Friday, January 21, 2011

George F. Will on the Role of the 112th Congress*

George F. Will on the Role of the 112th Congress*
In pursuit of the truth – – Friday, January 21, 2011

“The 112th Congress must begin the process of restoring the national regime and civic culture the founders bequeath. This will require reviving the rule of law, reasserting the relevance of the Constitution, and affirming the reality of American exceptionalism...

“The eclipse of Congress by the executive branch and other agencies is Congress’ fault. It is the result of lazy legislating and lax oversight. Too many “laws’ actually are little more than pious sentiments endorsing social goals- environmental, educational, etc. – the meanings of which are later defined by executive branch rule-making…

“Conservative senators passing through the Capitol reception room should ponder the portrait of Ohio’s Robert Taft (d. 1953) who was conservativism when it stressed congressional supremacy. America was born in recoil against an overbearing executive’s “repeated injuries and usurpations” (Declaration of Independence); modern conservatism was born in reaction against executive aggrandizement, first by Franklin Roosevelt, and then by his acolyte Lyndon Johnson…

“Today, conservatives should curl up with a good book by a founding editor of National Review – James Burnham’s “Congress and the American Tradition”… The idea of American exceptionalism is obnoxious to progressives, who, evidently unaware of the idea’s long pedigree (it traces to Alexis de Tocqueville) and the rich scholarship concerning the idea, assume it is a crude strain of patriotism. America, Tocqueville said, is unique because it was born – free of a feudal past, free from an entrenched aristocracy and established religion.

“The American Revolution was political, not a social revolution; it was about emancipating individuals for the pursuit of happiness, not about the state allocating wealth and opportunity… Americans are exceptionally committed to limited government because they are exceptionally confident of social mobility through personal striving…

“Two years into Barack Obama’s presidency, we now know what he meant about “hope” and “change” – he and other progressives hope to change our national character. [Personally, I find this absolutely disgusting.] Three weeks into his presidency, Newsweek, unhinged by adoration of him, and allowing its wishes to father its thoughts, announced that “we are all socialists now” and that America “is moving toward a modern European state.” The electorate emphatically disagreed created the 112th Congress, with its exceptionally important agenda.”

George H. Kubeck *A classic analysis in the Opinion Column, Orange County Register, Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2011

P.S. I recall the cold war with Russia and we had these useful idiots among us. They were the members of the front organizations for Communist Russia. They were pushing any destructive idea which would undermine our country. (Like unilateral disarmament)

Today we have Newsweek magazine spouting off socialist Pravda propaganda. They are financed by the aristocracy of filthy rich progressives. One bought Newsweek with 15 million dollars in debt. Now he is offering readers a yearly subscription of $20. It would be wise also to check out the financial status of the New York Times. “AS FOR PRESIDENT OBAMA – DO YOU TRUST HIM?”

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