Sunday, January 9, 2011

President Obama's Foreign Policy on Abortion!

President Obama’s Foreign Policy on Abortion

Congressman Chris Smith interviewed – – Sun. Jan. 9th, 2011

You decide after the interview by “The Catholic World Report” January, 2011 by Daniel Allott

“Congressman Chris Smith age 57 has served New Jersey’s 4th Congressional District since 1981. Smith, a Republican is a champion of pro-life causes as well as human rights and religious freedom abroad… and what can we expect from the new Congress…

1. How would you rate the job the Obama administration has done defending human rights and religious freedom abroad?

Smith: - An F. He simply hasn’t made human rights a priority. I think it is a tragedy. [Secretary of State] Hillary Clinton stated publicly that she won’t let human rights “interfere” with our relationship with China a serious retreat and surrender for the U.S. Instead Obama and Clinton are promoting abortion and gay rights agenda. That’s our new foreign policy…

2. Can you talk about what happened recently in Kenya – about the Obama’s administrations involvement in supporting passage of the country’s new constitution, which includes language that liberalizes abortion law?

Smith: - Kenya’s a microcosm of what Obama and Clinton are doing everywhere in the world – in Asia, in Nigeria, Ghana, Bosnia, all over the world, including and especially in countries that are writing new constitutions.
America comes in using its enormous influence and linkage to foreign aid and uses paid mercenaries – pro-abortion organizations, all with one message: legalize and provide unlimited access to abortion. The U.S. tells foreign sovereign nations to put abortion in their constitution and in their national health strategies. And that’s what Obama did in Kenya. The Obama administration just spent 61.5 million subsidizing more than 80 organizations, including the Kenyan Federation of Women Lawyers, to ensure that the right to abortion was included in their new constitution. We paid for the whole bill! The Whole Bill…

3. Where can progress be made on abortion in the new Congress? Can Planned Parenthood be defunded? How about repealing taxpayer funding of abortion in the new health care law?

Smith: to that end I’ve introduced- along with 185 co-sponsors – the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act…Today Obamacare authorizes of abortion…

4. What are the prospects of repealing Obamcare? Especially since the President would probably veto any repeal legislation, not to mention that it wouldn’t pass in the Senate?

Smith: - That’s very true. To completely repeal it we need a new, pro-life president. And there will be a huge push in 2112…

George H. Kubeck on today’s Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Chris Smith’s message is a horrendous shame for our country. Pray for President Obama and the CINO politicians and persons who support him.

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