Monday, August 10, 2009

Loretta Sanchez at St. Callistus Catholic Church

Loretta Sanchez at St. Callistus Catholic Church

In pursuit of the righteousness – – Monday, August 10, 2009

Reference: and Orange County Register article, “Garden Grove Vigil Focuses on Affordable Health Care” Aug. 3rd

It was wrong to use a prayer vigil by Rep. Loretta Sanchez to slam 5 other Orange County Representatives for not supporting Obama’s health care plan. The affair was called a “prayer vigil” but it turned out to be by Sanchez a political meeting to shame Republicans. She had the gall to use the Catholic Church hall for political purposes. What she could have done is challenge each representative in a public debate which she hasn’t got the guts to do. She is a coward. Will she have any town hall meetings on health care?

In Congress, Loretta Sanchez is one of the sponsors of the FOCA Bill, and voted against the Catholic positions on 1) Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act – passage (110), 2) Marriage Amendment Act (109th, 3) Child interstate Abortion Notification (109th), 4.) Abortion in military medical facilities (109th), 5.) Coercive abortion/ United Nations Population Fund (109th), 6.) Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act: passage (109th) 7.) Partial-Birth Abortion: passage (108th), and 8.) Unborn Victims of Violence Act (108th)

Loretta Sanchez is a modern day Herod. She has voted for partial-birth abortions three times. She does not support parental notification for minors seeking an abortion. She did not support Proposition 8, the California Marriage Amendment, and is for same-sex marriage.

She is a robot and is financed by the Culture of Death Advocates. (This was the term used by Pope John Paul II.) In the past, they included NOW, NARAL, Planned Parenthood, ACLU, Gay Agenda Advocates, and the Porn Industry.

If you can’t trust a person with their religion, how can you trust them with their politics? One of the major characteristics of a Catholic-in-name-only politician is to appear in religious settings. Sometimes, they show pictures of their baptism and confirmation. Sanchez has prostituted the idea Catholic with her voting record. She has poor judgment and uses the Catholic label for electioneering purposes. SHAME ON HER

The late John Cardinal O’Connor, “I firmly believe that we will either be a free people without abortion, or we will be a slave people, slave to the violence against human life.”

George H. Kubeck

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