Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The CINOP's Pathetic Excuses!

The CINOP’S Pathetic Excuses!
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Where do we start? Let’s start with the indirect and direct supporters of the CINOP; the Catholic religious magazines, The National Catholic Reporter, Commonweal and America. Also read Matthew 23: 1-39. [Thanks to an old copy of America Needs Fatima, www.tfp.com , June 16, 2004 as follows:]

• That in rebelling against Church teaching on abortion and homosexuality they are following the dictates of conscience. However, conscience is not the source of morality. The objective norm of morality is God’s law known to us through our rational nature (natural law) and by divine revelation (divine positive law). Therefore, although our conscience perceives the natural moral law and makes it present to us in order to guide our action, it does not create this law…

• That proclaiming Church teaching is imprudent and divisive. However what divides is not the truth but our position in face of it… [Let’s stop and get along with SB.48. - Never!]

• That strict fidelity to Church discipline will lead to increased bigotry and persecution against the Church… [We are not supporters of the “spirit of the world.” We are proclaiming VERITAS.]

• That denying Holy Communion to ostensibly pro-abortion and pro-homosexual Catholics will drive them from the Church… [Anybody can run for office and call themselves Catholic. We don’t need these phonies and frauds who besmirch our Catholic Faith in the public arena. We have standards with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the writings of Blessed Pope John II and Pope Benedict XVI. Ordinary Catholic laity gets this message. Catholic bishops need to proclaim this.]

• That denying Holy Communion to government officials who systematically vote in favor of abortion and homosexuality is to “politicize” the Eucharist and turn the Blessed Sacrament into a weapon… [It is the CINOP that is politicizing Communion. He should be ashamed of himself.]

• That it unfair to deny to deny Holy Communion to Catholics in favor of abortion and homosexuality, and not to Catholics in favor of the death penalty or the war on terror. HOWEVER, THIS IS NOT A VALID COMPARISON. THE CHURCH HAS ALWAYS AND EVERYWHERE TAUGHT THAT ABORTION, HOMOSEXUALITY AND EUTHANISIA ARE INTRINICALLY EVIL. IT DOES NOT TEACH THE SAME REGARDING THE DEATH PENALTY OR JUST WAR…

• [It would be wise to offer a course in each parish between prudential issues and those that are absolutely and intrinsically evil. It is a needed education for Catholic voters. I recall a California State Assembly lady from Eureka sponsoring an Assisted –Suicide Bill in California. But she was such a wonderful person in tune with Catholic social justice issues. The bottom line on election-day, we don’t vote for her.]

• [A CINOP who promotes and is with a political party that promotes partial-birth abortions, the gay agenda including same-sex marriage and Embryonic Stem-cell Research monies is in my mind the equivalent of a culture of death supporter of fornication, adultery and pornography.]

• [We must work for the crushing defeat of the CINOP in the 2012 election campaign throughout the country. We do this in spite of the billion dollar Obama campaign money on the CINOP’s side.]


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