Monday, September 19, 2011

President Obama in the Twilight Zone

President Obama in the Twilight Zone*
In pursuit of the truth – – Monday, September 19, 2011

*We close with Mark Steyn’s article in OC Register, Sept. 18, 2011 … But not to worry on Thursday night, the president told a Democratic fundraiser in Washington that the “Pass My Jobs Bill” would create 1.9 million new jobs. What kind of jobs is created by this kind of magical thinking? Well, they’re “green jobs” – and, if we know anything about “green jobs” is that they take a lot of green.

…German taxpayers subsidize “green jobs” in their wind-power industry to the tune of a quarter of a million dollars per worker per year: $250,000 per green job would pay for a lot of real jobs, even in the European Union. Last year, it was revealed that the Spanish government paid $800,000 for every “green job” on a solar panel assembly line. I had assumed that this must be a world record in terms of tax payer subsidy per fraudulent “green job.”…

The Obama administration’s $38.6 billion “clean technology” program was supposed to “create or save” 65,000 jobs. Half the money has been spent – 17.2 billion – and we have 3,545 jobs to show for it. That works out to an impressive $4,851,904.09 per “green job.” A world record! Take that, you loser Spaniards! USA! USA!
So, based on previous form, Obama’s prediction of 1.9 million new jobs will result in the creation of 92,00 new jobs, mostly in the Federal Department of Green Jobs Grant Applications.

Just to put it in perspective, the breezy $447 billion price tag for the “Pass My Jobs Bill jobs bill is about 20 times higher than the most recent Greek government deficit currently threatening the stability of the entire Eurozone. Indeed, Greece projected 2011 deficit - $24 Billion at last count – is a little more than half of just one of Obama’s boutique, niche “green jobs” programs. As Churchill almost said, never in the field of human con tricks has so much been owed by so many to so little effect…

But back on the campaign trail the chanting goes on, last week’s election results in Nevada and New York withstanding. America has the lowest employment since the early Eighties, the lowest property ownership since the Mid-Sixties, the highest deficit-to-GDP ratio since the Second World War, the worst long-term unemployment since the Great Depression, the highest government dependency rate at all time, [ 45 million on food stamps] and the highest debt mountain in the history of the planet...

In my new book, I point out that Big Government leaves everything else smaller – and, when it’s bigger than anything ever attempted, the everything else is going to be way smaller. .. Look at your home, look at your savings, and figure out what’ll be left after another four years of “stimulus.”

“I love you!” squeals the Obammybopper in North Carolina. “I love you, too” says Obama. “But …” But: You gotta take this half-trillion dollar bill, and the next one, and the one after that. Like Al Gore says in “Love Story,” love means never having to say you’re sorry.

George H. Kubeck, Don’t forget the other fraud, Censor the CINOP: End the Fraud and Catholic Label. Pray that journalists in Catholic magazines will at last focus in on Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, Governors Jerry Brown and Andrew Cuomo for supporting same-sex marriage, besides abortion throughout the country.

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