetings and we need to participate in all of them. We will win because we have the truth on our side. Our voices ring out with others: those of our Founding Fathers.

Who are the elite? First of all they are about 7% of the population. They are the hardcore of the 14% who believe in unrestricted abortion. For them it’s no big deal partial-birth abortion and infanticide. My letter of the other day, Blood Money means absolutely nothing to them. Their liberal and progressive mindset is screwed up. It includes a firm belief in the two A’s, the two E’s the two SS’s. It is a kind of secular religion which they practice daily to change our beliefs.

Now you may think that changing the definition of marriage to same-sex marriage is no big deal. But take a second look at the other side of their secular religious coin. Change the American Motto: Life. Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness to the French Motto: Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. You don’t have to believe me; just tune in to talk radio Dennis Prager-daily on KLAC 870 – 9-12 Noon

There has been some good news over the weekend. It seems that 53% of the nation wants to vote out all their Congressmen. Less than 30% want to keep them. Also one of the 13 Catholic-in-name-only politicians from California has put her foot in her mouth. They all have the same liberal mindset which includes the above 5 evils and they dare to call themselves, Catholic. “The Big Con!”

Congresswoman Diane Watson in a town meeting indirectly praised the health system of the despicable communist tyrant FIDEL CASTRO and said FIDEL was one of the brightest leaders I have ever met. This is unbelievable great news for the refugees of communism like the Vietnamese and others living in the voting district of Loretta Sanchez. Remember keep your eyes focused like a laser beam on Loretta Sanchez. Think of ways to inform voters and vote her out in 2010.

Finally in the 10 page letter to Pope Benedict XVI, Senator Ted Kennedy talked about protecting the conscience clause for Catholic Health Hospitals. Ted must have known that 16 of his CINOP Senate cohorts voted to take away the conscience clause. As for the Obama Health Care could he not as a Catholic come out PUBLICLY and say it will be a “No Abortion Health Care”. HE WAS SILENT.
George H. Kubeck

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