Thursday, October 22, 2009

Obama's Fatal Mistake and Achilles Heel - 1

Obama’s Fatal Mistake and Achilles Heel – 1
In pursuit of the truth – – Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ref. White House communications director Anita Dunn said Fox News operates “almost as either the research arm or the communication arm of the Republican Party.” {That is an outright lie, but it will be a relative truth for the White House.}

On CNN Sunday, Rahm Emmanuel, President Barack Obama’s chief of staff, said, “It is not a news organization so much as a perspective.” The other member of the “TROIKA” presidency David Axelrod, appearing on ABC’s “This Week,” said Fox News shouldn’t be treated as a news organization. “And the bigger thing is that other news organizations, like yours, ought not to treat them that way, and we’re not going to treat them that way.” he said.

Having lived through World War II and the Cold War with Russia, what we have here is a PRAVDA and GOEBBLES situation. The first was the newspaper mouthpiece for Stalin and the Communist party and the second was for HITLER and the Nazi party. Whom the Gods wish to destroy; they first make power hungry and mad. I want to live in the reality of the world and not in the TWILIGHT ZONE OF POLITICAL CORRECTNESS.

In the old days, journalist reported the news, gave us the facts and we made up our minds. With the passing death of journalism, all Americans have a serious problem. Whom do you believe? Should we listen to BIG BROTHER?

Who is this big brother? This White House comes from Chicago. They are implementing Chicago politics for the whole nation. It may be normal for Chicago; but let’s puck it out for the nation. I have written about this matter before. Any point of view to the right of centre is abnormal in Chicago. So if you are an independent, republican or libertarian, this is not your home. In Chicago, it is considered normal to have a Jeremiah Wright and his church, a Bill Ayers’ social justice fake hogwash, and pay as you enter politics situation. {Stimulus package.}

President Obama had been deeply embarrassed with the ACORN scandal, the CZARS surrounding him in Washington and his lower approval standing. He is supposed to be President of all the U.S.A. Stay away from the mindset of Chicago.

There is hope for traditional America. BIG BROTHER cannot stamp out common sense, reason and truth. I feel exhilarated with this stupid, arrogant and obnoxious decision. Obama is an education for America. Remember Obama made it possible for the first time and even today that we are a pro-life nation.

I understand the White House enemy list includes the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and talk show hosts Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. Many of you can’t tune in to Fox News. How about trying Rush, he is on the same time on Mondays to Fridays as Dennis Prager – {KLAC 870- 9 A.M. to noon} and {Rush – KFI – 640.} It will be a real education for you by moving from one to the other.

By the way, I am waiting for the ACLU to come out and criticize the White House for what they have done. I may wait for a long time because Bill O’Reilly has identified the ACLU as the most dangerous organization in America.
George H. Kubeck

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