Sunday, September 11, 2011

Bishop Fulton Sheen - The Virgin Mary - Communism

Bishop Fulton Sheen – The Virgin Mary – Communism

In pursuit of the truth – – 10th Anniversary of 9/11 -Sunday, Sep. 11, 2011

Preface: Again thanks to William A. Borst, PH.D, ( ) for the August, 2011, Cardinal Mindszenty Report titled, The Gramsci Stratagem – “The Blessed Mother and the Feminist Attack on Women.” The following are excerpts of this report:

“As an adult Sheen extended his compassion, thanks to his relationship with the Blessed Mother, to those suffering under Communist yoke. In Gaelic Fulton means war and Sheen means peace, a Toltoyan oxymoron that had to be inspired by the Lord of History.

“Because of Marxism the world is obsessed with the love of the body and in denial of the spirit. This is at the essence of the culture war. One side seeks the constant pleasure of an artificial earthly paradise while the other yearns for eternal life with God.

“A Godless Cross: Sheen dedicated his life to the defeat of Soviet Communism and its hold on America. Because of his devotion to Mary, Sheen made ten visits to Our Lady’s shrine in Fatima. Of Mary’s many apparitions, Fatima had the most significance… the importance of Fatima centered on its message. Sheen saw four things in Fatima. First, he came to realize that Communism was an evil that was trying to conquer the world and destroy the Catholic Church. This warning has taken on a more ominous tone during the tenure of the more subtle disruptions of the Marxist culture war.

“Secondly, Sheen believed in the Blessed Mother’s ability to combat the evils of the world…

“Thirdly, Sheen believed that Our Lady called for constant conversion from the world to Christ. For him, the West had Christ, but without the cross, it lacked the necessary discipline, self-denial, and mortification. He called this Western conception a soft, effeminate Christ Who cannot save us! In contrast, the Communist world had the godless cross of oppression, persecution, and suffering.

“Fourthly, At Fatima the Blessed Virgin spoke about the battle being waged in these perilous times, ravaged by wars, economic hardships and worst of all, a malaise of religious faith. The worst death is that of a soul who loses faith, isolating himself from the healing power of God’s love. Bishop Sheen also saw in Fatima a hope for the Muslim people. He regarded Fatima as, not just an invitation for the conversion of Russia, but also the Muslim world as well. Fatima then also speaks to another aspect of the culture war with Islam that disguises itself as the war on terror.

“Bishop Sheen recognized the importance of the Rosary in the Fatima message. The Blessed Mother asked in each of her appearances: Pray the Rosary every day! She also stressed the power of the Rosary. The Rosary can end wars! The Rosary can bring peace! …

the Rosary has been credited with overwhelming European victory over the Muslims’ fleet at the Battle of Lepanto on Oct. 7, 1571. This date is now celebrated as the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary…. Sheen prayed the Rosary daily… “

George H. Kubeck – Pray for Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis that she will make a decision pleasing to God.


1 comment:

Emmanuel Kamugisha said...

It's really great to know this!... Congrats for your efforts!