Saturday, January 8, 2011

It's No to Pro-Gay Agenda Conservatives!

It’s No to Pro-Gay Agenda Conservatives

By Terence P. Jeffrey – – Saturday, January 8, 2011

“… By definition, conservatives are against the gay agenda because the gay agenda ultimately seeks to overturn the moral order that makes freedom possible. Fidelity to the natural laws of the land is at the very core at what conservatives seek to conserve.

“This past week a group led by Chris Barron, the chairman of a group called GOProud – which says on its website it “represents gay conservatives and their allies” – sent a letter to House Speaker to-be John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Senate Minority Leader Mich McConnell (R. Ky.) in which the writers professed to speak on behalf of conservatives in warning the Republican leaders not to take up social issues in the coming Congress.

“Barron was joined in the letter by GOProud’s executive director and by a number of people associated with local tea party organization. [Their names should be made public.]

“On behalf of limited government conservatives everywhere we write to urge you and your colleagues in Washington to put forward a legislative agenda in the next Congress that reflects the principles of the tea party movement,” wrote Barron and his allies.

“This election was not a mandate for the Republican Party, nor was it mandate to act on any social issue, nor should it be interpreted as a political blank check,” he wrote.

“First, “limited government conservative is redundant. To be conservative is to be for limited government – precisely because as the Declaration of Independence makes clear, the purpose of government is to protect (not infringe) our God given rights, including the right to life.

“Secondly, most of the new Republicans elected to Congress on Nov. 2 told voters they were pro-life and pro-marriage. What GOProud and its allies are saying to these new Congressmen is that when they get to Washington, D.C. they should not act on the principles they told voters they stood for when they ran for office.

“Thirdly, at the same time GOProud is warning the Republican leadership it has no “mandate to act on any social issue” in the next Congress, it is calling on Republicans in the Senate to act on a social issue central GOProud’s own agenda – in the lame duck session of the Democratic majority that will take place before a single tea-party –backed elected on November 2 can come to Washington and take office.

“A November 11 “GoProud”* press release called for the lame-duck Congress to repeal the ban on homosexuals in the military…” [Sadly, several Republican Senators succumbed temporarily.]

George H. Kubeck *“GOProud” wants to change the definition of conservative like they are trying to do for marriage. The mainstream N.Y. Times’ Pravda propaganda machine is one of their sponsors.

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