Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mark Steyn's Obama Jobs Bill Twilight Zone*

Mark Steyn’s OBAMA JOBS BILL Twilight Zone*
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.come – Sunday, September 18, 2011

The president has taken to the campaign trail to promote his American Jobs Act. That’s a good name for: an act. “Pass this bill now!” he declared 24 times at a stop in Raleigh, N.C., and 18 times in Columbus, Ohio, and the act is sufficiently effective that, three years in to the Vapidity of Hope, the President can still find crowds to chant along with him: “Pass this bill now!”

Not all supporters are content merely to sing along with the prompter-in-chief. In North Carolina, a still devoted hopeychanger cried out, “I love you!”

“I love you, too,” said the president. “But …” Oh, here it comes, you’ve got to help me pass this bill!” You’d be surprised how effective this line is: I tried it on Darlene in the back of my Ford Edsel when I was 17, and we didn’t get home till two in the morning.

Pass this bill now, of I’ll say “Pass this bill now!” another dozen times! With this latest inspiration, Obama has taken the post-modern phase of democratic politics to a whole new level. “Pass this jobs bill”? Simply as a matter of humdrum reality, there is no bill, it won’t create any jobs, and it will be paid for with money we don’t have.

But the smartest president in history has calculated that, if he says the same four monosyllable over and over, a non-existent bill to create non-existent jobs with non-existent money will be another legislative triumph in the grand tradition of his first stimulus (the original Dumb And Dumber to the sequel’s Stimulus And Stimulusser).

The estimated cost of the non-bill is just shy of half a trillion dollars. Gosh, it seems like only yesterday that Washington was in the grip of a white knuckle, clenched teeth showdown over whether a debt ceiling deal could be reached before the alleged looming deadline. When the deal was triumphantly unveiled at the 11th hour, it was revealed that our sober, prudent, fiscally responsible masters had gotten control of the runaway spending had had carved (according to the most optimistic analysis) a whole 7 billion of savings out of the 2012 budget. The president then airily breezes into Congress and in 20 minutes adds another $447 billion to the tab.

That’s what meaningful course correction in Washington boils down to: seven billion steps forward, 447 billion steps back. This $447 billion does not exist, and even foreigners don’t want to lend it to us. A majority of it will be “electronically created” by the Federal Reserve U.S. Treasury debt. Don’t worry; it’s not like “printing money”: we leave that to primitive basket-cases like Zimbabwe. This is more of those Nigerian email schemes which a prominent public official promises you a large sum of money in return for your bank account details.

In the case of Ben Bernanke and Timothy Gethner, one prominent public official is promising to wire a large sum of money into the account of another prominent official, which is a wrinkle even the Nigerians might have difficulty selling….

George H. Kubeck, *we have a Pied Piper playing Monopoly with our money! This article is from the Orange County Register, Sunday, Sept. 18, 2011 / Commentary

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