Friday, October 23, 2009

Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good - 2 of 2

Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good - 2 of 2
A Religious and Political Trojan Horse Organization

Cinops be gone: Dedicated to the exposure and removal of Catholic in name only
Politicians. St. Thomas More is our model and patron. (2007) – Fri. Oct. 23, 2009

Cinops be gone concurs with Frank Walker’s analysis as written in # 1 – Wed. Oct. 21/09

In August 2008 CACG released a study which showed that spending on a variety of social programs could significantly reduce the number of abortions. It also suggested that legislation to restrict access to abortions had little or no effect. This study, developed with scholars at Georgetown and Notre Dame, LATER PROVED FAULTY, and HAS BEEN DISCREDITED chiefly through the efforts of MICHAEL NEW at the University of Alabama…

The Catholic League has recently revealed that the GEORGE SOROS- funded Open Society Institute GAVE $100,000 to CACG in 2005. CACG is also affiliated with the John Podesta {A NOTORIOUS CINOP – GHK} Center for American Progress. CAP works closely with CACG and has provided funds fund to Catholics United and Faith and Public Life. CAP received 3.5 million from the SOROS organization in 2005. William Donohue, of the Catholic League has stated that George SOROS supports CACG for the same reason he supports the pro-choice group, Catholic for Choice. They help to “make abortion rights a respectable Catholic position.”

The CACG is run and advised by powerful Democrats. Their board, staff, and advisory committee include top fundraisers and strategists as well as major labor union representation. Elizabeth Bagley and Broderick Johnson … Sister Patricia Daly is connected to a very large religious philanthropy. Catholic Church Leadership from the Sisters of Mercy, the Jesuit order, the government-funded Catholic Charities and Catholic Relief Services are also represented at CACG. Catholic academia has a strong presence.

Other CACG leaders, advisors, and partners include:Jim Wallis: Founder of The Sojourners; the largest organization of progressive Christians in the country. – Dr. Joseph Fahey: Founding member and General Secretary of PAX Christi USA – Rev. William J. Byron, S.J.: 12th president of the Catholic Univ. of America….

The CACG has powerful representation from the AFL-CIO, the American Federation of Teachers, and the Service Employees International Union. The CACG, SEIU, ACORN, and the Obama campaign are all united in common objectives such as THE FREEDOM OF CHOICE ACT. In December 2008 members of the SEIU, which donated millions of dollars to the Obama campaign, demonstrated in support of the FOCA, a virulent anti-Catholic and anti-life piece of legislation.

At that time the SEIU filed an amicus brief with the Ohio Supreme Court defending ACORN against voter fraud prosecution. SEIU is not affiliated in any formal way with ACORN, nevertheless they provided valuable legal reinforcement. Interestingly, The SEIU and ACORN were both started by Wade Roethke, founder of 60’s radical group SDS. SDS was the parent group of the murderous Weather Underground...

Bill Ayers, Chicago-based political mentor of Barack Obama, was a well-known member of the Weather underground and SDS. Today Roethke’s ACORN is funded partly through the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. {THIS HAS CEASED. GHK} …

The bottom line – CACG maintains a CATHOLIC VENEER because this subterfuge helps it to achieve it objectives. In reality though, CAGC is nothing more THAN A TROJAN HORSE with a Catholic veneer and a body full of left wing political activists and dissenting Catholics. Their sole purpose is to advance a political agenda that is inimical to the average man-in-the-street and diametrically opposed to many of the Church’s most fundamental moral teachings.

George H. Kubeck – CACG is a front organization for the CINOP in the political arena.

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