Thursday, January 27, 2011

The President's Address to the Nation*

The President’s Address to the Nation *
In pursuit of the truth – – Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sadly, and in several ways the talk was meaningless to this pro-life and tea party activist. First of all, let’s thank President Obama for at least one positive change since he came to office in 2008. We are now definitely a right of center and pro-life nation. We are divided with 40% conservative, 20% liberal, and 40% independent or undecided. However, communication power rests with the 20%.

I wonder if President Obama took a peek on EWTN (Television) on Monday at the March for Life rallies in Washington, D.C. or the one in San Francisco on Saturday. Many young folks were there.

The President has created by his radical policies among ordinary folks a reasonable mindset of common sense, natural law, truth and the Constitution. President Obama must realize that the truth is the most powerful weapon for all Americans. Is this truth or politically correct truth? The challenge we have is this double standard politically correct news media and their agendas, past and present. They did not report the rallies in San Francisco and Washington, D.C. Why put us in the Twilight Zone?

For PC News, pro-life activity is not newsworthy and is to be ignored. In fact, that’s in their template. There exists only advocacy journalism for the culture of death agenda in America. That is dishonest and not fair. It is not journalism! Are pro-lifers or tea party members second-class citizens?

What do I mean by the culture of death agenda? 1) Their sincere belief in abortion on demand. 2) Same-Sex Marriage, Repeal of DADT and promote the Gay Agenda: 3) Embryonic Stem-Cell Research: 4) Removing the conscience clause from health care workers. Also it is wrong that tea party supporters in the public arena are fair game to be attacked and smeared. We salute these smeared persons and give them a badge of honor. This pc news media is really insulting you and me.

The President is lucky. He fits into the PC Agenda and they are rooting for him. This PC news media reminds me of Pravda in Russia during the Cold War. Most Russians did not believe in the commie line propaganda of truth from Pravda. The same is happening in America with PC Journalism. Fortunately, there exists honest journalism that competes with them.

The President wants to change and transform America so that we become like Europeans. He needs to check on Google “Prager University” video on The American Trinity. Also, he is seriously handicapped coming from Chicago where there is a collapse of Catholic identity and values. Can you imagine Rahm Emmanuel elected mayor? Our President’s association with Catholic-in-name-only politicians [CINOP] like Daley and Durbin has screwed up his mind.

Bill O’Reilly from Fox News is going to interview the President. Here are some questions. What are your core American values? Which one of the Founding Fathers is closest to your thinking? In what areas do you disagree with Founding Father Alexander Hamilton?

George H. Kubeck *when President Obama spoke to Congress there is a sign embedded above him on the wall which the politically correct media never shows for Presidents: It reads – “In God We Trust.”

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