Saturday, June 30, 2007

Report Card on the "Orange County Register"

Dear Editor, Orange County Register, Sun. Sept.26th/06

I believe a newspaper should be fair, balanced, informative and pursuing the whole truth. Your motto is: “Give the customers what they want.”
On the other hand, a politically correct newspaper does the opposite. The N.Y. Times, the L.A. Times, and the Boston Globe are examples of politically correct and secular agenda driven newspapers. What has happened to CBS Television News will eventually happen to print news reporting. There is a market out there. The investors are waiting. Integrity is a most valued commodity.
As a paid up whole year subscriber to your paper, may I share with you several of my concerns. Your newspaper is walking on thin ice when you report any news item that has not the truth as its foundation. Also, when you suppress significant news on any local, national and international scale. Let me give you two examples. I have talked to Register Ed: Ken Brusic 714-796-2226 twice in the past 1½ months on the following two topics.

1) I object to any news story on the front page from any writer of the N.Y Times. You must first identify this newspaper as agenda driven, indirectly promoting in its slant one of the presidential candidates and political parties. Like the L.A. Times, this newspaper is unreliable as a source of accurate information.

2) The keynote speech by Senator Zell Miller at the Republican convention was suppressed by your newspaper. What Zell had to say would have been of interest to many registered democrats and independents in Orange County. You report the news accurately and we will decide. Most readers didn’t read your editorial comments on this matter. Except for issues like legalizing some drugs, your editorials make a lot of common sense, a rare commodity.

3) The historic speech by President Bush to the U.N. was strangled in my view.
Your readers need to be informed of Mr. Evan Thomas of Newsweek. On the July 10 edition of Inside Washington, he said that the establishment media “want Kerry to win,” and that pro-Kerry/Edwards bias is worth as many as 15 percentage points (Aim Report, Aug. 2004). Also a recent N.Y. Times poll showed Beltway journalists as being for Senator Kerry by 12 to l. (Thomas Sowell, Sept. 17th, 2004)(A very unhealthy matter.)

We are in an election cycle. The national news media wants one of the two candidates elected. They are going to focus in on what’s going wrong in Iraq. All the bad things and let terrorists influence our election for the presidency of the United States.

“We want a series of products that reflect all of the community.” This is another motto of yours. Orange County is strongly pro-family, pro-marriage, and pro-life. Your newspaper is not covering these subscribers. Particularly, in this national election where the issues are so obvious. There is a culture war between traditional America and Secular America. Whose side are you on? On one side, we have a political party and candidates like Correa, Sanchez who are for Proposition 7l , embryonic stem cell research, same sex marriage, abortion on demand, blocking Catholics from the judiciary, and getting rid of “under God” in our pledge of allegiance.

What sticks in our throats is that these candidates along with the presidential candidate Kerry are CINO’S, Catholics in Name Only. Thoughts and feelings of shame, scandal and anger come to my mind.

Respectfully yours,
George H. Kubeck, Appropriate aso for today. Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Friday, June 29, 2007

The New York Times - Today

Saturday, Jan. 14, 2006
From The New Criterion: V. 24, Number 2, Notes & Comments, October, 2005:

“Martin Heidegger once said that the fundamental metaphysical question is “Why is there something rather than nothing?” While waiting for an answer to that query, we would like to offer for the consideration of our readers a less fundamental, but perhaps no less pressing, metaphysical question: “How is it that cultural coverage in The New York Times, which yesterday seemed as awful as it was possible to be, is today even worse?” This ever-fresh question deserves serious thought. How do they do it: each week a little more tawdry and demotic, more politically correct, less intellectually nimble and journalistically serious?

“Some of you may immediately object, pointing out that this prodigy of deterioration is by no means confined to the Times’s coverage of culture. We concede the point. After all, we are talking about a newspaper that actually employs Paul Krugman, Maureen Dowd, Frank Rich, and Bob Herbert, not as comic relief but as some of its star pundits. These are folks, infatuated by a combination of narcissism, ideology, and moral hysteria. And let’s not forget that cynosure of fatuousness, Arthur “Pinch” Sulzberger, the perpetually adolescent publisher of the Times, who sets the tone…. Remember the recent flap over demands that the Pulitzer Prize for Walter “Friend of Joe Stalin” Duranty be rescinded? The Times couldn’t give it back, Pinch said, because it didn’t actually have the award. …

“The truth is: deterioration at the Times is a rich subject, full of cautionary tales about how a great liberal institution can go rancid by making a caricature of its principles and adulterating its work. When a great newspaper’s front page is indistinguishable from its editorial page, and its editorial page is indistinguishable from a transcript of a Democratic Party rally, journalistic decay is a certainty. But if what’s happened to the Times’s news reporting and opinion page is an outrage – think only of the repulsive way in which the paper attempted to generate anti-Bush capital from the Katrina disaster – its coverage of culture is somehow more depressing than infuriating. Here, too, one finds the triumph of ideology over principle and an unseemly race to the lowest common denominator….An entire dissertation might be written about what has happened ….

“Times Book Review: In many respects, it is Exhibit “A” in the metaphysical sweepstakes under discussion. It was already as bad as it could get when a new editor came along – treating readers to, inter alia, full length reviews of tell-all books by famous porn stars, garish redesign, and a steady diet of politically correct sermons about the world of ideas – somehow made it worse. Our favorite recent example was the preposterous essay by Jim Sleeper, a lecturer in political science at Yale, which attempted to rehabilitate Allan Bloom and The Closing of the American Mind for the Left. The basic argument was that Bloom’s book was not the simple-minded prescriptive book it has often been taken to be (taken to be by the Left, that is, though Mr. Sleeper left out that bit). Ergo (note the logic), it cannot be something that could give aid and comfort to conservatives who, as everyone knows, are simple-minded, prescriptive ideologues. It would have been funny if it hadn’t been in earnest. But of course it was in earnest….”
In today’s Orange County Register, I saw two news items from the Times....

George H. Kubeck, Appropriate for today. Duplicate and translate into Spanish.
Like the CINOP, the New York Times is at war with traditional America. Verify, boycott and let the advertisers know.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

A Personal Letter to a CINOP

Thursday, June 28th, 2007
Greetings and Salutations!

You have been on my mind for many years. We are on a different wave length but please check me out because it is a life and death matter not only for your soul but for the direction of our country. CINOP stands for Catholic-in-name-only-Politician.

I sincerely believe that those closest to you, your family and friends who are practicing Catholics need to pray more for you and persuade you to change your ways. At issue is your position on abortion, assisted-suicide, euthanasia, same-sex marriage and embryonic stem cell research. You are walking blindly and stubbornly into hell and destroying the great traditions of our country and facing certain political disgrace.

This letter is a political letter. Any religious terminology is coincidental to the rule and standards of Natural Law, Common Sense, and the Writings of our Founding Fathers particularly Alexander Hamilton. You, dear CINOP are promoting a Culture of Death in America. Do you realize the consequences of this most serious charge? The term was coined by Pope John Paul II. Also, I hate a raw deal. I believe you are prostituting the values of your constituents particularly Americans of Latin descent for personal gain, false honor and prestige. You can’t do violence to Mother Nature.

Natural Law is God-given within your heart and mind. You can’t fool God but you have been able to fool many of the voters around you. Now if you change your religious denomination in the public arena to Unitarian the charge of being a fraudulent, lying and phony politician would be inappropriate.

Our side is in a relentless information race to get to the voters in your district and tell them what you stand for. Between now and 2008 it is going to be the toughest race of our lives because it is about the direction of our country. We are not going to get any help from the Secular Progressive Media who love and promote you. We are counting on the pro-life, marriage and family movements to transmit the message via e-mail comparable to what talk radio is doing.

Two tragic historical events have occurred within the last 10 days: The CINOP Assisted Suicide Bill in the California State Assembly which has been shelved till next year. And in Massachusetts, the CINOP blocked the vote of 170,000 citizens to have on the ballot in 2008, an amendment that marriage is between a man and a woman. (What arrogance and outrageous gall on your part!)

The above two evil CINOP deeds have already unleashed a mantra: The CINOP IS AT WAR WITH TRADITIONAL AMERICA AND MUST BE DEFEATED IN 2008.

The good news is that there will be informational blogs about CINOP on the internet. Check this one out: CINOPS BE GONE or Dedicated to the exposure and removal of Catholic-in-name-only-Politicians. St. Thomas More is our model and patron. “Be not afraid. Convert back to pro-life.”
Prayerfully yours,
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The War against Children and Families # 2 of 2

Oct. 16, 2005

In a short interview, following his powerful talk to the National Religious Broadcasting Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, Feb. 16th, 2002, Dr. James Dobson had this to say, “Unless we step in to defend our children and the families that produce them, everything that we care about will be lost including the opportunity to transmit our faith with the next generation.” Let’s listen to a several more startling excerpts.

“So they are teaching them that bisexuality is normal and homosexuality and heterosexuality are morally equivalent and they are teaching them many more other concepts. They are bringing Gays and Lesbians into the school to teach them what a normal thing this is and answer their questions. Of course, Christians can’t come in and counter that, that’s California. That is every school in California. Where in the world are the parents that are holding still for that? ... By the way 42% of 4th Grade boys in the entire country can’t read and yet we are going to teach them that.

“On Feb. 4, 2002, the American Academy of Pediatrics announced that Gay and Lesbian parents so called can raise and do raise children as effectively as stable marriages where husbands and wives are committed to each other. They had no data to back that up and stated that in the report that it is impossible to study this. What’s going on here? Pediatricians are conservative people….

“Feb. 14th, Secretary Colin Powell was on MTV and broadcast internationally and recommended that kids use condoms quote ‘Forget about taboos. Forget about conservative ideas. … It’s the lives of young people that are put at risk by unsafe sex and therefore protect yourself.’ What he didn’t tell them is that the Center for Disease Control, an arm of the Federal Government issued a report last year that the Press wouldn’t report on, that said condoms do not protect against syphilis … herpes and most of the other sexuality diseases….

“There is an almost total disregard for the value of human life in some post modern circles. Dr. Peter Singer is a bio-ethicist, of all things, at Princeton University. He is a tenured professor. Let me read you what he wrote. ‘Very often it is not wrong at all to kill a child once it has left the womb.’ He said, and watch the words now, ‘simply killing an infant is never equivalent to killing a person.’ That is a bio-ethicist … was granted tenure after he made these statements….

“You may remember Barbara Boxer, Senator from California on the floor of the Senate in debating partial-birth abortion said, ‘That a baby is not a baby until that child is taken home from the hospital.’ In other words, you can kill that baby in the hospital before it is time to take the baby home. This is where we are headed …
“It’s tough. It is hard speaking against the tide of public opinion, the media, the entertainment industry, the congress, the libraries, the professions, all of those forces that are making fun of us. You’re right. They are calling us religious right, and far right and religious extremists and it hurts. I can tell you at Focus on the Family, we had bloody animal part brought to the front door and had our building spray painted and that’s not fun. The easiest thing to do is to quit. But God has called us to stay in the field and we will do that as long as we have breadth in our bodies and I know those of you who are here will do the same.” All of this is a badge of honor for Focus on the Family!
Respectfully yours,
George H. Kubeck, Appropriate for today. Duplicate and translate into Spanish.
P.S. Whose side is the CINOP on?

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The War against Children and Families # 1 of 2

It is a most profound historical message. Over the years, I have listened to this cassette tape about 20 times. It is a “Focus on the Family” tape, NRB 2002, “Engaging the Culture.” It needs to be reissued. Dr. James Dobson, author and psychologist spoke to the National Religious Broadcasting Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, Feb. 16th, 2002. There were about 3500 persons in the audience. Here are a few excerpts.

“The world into which children are born now has become a very dangerous place. It’s changed tremendously. When you and I were kids … the culture reinforced positive values, attempted to help parents raise those kids properly, and now the culture is at war with parents and it is very, very difficult to get these kids through the minefield of adolescence without making major concerns.

“There is an attack on childhood. There are many people out there and I don’t want to overstate this, there are many people out there who see in children an opportunity to change the culture and they hate for the most part the Judeo-Christian value system and children are the vulnerable ones. And if they can get control of children, they can influence children and they can change the whole culture in one generation….

“It is breath-taking to what is taking place. I hope you are seeing it. I sit there in my desk in Colorado Springs, hear it very day and I wonder if anybody else is hearing it…. The children are ones who are at risk and boys especially are in the bull’s eye …Tell you what I want to do. Let’s talk about February. (2002) Let’s go back to Feb. 1st, two weeks and two days ago. I said this is coming like a tidal wave. What am I talking about?

“Well eight days ago, the N.E.A. (National Education Association) announced its policy that they are disseminating to school districts all over the country, that every child in every school and in every classroom in the nation should be taught homosexuality, what I would call propaganda.

“A child is in the public school for thirteen years and we are going to start in kindergarten. You’d think that wouldn’t happen and can’t happen. California’s legislature has already mandated that and as of Sept. (2002) when the kids come back to school this is what happened. Every classroom of every school of every year is being taught homosexual propaganda….

FDA (Food and Drug Administration) issued a statement saying that the morning after pill which allowed kids to have sex and then come and get medication the next day to eliminate any early pregnancy that might be there, and that ought to be distributed to kids without parental knowledge or approval. And two nights ago, 60 Women groups and Health groups endorsed that position of the FDA and wrote a citizen’s report that this is what ought to be the law of the land…. So it’s coming….”

In closing, things have gotten worse since 2002. However, on Nov. 8th, we can vote to protect children and teenagers and pass Proposition 73 the Parental Notification Initiative, and also reduce the N.E.A. financially by finally passing Proposition 75, Paycheck Protection Initiative. “You pay for your political and social agenda and I will pay for mine. But don’t force me as a public school teacher to pay for yours.”
Fraternally yours,
George H. Kubeck, St. Callistus I, Oct. 14th, 2005, Appropriate also for today, and in Spanish.
P.S. Proposition 73 and 75 failed in California.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Tough Love for Catholic Voters

Tuesday, October 26th, 2004 Also, Monday, June 25, 2007

Let’s start with Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver and his interview with the New York Times, Oct. 12th, and also written up in the National Catholic Register Oct. 24-30th, 2004. p. 1,13.
“ … how important should the abortion issue be in perspective of voting. That it’s foundational, it’s been foundational for the many years that have passed since Roe v. Wade became the law of the land. Archbishop Burke in St. Louis caught my attention again on Friday (Oct. 1). He issued a statement basically stating that it is a sin if you vote for a pro-choice politician….Let me say this! A lot of Catholic Democrats, whether they are clergy or laity, have used the “seamless garment” as an excuse to sideline the abortion issue, making one among many others. And, we can’t do that. The bishops, themselves, issued a statement several years ago, called “Living the Gospel of Life” which was a reflection on the centrality of the abortion and life issues for our public life. You know the fact that Catholics have been overwhelmingly Democrat and have had no impact on the Democratic platform on this matter for the last 20 years is horrible. What does that say about our commitment to Catholic values? … You know, I think we’ve been hoping that some kind of reasoned discourse would turn our country around and it hasn’t because the other side doesn’t reason. They are ruthless … in their position. It seems that Catholics should be just as ruthless in their pro-life positions as the pro-choice people are ruthless in theirs. And I use “ruthless” … that word …I don’t mean that in an unkindly way. I mean just be determined and stubborn … persistent. … So, it’s not like we’re with Republicans, it’s that they’re with us.” p. 13

Let us continue with a personal note. As John F. Kennedy once said, “The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all.” The Catholic vote in the last three presidential elections drove pro-lifers up the wall. In the year 2000, Catholics voted for Gore 49% to Bush 47%.
Will it be any different this time? An early August Gallup poll showed Kerry ahead of Bush among Catholics overall, 51 to 45 percent. Political writer Michael Barone’s dictum “Americans increasingly vote as they pray – or don’t pray” applies to Catholics as to any other group. Thanks to the Protestant vote, Bush got elected in 2000. It was Bush 58%, Gore 40%. It was a miracle that pro-life won. Why? Pro-life is like an orphan within most Catholic parishes throughout the country.

In California, the Catholic Church is in a quandary. We have 13 Catholic Congress Representatives who are partial-birth abortion supporters. (Loretta Sanchez is one of them) In 1998, Senator Barbara Boxer was elected with the Catholic vote 54%. Her opponent Fong got the Protestant vote with 56%. Our Catholic governor supports Prop. 71. (Embryonic Stem Cell Research)

All of this is a most serious scandal. It is obvious that Catholic politicians are not grounded in their faith, compromise and make fools of Catholic voters. A religious revival focusing on the Daily Rosary and Eucharistic Adoration is the way out. Political common sense will surface for all by studying the thoughts of the other brave bishops, Gracida, Wenski, Sheridan, and Myers.
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Looking for Two Writers # 2 of 2

June 8, 2006
Random Thoughts and Tough Love
What’s going on here? Last year in June, the CINOP Liberals in the Canadian Parliament passed same-sex marriage laws. A few months later, CINOP Socialist in Spain passed similar laws. Yesterday, in the U.S. Senate CINOP (Catholic-in-Name-Only) Democrats and a couple CINOP and RINOP (Republican-in-Name-Politician) Republicans blocked a Constitutional measure to protect Traditional Marriage.
Were you able to watch closely the U.S. Senate debate on the Marriage Constitutional Amendment? The vote was 49-48. It was 11 short of 60 needed to hold an up or down vote by the full Senate. Here in alphabetical order are our 11 CINOPS who blocked the vote for traditional marriage. Chafee R, Collins R, Durbin D, Harkin D, Kennedy D, Kerry D, Landrieu D, Leahy D, Mikulski D, Murray D, Salazar D. Dodd, D, did not have the guts to vote and is listed as not voting.
Who gives you the right to be judgmental of us CINOPS and have a book written about us? Let me word it this way. In the public arena, there is a person who calls himself a Catholic and is promoting Pornography, Adultery and Fornication. This is the equivalent of what you are doing, the promotion of absolute evils, abortion, assisted suicide and same-sex marriage. This secret and silence is no more. Justice is truth in action. You can call it an expose of fraud and deceit. Stop living with lies!
Before we put the CINOP back on the couch, let us jot down several significant truths. 46 of 50 states have taken extra steps to define marriage as being between a man and woman. The U.S. Constitution will be amended. The only question is whether it will be amended by the courts or by the people through the ratification process. Bill Frist, the Republican Majority leader stated that for thousands of years marriage has been the union of a man and a woman and has been recognized as an essential cornerstone of society. Also in Massachusetts, second graders are being indoctrinated in gay marriage as equivalent to traditional marriage, and Catholic Charities can’t do adoptions anymore.
CINOP Durbin was pathetic with his focus on increase of minimum wage, good paying jobs and health care. Mark Dayton D, of Minnesota was particularly vicious in denouncing defenders of marriage and their arguments as “slime.” Notorious Kennedy D, said a vote for the amendment would be a “vote for bigotry, pure and simple.”
In the book titled, Fraud: False Catholic Witnesses in American Politics, 1970-2006, a lot of research has to go into the Catholic Teaching Orders and their influence on their students. The CINOP has deviated from his authentic catholic education or has never received one. Take for example, the Jesuit education today. Are the Jesuits of America loyal followers of their founder, Ignatius of Loyola and the Magisterium? As a Loyola college graduate of 1952, it seems to me that with today’s Catholic education, the Catholic Reformation of the 16th century would not have succeeded.
Let us focus in on Liberation Theology. The idea of working with communists (Sandinistas) to bring about social change in the Americas is idiocy. Thankfully, Pope John Paul II clarified this matter. However, this hogwash had a lot of influence on Catholic education in the past. It is also a small factor in the fact that thousands of Catholics are being converted to other Christian sects in the Americas daily. Enough said.

George H. Kubeck, Appropriate for today. Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Looking for Two Writers 1 of 2

Looking for Two Writers (# 1 of 2)
“Justice is Truth in action.” Disraeli
Either David Horowitz or Dennis Praeger can write this first historical book: Seven Decades of the Anti-War Movement in America, 1940-2000. Americans will better understand what is happening in the nation today with the anti-war, blame-America, and hate-America crowd. While the main focus will be on the homegrown American communists and their fellow travelers, you will note how their ideas have seeped into the culture.

For beginners, Whittaker Chambers’ book, Witness is best for the first two decades. We had quite a number of Americans-in-Name-only-Officials who like Alger Hiss and Dexter White were Communist spies for Stalin’s Russia. During the Cold War, there were numerous fellow travelers. Their first loyalty was not to America. They hated our traditions and the writings of the Founding Fathers. Their religion was Karl Marx, socialism and the new Communist man. The communists were masters of deceit.

How can you explain the following three anomalies? 1a) The existence of a Communist and Nazi type regime Castro’s Cuba off the coast of Florida. It is incredible and unbelievable! Are we blind to the Monroe Doctrine? What kind of thinking in America has prevented Castro’s removal? He is a cancer in the hemisphere. We had a chance during the Elian Gonzalez tragedy in 2000. It was a time to call for free elections in Cuba and pursue this matter resolutely. After all, Castro believed he would have won by a landslide.
2b) Tokyo, Oct. 21 (AP) – Premier Pham Van Dong (Communist) of North Vietnam has described American anti-war demonstrations as companions-in-arms. “The Vietnamese people thank their friends in America and wish them great success in their mounting movement.” Dong said. (Herald Examiner, L.A. Oct. 22, 1967)
2c) Washington (UPI) – House Republican Leader Gerald R. Ford said today the White House has a secret report showing that Communist organized the Oct. 21 peace march on the Pentagon…. He urged Johnson to make public the facts. He did not say what Clark’s arguments were, but he said other administration figures had said they feared release of the report would unload a wave of “McCarthyism.” “I think the people should be given the facts so they can judge for themselves the depth of the anti-Vietnam sentiment.” (Long Beach Press Telegram, Nov. 22, 1967)
Let us research the material for the second historical book going back to the 1970’s. I believe the most deadly enemy of our Catholic faith is the Catholic-in-Name-only-Politician in Congress and State Legislatures. There is a signed statement by 55 Catholic Democratic House members in February. The document asserted their right to disagree with Catholic teaching. That is fine on prudential matters. But we are dealing with the promotion of absolute evils by so-called Catholics. If you can’t trust a man with respect to his religion, how can you trust him with respect to his politics? It is false advertising! The CINOP is a deadly Trojan horse. Never vote for him! Bill Bennett or Bill Donohue! The unborn cry out for this documentary book: Fraud: False Catholic Witnesses in American Politics, 1970-2006).
Appendix # 12, to Report Card on Bill Press’s Book, How the Republic….. Christmas
George H. Kubeck, June 5, 2006. Appropriate also for today. Duplicate, and into Spanish.

Friday, June 22, 2007

The Mind and Heart of Pope Benedict XVI # 4 of 5

The Wisdom and Leadership of Pope Benedict XVI
Jan. 22, 2006
How the title of the pontiff’s book, Co-Workers of the Truth came to be? It was to be composed of various writings a kind of breviary of reflections for each day.

"The title finally chosen for this compilation also conveys my reason for undertaking it: I believe that a work of this kind can, in it own way, contribute to the fulfillment of the promise implicit in the motto from the third epistle of St. John. Verse 8, that I adopted for my coat of arms: “Co-Workers of the Truth” For John, these words signify the participation of all the faithful in the service of the Gospel and, by consequence, the “catholic” dimension of the Faith: the “elder”, as he designates himself, calls upon the faithful to extend hospitality to all who come as messengers of the Faith. 5

“A phrase of such breadth and depth is relevant in a variety of contexts and always offers new perspectives. For me it has become another way of expressing the task of the bishop: he too, and especially he, is a “co-worker”, that is, he does not act in his own name but is always and totally linked to a “with”. Only when he acts “with” Christ and “with” the whole believing Church of all time and all places does he do what he is meant to do. It is not his task to fashion a community for himself, but, rather, to fashion the Church of Christ. That is he must point to him who is the Way because he is the Truth (Jan 14:6)” 6

The pontiff’s first encyclical letter, titled Deus Caritas Est (God is Love), is to focus on the meaning of love in the context of modernity. In it, Pope Benedict discusses the difference between “eros” and “agape” Greeks words distinguishing between erotic love and spiritual love or charity. He warns that eros, while good in itself, is at risk of being “degraded” to mere sex without selfless charity or divine love.

The pope is a very strong opponent of false advertising. When a Catholic college calls itself Catholic, it is expected to be Catholic and not pseudo-catholic. He expects the bishops to resolve the matter of the Catholic in name only politician. (CINOP) It is a religious matter. Attend Mass but don’t receive Holy Communion. You are not Catholic in the public arena promoting abortion, euthanasia, and same-sex marriage. It would be the same for a Catholic promoting fornication, adultery and pornography.

He is deeply concerned about the low birth rate of Catholics in Europe. This is what happens when one does violence to natural law and the message of Humana Vitae. For us in America it is also the legal correction of the Roe vs. Wade decision of Jan. 22, 1973. Pope Benedict believes that the lack of catechesis and faith are the most serious challenges for the Church.

His mission and that of the next Pope is to implement the legacy of Pope John Paul II. As Catholic Christians we are co-workers of the Truth. “Victory when it comes will be a victory through Mary.”
George H. Kubeck, Appropriate for today. Duplicate and or translate into Spanish

Thursday, June 21, 2007

St. Thomas More: The King's Good Servant—

But God's First!

By Jim Martorana

Editor's Note: St Thomas More is the patron saint of this site. Tomorrow, June 22, is his feast day. In honor of this occasion, we are pleased to welcome guest columnist, Jim Martorana.

Thomas More was born in London in 1478. He studied theology and the classics then entered Oxford to study the law. He was both a scholar and a government official. He wrote books on history and philosophy. He married at the age of 27 and had three daughters and a son. He provided for their education and even insisted on a rigorous education for his daughters which was unusual for his time

His writing and career as a lawyer caught the eye of King Henry VII who gave him various government positions. In 1529, Henry made him Lord Chancellor of England which made Thomas second in power only to the King himself. He was at the peak of his career politically, intellectually and in his happy family life. But trouble was brewing.

King Henry had defied the Pope. He wanted to remarry after putting aside his wife. He declared himself head of the Church of England and demanded that all government officials and even bishops swear the Oath of Supremacy. This oath affirmed Henry as head of the Church and defied the Pope. Henry had thus cut himself off from the Catholic Church. Thomas refused to deny his faith. He refused to sign. His good friend, Bishop John Fisher, had also refused to sign and was hanged and drawn and quartered. Bishop Fisher was the only Bishop in England to stay faithful to Holy Mother the Church.

Thomas was arrested and thrown in the Tower of London. His daughter Margaret visited him in prison and begged him to recant and sign the Oath. He lovingly told her it was more important for them all to be reunited in heaven than live a few more years here. He was charged and convicted of treason. His sentence was to be hung and drawn and quartered. King Henry in an act of mercy because of Sir Thomas More’s long service to the crown, commuted the sentence to death by beheading.

The execution was scheduled for July 6, 1535. As he climbed the scaffold, he told the spectators: “I am the King’s good servant, but God’s first.” He was beheaded and his head was displayed on London Bridge.

St. Thomas More put his relationship with God ahead of all. He knew that his salvation was more important than anything in this life—even his own family. He is now the patron of lawyers and statesmen. On his feast day, which he shares with his friend St John Fisher, June 22, let us pray that our modern statesmen will have his fortitude to follow God’s will no matter the cost.

For more information on the life of St John Fisher, please see our previous article:
Portrait in Courage: Bishop John Fisher.

Reprinted with permission from

Musings on the Politics of Immigration and Calif. Initiatives

Feast of the Annunciation and the Unborn, Saturday, March 25, 2006

There is in the politics of immigration a two-edged sword. One side of the sword points to America and the other side to Mexico. Let us focus on Mexico. This matter needs a big picture approach for it opens a Pandora Box.

Mexico is a great country. It has abundant mineral resources. Their people are very hard-working and law-abiding. In many ways, Mexicans have received a raw deal from their leaders, their government and their laws. Their Constitution also needs to be improved. Why did this happen?

For years, I was looking forward to a Baja California Riviera with millions of tourists vacationing each year. Sadly, “Five years ago, Thomas Constantine, then head of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, told Congress that the power of Mexican Drug Traffickers had grown ‘virtually geometrically’ over the previous five years and that corruption throughout the country was ‘unparalleled.’… The fiasco with the Nuevo Laredo police is just one indication of mounting corruption within Mexico’s political and law-enforcement systems….The trade in illegal drugs is a multi-billion-dollar enterprise with the United States as the principle retail market.” Ted Galen Carpenter, Cato Institute, Is Mexico the Next Colombia? Chronicles, November, 2005, 44-5

Can you imagine the United States as an Ocean? Where would the 12 to 15 million illegal U.S. immigrants be? Would they have taken a boat to Canada? No, they would be in Mexico cleaning up their very corrupt government. It would be similar to what the Ukrainians did last year in the Ukraine. This has to be done sooner than later. It is an essential part of the immigration solution. Protests for honest government in Mexico can start on this side of the border.

Now when a country seems to export its own people, it is really not a country but a colony for what? Its citizens are real victims of their own corrupt government. For the sake of Mexico and the U.S.A., a comprehensive investigation of the corruption in Mexico is warranted and this report be published for mass distribution.

Nationally, the U.S. Senate will debate any tentative immigration laws. Catholic Social Teachings are rich with prudence and common sense. The priorities this year for Catholics and other Christians in California are the passage of the U.S. Senate’s Marriage Amendment, (Week of June 5, 2006), keeping the little Cross in the Los Angeles County Seal., and the Parental Notification Initiative It is a responsibility for us and the Church leadership to try and persuade the Democratic Party of the CINOP in California (Catholic in Name Only Politician) not to oppose the Parental Notification Initiative. The CINOP opposed the measure when it was on the ballot last November, 2004. It caused confusion with many voters from the politicians who call themselves Catholic.

George H. Kubeck, Approriate for today. Duplicate and or translate in Spanish.
P.S. Sadly, the above three Catholic priorities were not passed. They are really true American priorities.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Report # 4 on David Carlin’s Book
Can a Catholic Be a Democrat?
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
This author has something to say and not say something. And it is very important. I believe he means what he says and says what he means. Let us speak out his own words from the Introduction, How I Lost My Faith (in the Democratic Party).
“I am not certain when it first dawned on me that the Democratic Party had transformed itself into the pro-abortion party. But I think it was early in the 1984 presidential campaign. Ronald Reagan was president….
“At that time I was a Democratic member of the Rhode Island Senate, having been elected in 1980. I was pro-life, as were most of my Democratic colleagues in the Rhode Island legislature; at that time there was nothing unusual about this….
“I was a Catholic, and so I had the usual Catholic reasons for being opposed to abortion. I was also a philosopher – I had spent three years in the early sixties as a graduate student in philosophy at Notre Dame, and since that time I had been a college philosophy teacher - …
“My state and local parties were not pro-abortion parties, and almost all of my political activity was at the state and local levels….
“I was born in 1938 (the year of Munich, the year of the great New England hurricane), the oldest of three children in a working class family in Pawtucket, R.I….
“And my family was Democratic. They weren’t directly involved in politics, but they voted for Democrats – especially for the greatest Democrat of them all, F.D.R….
My father directly benefited from a number of FDR programs….
“I couldn’t have been more than eight or nine. We’re Democrats, he told me, because the Democrats are the party of the poor people, the Republicans are the party of the rich and our family was poor….
“In 1989 I became the Senate Majority Leader, the highest position in the Senate …. Three years later … I ran as a pro-life Democrat against a pro-choice Republican incumbent who overwhelmingly outspent me, (lost) … I was less than a great fan of Clinton. In fact, that summer I wrote an op-ed piece that appeared in the New York Times, criticizing the Democratic National Convention … for its refusal to allow Bob Casey, the pro-life governor of Pennsylvania, to give an address….
“In the early eighties, I got into the habit of writing political essays and submitting them to national magazines, especially two Catholic publications: Commonweal and the Jesuit journal America.,,,
“I can’t remember when exactly, but sometimes rather late in my Commonweal career I began writing about the abortion movement and the gay movement together, and for good measure the euthanasia movement. I called these three the unholy trinity of the contemporary secularism. …
“My career at Commonweal would come to an end in 1997, when I received a letter from the editor informing me that my column was being discontinued….
“Before long I came to see a link between the unholy trinity secularism and the national Democratic Party, from which I was becoming estranged, and there it took only a few more logical steps to arrive at the conclusions that I will argue for in the course of this book. For it had become plain to me that the Democratic Party whose agenda now strongly supported abortion-on-demand, increasingly endorsed the goals of the gay movement, including same-sex marriage, and was showing signs of growing support of euthanasia, had come under control of forces utterly opposed to all traditional Christianity and Catholicism in particular….”

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Eucharistic Adoration

June 19, 2004

This month’s pro-life message is about the great Doctor of the Church St. Thomas Aquinas and his love of the Eucharist. His works glorify God. Pope Urban IV asked him to write a whole liturgical celebration for the new feast of Corpus Christi (Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ). St. Thomas composed this Feast’s Mass and Office which have been called the literary masterpieces of the Catholic liturgy.
“St. Thomas wrote immediately after a time when some theologians tried to reduce the Eucharist to mere symbol…. St. Thomas also points out that in the Eucharist, Christ is present in His humanity – His manhood – as well as His divinity…Pray with St. Thomas and you will part of an exciting new Catholic revival – a spiritual revival, but a cultural one as well… “Pange, Lingua” is the Corpus Christi hymn most often sung….
Tantum ergo Sacramentum Down in Adoration falling
Veneremur cernui Lo! The sacred host we hail
These words written by the great theologian St. Thomas Aquinas have inspired millions over the past seven centuries. St. Thomas’s devotion to the Eucharist was profound. His brother Dominicans recalled that he would spend hours kneeling before the tabernacle. When he faced a particular difficult problem, he would lean against the Tabernacle, as if to rest against the Master’s heart as did the Beloved Disciple at the Last Supper.” P. 13, 15, 18, 30, 74 “Praying in the Presence of Our Lord With St. T. Aquinas” by Mike Aquilina – Fr. Benedict J. Groeschel, C.F.R. Editor, O.S.V. 2001
“I (Pope John Paul II) urge priests, religious and lay people to continue and redouble their efforts to teach the younger generations the meaning and value of Eucharistic adoration and devotion.” Letter to Bishop of Liege, May 28, 1996
Praying with St. Thomas is part of the Diocese of Atlanta with Reverend John Donoghue, the Archbishop who has a strong devotion to the Eucharist. He started this devotion for all churches 10 years ago. Every year he has a one day Eucharistic Congress. Nine years ago, there were 5,000 in attendance. This year, they are expecting at least 20,000 on June 12th at the Georgia International Convention Center.
Today, the Atlanta Cathedral and ten other churches have 24 hr. daily Eucharistic Devotion. Twelve churches have it once a week, and twenty-five once a month. It is noteworthy that during this time the Atlanta Diocese has built three new High Schools and three Elementary Schools. (Taken from an interview by Raymond Arroya, World Over Live, EWTN Television, June 8th, 2004)
In our diocese, we have Eucharistic Adoration monthly with a different day at each church. The one hour Eucharistic Adoration can bring about miracles not only in our lives but prayers for the closure of abortion sites & for our country in the Nov. election.

At the World Eucharist Conference in Guadalajara, Mexico, Oct. 14-17th, 2004, Pope John Paul II will proclaim the Year of the Eucharist- 2005. It will end with the ordinary Senate of Bishops, Oct. 2-29th, 2005.
Fraternally yours,
George H. Kubeck, (Appropriate for today and in this month of the Sacred Heart)
Pro-Life Chairman, June 14th, 2004 for July Bulletin
Knights of Columbus, Cypress Council #8599 & 4th Degree Mission San Juan Capistrano Assembly 0062,

Monday, June 18, 2007

The Mind and Heart of Pope Benedict XVI # 3

Tuesday, Sept. 20th, 2005

The following is an excerpt taken from “Co-Workers of the Truth” – Meditations for Every Day of the Year” by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Ignatius Press, 1990. We will focus on the entry Sept. 13th, because it is historically very significant.

“…in the new religion, “pessimism” is the sin of all sins, for doubt with regard to optimism, progress, and utopia is a frontal attack on the spirit of the current age: …

“All this was brought to my mind again by the debate occasioned by the publication in 1985 of my “Report on the State of the Church” [published in English as The Ratzinger Report, An Exclusive Interview on the State of the Church (San Francisco, Ignatius Press, 1985)]. The indignation aroused by this simple book climaxed in the condemnation: a pessimistic book. In many places, attempts were even made to prevent the sale of it because a heresy of such magnitude was just not to be tolerated. Those who subscribed to this public opinion put the book on the Index of Forbidden Books: the new Inquisition revealed its strength. It was once again evident that there is no greater sin against the spirit of the age than to put oneself in a position where one can be accused of a lack of optimism.

“The question was certainly not: ‘Is what has been said true or not true? Are the diagnosis right or wrong?’ I have found no evidence that anyone took the trouble to investigate such outmoded questions. The criterion was very simple: ‘Is it or is it not optimistic?’ And given this criterion the book was of course, condemned?”

From 1985 to 2005 is twenty years. It is time for another report. This one is a “Report on the State of the Church in California.” The most serious topic follows:

On Tuesday, Sept. 6th, 2005, the California legislature made an unwise decision. AB 849 the same-sex “marriage” license bill was passed with the help of pro-abortion Catholic politicians. What stands out about the Catholic politicians is the betrayal of their Catholic faith! They cannot be trusted! We are talking about men and women who are also pro-partial birth abortion, pro-assisted suicide and pro embryonic stem cell research. They are Catholics in name only politicians. (CINOP) They have on their own, excommunicated themselves from the Catholic Church. There is a kind of sadness for all.

“Yet what good will this do to us if we are Christians in name only and not in fact.” This was the final exhortation of Andrew Kim Taegon, priest and martyr. Office of Readings

George H. Kubeck, Appropriate for today. Duplicate and translate into Spanish.
P.S. Thankfully AB849 was vetoed by the Governor of California

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Taking a Stand on Father's Day

Sunday, June 17, 2007
While this letter focuses on senior adults, it can apply to all of us. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. There is a deadly Culture War going on in America and if we do not get involved we will lose. You will not recognize your grandchildren and the values that they have been indoctrinated with. Why? You did not care or do anything about it.

Today’s America is almost like walking through a meat packing plant and you note the odor that is attached to you. The same can be said when you are living in an almost totally politically correct Culture of Death environment. We need to spray and take some action.

As a retired public elementary school teacher, I know what I am talking about. Be prepared that without parental notification, not only will condoms be passed out to the elementary kids but also talks given to them by different life-style speakers.

Also, once assisted-suicide, euthanasia, same-sex marriage, polygamy, and infanticide are state or federally legalized, and your quality of life is almost gone, be prepared to have them wheel you into a consolation chamber room. You can’t distort Mother Nature for Mother Nature will have its revenge.

However, there is good news in California. The assisted-suicide bill AB 374 was shelved until Jan. 2008. I honestly believe it was shelved because of telephone calls opposing it. Hopefully, the Knights of Columbus and many other pro-life parish representatives in Orange County will recognize that bombarding the legislators with telephone calls will kill any evil bill.
There is a very serious note that has to be made at this point. Tragically, this suicide bill is sponsored by Catholic-in-name-only-Politicians. (CINOP) Voting for this bill means they are cutting themselves off from their Catholic faith. Pray for them. In 2008, vote them out of office.

Suggestion: l) Have in the vestibule of the church a list of all the legislators and their telephone offices in the county to be made available to all parishioners.
2) Be aware that using the word clinic in the phrase Planned Parenthood Clinic is false advertising. Why? The place for killing babies is not a clinic. Ask your pastor to remove the word from your church bulletin any time an abortion facility is mentioned and use site, facility, chamber or mill. The Priests for Life use the word mill.
3) Most Catholics and other Christians have basic television. EWTN Catholic Television is free to any cable network. We are in dire need to have our Catholic citizens grounded in their faith. Go to your basic cable person and show them you have a thousand signatures who want EWTN on their basic television set even if it is only for one or two days of the week.
4) Another action activity for any Catholic or other Christian Church is a sign which reads: Have you registered to vote? Right in front of the sign you have voter registration forms. There is a Christian duty to be registered and to vote.
5) Register and vote via an absentee ballot. You now have the time to call others on Election Day. Elections are won by a handful of votes.
6) With a few exceptions, almost all newspapers and television channels have become mouthpieces of the Culture of Death and or of one of the political parties. For a breadth of fresh air, and common sense, seriously check out talk radio like KRLA 870 or one of your favorites.
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Mind and Heart of Pope Benedict XVI # 2 of 5

The Mind and Heart of Pope Benedict XVI #2 of 5

The following are excerpts from the book, “Co-Workers for the Truth” – Meditations for Every Day of the Year, by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Ignat. Press, 1990.
Faith: “Teach them to obey everything that I have commanded you.” (Mat 28:20)
Faith requires instruction and an ethical approach, not a vague sense of transcendent and inexpressible reality…. Faith requires a constant training of the whole personality and a readiness to keep on learning for the rest of one’s life, to remain a pupil in the school of Christ. Teaching is a Christian calling, a work of mercy, for the lack of truth, the lack of knowledge is a more dire form of poverty than any purely material form.” 196, Jan. 23/85

Baptism and Holy Eucharist: “… we have identified the two fundamental
sacraments, as the essence of His gift to humanity. But we have also made clear what it means to receive Baptism and Holy Eucharist: being ready to suffer for the truth and for love…. In an address to American bishops, he (Pope John Paul II) alluded to the words of St. Paul: ‘ Brothers in Christ, when we preach the truth in love, we must expect to be criticized, for we cannot please everyone. For that reason, we are humbly convinced that God is with us in our service to the truth and that he “does not give us the spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline” (2 Tim 1:7).’ The spirit of cowardice – that is assuredly not a characteristic that one would attribute to John Paul II.” P. 205, Oct. 25th, 1979

Willed by God: “Each one has been willed by God and has his own proper place in life. There is, for each one, a meaning and a role in the universe, and our lives will be replete and happy, the more we realize this meaning, the more we incorporate this will into our lives and are one with it. …For each one there is a special call. And only if we live attentively in conversation and dialogue with God can we know why he needs us in such an apparently insignificant position and why we are, precisely in that position, so immeasurably important.” p. 222, July 5th, 1984

Faith: “To faith belong the readiness to suffer but also the courage to do battle. Granted, we have no lack of people who tell us: faith should be both protest and resistance against the power of this world. But if we look more closely, what such groups really want, for the most part, an activator, a loudspeaker, for their slogans, for the slogans of their party. But it is totally different matter when the Church opposes the real powers of this age; when the church condemns the disintegration of marriage, the destruction of the family, the killing of the unborn children, the distortion of the Faith…. ‘I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.’ (Mt 10:34) He (Jesus) opposed the convenient lie, the easy-going injustice. He exulted the superiority of truth over the comfortable getting-along- together that leads ultimately, to the power of injustice, to the dominion of the lie.” 230
Note that in the Cardinal’s meditations, the truth is pursued, celebrated and proclaimed.
George H. Kubeck (in the year 2006) Appropriate for today.

Friday, June 15, 2007

The Mind and Heart of Pope Benedict XVI # 5 of 5

Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, Friday, June 15th, 2007

There is excitement in the air when you reread June 8th to June 14th of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger’s Book, Co-Workers of the Truth, - Meditations for Every Day of the Year. A lot of times you are not even aware of it, and you take him for granted. Guess who is on the pedestal?
The Holy Priesthood
June 8th: “'Are you prepared to unite yourself daily more closely with Christ our High Priest, and to become with him a sacrificial offering for the glory of God and salvation of mankind.' Although it is not expressly stated, the concept of the Eucharistic ministry as the center of the priest’s existence is at the root of this question…. The first and main requirement is that the priest make himself the servant of the God who is greater than he is, that he learn to transcend himself and for which we are all waiting; … we all long to transcend the works of our own spirit, our own hands, and to receive the festive gift….

June 9th: “For him ((In his autobiographical reflections, the French theologian Marc Oraison), becoming a priest did not mean bidding farewell to all he had hoped to accomplish as a doctor, but it was only in the priesthood that he saw the definitive and complete answer to death: the Resurrection. To make present Christ’s Resurrection and our own – that can be accomplished only through the power of the priestly ministry ….For that reason, the innermost center of the priestly ministry is and will always be to celebrate the Eucharist of the Lord, to ratify among us, in the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, his death and victory of love….

June 10th: “The great and always necessary role of the priest consists in this: that, in a world fragmented by specialization and therefore sick and suffering and disintegrated, the priest continues to be someone who is there for everyone who hold humanity together from within…. despite all the training necessitated by his priesthood, he is, in the last analysis, not just one specialist among many, but a servant of all creatures, of all humans, who guides us over the rough places of life into God’s merciful love, into the unity of the body of Christ.

June 12th: “He (the priest) strengthens the others in their faith, but he also always receives faith from them…. Faith and prayer belong inseparably together. The time a priest spends in prayer and in hearing the word of God is never at the expense of his pastoral duties to the souls confided to his care. People can tell if the words and actions of their pastor have their origin in his prayer of only at the writing table….

June 13th: “Recently I had occasion to speak with a person who holds an important public office and who said to me. ‘And you priests have really only one task: to present Jesus to all people in such a way that they see him and learn to love him. Then everything that faith teaches will be self-evident.’

June 14th: “The priestly ministry is a ministry of reconciliation…. It is the priest’s role to make God’s gifts present to us and to associate us with these gifts in such a way that, as the Canon of the Mass puts it, we ourselves become a gift together with him. It is he who is permitted to offer the sacrifice of Jesus Christ in which the things of this world become a glorification of God and a new life arises from this sacrifice. He is called not only to speak of God, but to speak with him for all of us and to open to us the highest of all possibilities of human speech – that our words become a conversation with the living God….”
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Flag Day - 2007


A.) Winning The Cultural War (The Political Arena) by Charlton Heston to the Harvard Law School Forum, Feb. 16th, 1999.
… But disobedience means you must be willing to act, not just talk.
l.) When a mugger sues his elderly victim for defending herself … jam the switchboard of the district attorney’s office.
2.) When your university is pressured to lower standards until 80% of the students graduate with honors … choke the halls of the board of regents.
3.) When an eight year old boy pecks a girl’s cheek on the playground and gets hauled
into court for sexual harassment …march on that school and block its doorways.
4.) When someone you elected is seduced by political power and betrays you… petition them, oust them, banish them.
5.) When Time magazine’s cover portrays millennium nuts as deranged, crazy Christians holding a cross as it did last month …BOYCOTT their magazine and the products it advertises.
So that this nation may long endure, I urge you to follow in the hallowed footsteps of the great disobediences of history that freed exiles, founded religions, defeated tyrants, and yes, in the hands of an aroused rabble in arms a few great men, by God’s grace, built this country. If Dr. King were here, I think he would agree. Thank you.
B.)Testimony of Darrell Scott - Father of two victims of Columbine High School Shooting - Littleton, Colorado before the Subcommittee on Crime - House Judiciary Committee - U.S. House of Representatives, Thursday, May 27, 1999 2:00 P.M., 214l Rayburn House Office Bldg.
Since the dawn of creation there has been both good and evil in the heart of men and of women. We all contain the seeds of kindness or the seeds of violence.
The death of my wonderful daughter Rachel Joy Scott, and deaths of that heroic teacher and the other children who died must not be in vain. Their blood cries out for answers….
In the days that followed the Columbine tragedy, I was amazed at how quickly fingers began to be pointed at groups such as the NRA. I am not a hunter. I do not even own a gun. I am not here to represent or defend the NRA - because I don’t believe they are responsible for my daughter’s death. There I do not believe that they need to be defended. If I believed that they had anything to do with Rachel’s murder, I would be their strongest opponent.
I am here today to declare that Columbine was not just tragedy - IT WAS A SPIRITUAL EVENT that should be forcing us to look at where the real blame lies! MUCH OF THE BLAME LIES HERE IN THIS ROOM. MUCH OF THAT BLAME LIES BEHIND THE POINTING FINGERS OF THE ACCUSERS THEMSELVES.
I wrote a poem just four nights ago that express my feelings best. This was written before I knew I would be speaking here today.
Your laws ignore our deepest needs. Now gunshots fill our classrooms.
Your words are empty air. And precious children die.
You’ve stripped away our heritage. You seek for answers everywhere.
You’ve outlawed simple prayer. And ask the question “Why”?

… this nation was founded on the principle You regulate restrictive laws.
of simple trust in God. As my son Craig lay under that Through legislative creed.
table in the school library and saw his two friends And yet fail to understand
murdered before his very eyes, he did not hesitate to That God is what we need!
pray in school. I defy any law or politician to deny him C.) Alan Keyes, KPLS, AM 830,
that right….prayer was brought back to our schools… Talk Radio. M-F. 6 – 9 A.M., L.A.
George H. Kubeck, Appropriate for today. Duplicate and translate into Spanish.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The False Catholic Label in California and Massachusetts
Saturday, July 22, 2006

Do you remember that union label song? The jingle: buy the union label! It was a fair, authentic and legitimate message. Any union member would be proud of it!

How about this one? The Catholic Label used by Catholics-in-Name-Only Politicians. (CINOPs) For example:

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca.) read a letter from the Episcopal Church in support of the bill H.R. 810, the destructive embryonic legislation. She claimed that “God guided our researchers to discover the stem cell’s power to heal” and that H.R. 810 will grant the “biblical power to cure.”

“Mr. President, you can veto a bill, but you can’t veto hope,” said Sen. Ed Kennedy (D-Mass.) “We will be back again and again and again until we end the cruel restrictions on lifesaving research that are denying hope to millions of American patients and their families.” Rep. Loretta and Linda Sanchez voted to override President Bush’s veto.

Science shows otherwise. Dr. David Prentice has pointed out that there are no human trials using embryonic stem cells and mixed results in animals. He has also tracked the literature and listed 72 diseases treated in humans using Adult Stem Cells.

It seems that the above “Catholic” politicians would at least share the views of Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, head of the Pontifical Council for the Family. “Destroying human embryos is equivalent to an abortion. It is the same thing.” Of course, it doesn’t matter to pro-abortion “Catholic” politicians.

Is this another example of Scandal, Fraud & Lay Enrons with the Catholic Label Politicians (CINOPs) in Congress?

George H. Kubeck, Appropriate for today. Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Report Card # 20 on Bill Press;s Book

How the Republicans Stole Christmas
Friday, June 16, 2006
Chapter 5 – Gays and Lesbians are God’s Children, Too (cont’d ) # 2 0f 2
Bill Press writes: “‘Hate is not a family value.’ That’s the slogan of a great organization called Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). It’s a slogan that most Americans, conservative or liberal, believers & nonbelievers alike, accept as a given.” p.177. However, the Culture of Life has another slogan for (PFLAG) and we can work together on this: “Love of unborn babies is a family value!” There is an axiom and a truism that goes like this: If you want to help a mother, help her child. If you want to give joy to a mother give joy and happiness to her child. If you want to hurt a mother, hurt her child. If you want to kill something within a mother kill her child.
There are a lot of lies about the unborn. For example, when their personhood begins and how they feel when they are aborted. A baby that is born with a physical or psychological handicap is still a child of God. God does not create junk.
I do not believe that political correctness and Planned Parenthood cares. They are liars about the unborn and we know who the spirit and father of lies is. It is believed that about 3 percent of the 4000 babies aborted each day in the U.S.A, is handicapped with possible homosexual tendencies. How does a caring society treat these babies?
First of all, there is a difference between a homosexual and a gay person. The radical gay American Jacobin leaders have a political and social agenda for the country. They speak for themselves. (They are encouraged, promoted and financed by the culture of death secular humanists.) These gays do not speak for homosexual oriented persons. I have not seen any Gallup polling on homosexuals on whether they want to change the definition of marriage or publicly promote the lifestyle of gay unions as normal.
From a recent Cardinal Newman Society letter: Father John F. Harvey, O.S.F.S.,
“Back in 1980, the late Cardinal Terrence Cooke, at the time the Archbishop of New York, asked me to establish a new Catholic apostolate to minister to the spiritual and moral needs of homosexual men and women. In the twenty-five years since then, that apostolate – known as Courage – has helped thousands of homosexual persons find the way, through prayer and the Sacraments, to live in accord with the laws of God and the teaching of His Church. That is the key: live in accord with God’s law and Catholic teaching.
“This has always been the spiritual message of Courage which is why we have the endorsement of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for the Family…. All people must be treated with dignity, but homosexual activity is sinful.
“Unfortunately, young Catholic men and women today are more often hearing a far different message about homosexuality. They’re hearing that … Homosexual orientation is genetically determined – a claim for which there is virtually no scientific evidence. Anyone who feels he might have a homosexual orientation should resign himself to it forever, because it cannot be changed – a demonstrate falsehood…. And worst of all, that homosexual acts and heterosexual acts are morally equivalent….”
George H. Kubeck Appropriate for today. Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Report Card # 19 on Bill Press's Book

Report Card # 19 on Bill Press’s Book
How the Republicans Stole Christmas
Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, Saturday, May 13, 2006
Chapter 5- Gays and Lesbians are God’s Children, Too
We continue to probe the mind of the Catholic in Name Only Politician. On the couch we have CINOP Bill Press and the Bible in his own words.
“… Most Americans believe that Scripture, in both the Old and New Testaments, clearly tells us that homosexuality is wrong, sinful, unacceptable, and immoral…. A careful examination of Scripture – even those passages most often quoted as anti-gay – reveals that not only is the Bible less condemning of homosexuality than we were always taught, but that the Bible can actually be interpreted as either silent about, or supportive of, monogamous gay relationships...Most biblical scholars today agree that the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is not about homosexuality, but rather about hospitality…. As Christian editor Inge Anderson wrote in Sins of Sodom, ‘ To suggest that Sodom and Gomorra is about homosexual sex is an analysis of about as much worth as suggesting that the story of Jonah and the whale is a treatise on fishing.’ 157, 160, 161
Apostle Paul’s anguish over sex and the use of the phrase ‘thorn in my flesh’ is a sign that Paul himself was a closeted gay man – which of course would be the ultimate, but not impossible irony…. Paul was clearly a man of his time. In his writings, he reflects all the presuppositions and patriarchal assumptions – anti-woman, antigay, pro-slavery – of a first-century mind-set. 163
Indeed, had gay marriage not been on the ballot in Ohio, Bush would probably not have been reelected…. Morality is on the side of same-sex marriage, and not against it. You tell me: despite the fact that Pope John Paul II branded gay marriage as part of a ‘new ideology of evil’, what’s immoral about two people in love entering into a lifelong, committed, monogamous relationship? 166
If it’s wrong to say that the bible condemns same sex marriages, it’s also wrong to insist that marriage has always been between one man and one woman – and therefore must always remain that way. The facts simply don’t support it…. Polygamy, Augustine wrote, ‘is not contrary to the nature of marriage.’ 169
Nevertheless, as more and more courts are confirming, there are zero constitutional grounds for the state to deny the privilege and benefits of marriage to gays and lesbians…. It’s only a matter of time. Gays are already winning the cultural war…. It’s not surprising that gays and lesbians hold a gay pride parade every June in most American cities: they’ve got a lot to be proud of…. The next month there was another milestone. The government of Spain, a predominately Roman Catholic country, ignored the church’s opposition and took the first steps to legalize gay marriage. 172, 173
From the above and last 28 letters, you can understand why the CINOP is a very dangerous politician. He is absolutely a Trojan horse not only within the Catholic Church but within the American Republic. In matters pertaining to one’s Catholic faith and the Church’s Catechism, he is a fraud. Historically, we had these types in Germany and Italy. In my district, there are two running. Hopefully, one of them will have a conversion. CINOP, thy name is Fraud.
George H. Kubeck, 5-13-06, Feast of Our Lady of Fatima

The Tyranny of Political Correctness

Sunday, April 23, 2006
I am fed up with it. It is an iron curtain over the mind and hearts of America. It needs to be dismantled, ridiculed and like communism buried. It is an attitude of mind surfacing strongly the last few decades. Ignore the truth, common sense and natural law and don’t report it. Political Correctness is a most powerful weapon for the culture of death and the organization like the ACLU and the International Planned Parenthood. (IPPF)

Correctness whether political or religious does violence to righteousness.

I was reading Special Report No. 255, March, 2006 of Human Life International. The Barbados Family Planning Association was founded in 1954. “Barbadian school children are divested of their innocence at the earliest possible opportunity, and the ten-and eleven-year-old girls we spoke to asked questions and made comments that would scandalize Satan. By fourteen many of the girls are jaded by sex. Most of the young boys have no plans to marry. Why should they? Three-fourths of all children in Barbados are born out of wedlock, and the norm is for men to drift in and out of the lives of women, who then raise a second generation of children when their daughters make exactly the same mistakes they did.” 2

Women’s liberation is to women what the Serpent was to Eve.

In our country we have the same thing happening with the distribution of condoms in the schools and the promotions of fornication as way of life for our young people. As a retired public school teacher, it is a disgrace that everything negative happening in the schools is promoted by N.E.A. nationally and C.T.A. state-wide. Via the State Rodda Act of 1975, these industrial-type unions have a stranglehold on the teaching profession with their forced dues of about a thousand dollars a year. With these monies they finance the new secular America.

The Ten Commandments are for a nation that is alive and fruitful and lest we become selfish non-believers and suicidal like it is in Europe.

I hope to start reading Chapter 5 of Bill Press’s book. (How the Republicans Stole Christmas) It is about Gays and Lesbians Are God’s Children, Too. In many ways, Bill’s book is a political and religiously correct book fitting in well with the culture of death in our society.

The book reviewed in the Orange County Catholic, April, 2006 p. 18 is similar. It is politically correct but from a different perspective. Michael Medved with Talk Radio, KRLA 870, Monday through Friday daily from 12 noon to 3 P.M., interviewed Rabbi James Rudin and his book, The Baptizing of America. Michael Medved took the author and the book to the cleaners. Before the November elections, there will be dozens of books coming out in a similar Bill Press’s vein. The new secular America is good and traditional America is bad.

George H. Kubeck, Also appropriate for today. Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Monday, June 11, 2007

The Mind and Heart of Pope Benedict XVI #1 of 5

June 11th, 2005
The following are excerpts taken from the book, “Co-Workers of the Truth” – Meditations for Every Day of the Year, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Ignatius Press, 1990.

The Unborn: When the murder of an innocent life is called a right, then injustice has become justice. When the law cannot no longer protect human life, it is suspect as law. Saying this does not mean wanting to impose specifically Christian morality on all members of a pluralistic society. What is in question here is human nature, the humanity of a person who cannot make the trampling on a created being a means of self liberation without profoundly deceiving himself. 61

God: The first requirement, then, is that God be present in our life…. It is not enough then, to believe somehow theoretically that there is a God; we must regard him as the most important element in our life…. Often it seems almost impossible to accept God’s will. But one who yields to this rebellion poisons his whole life…. He (God) says to us; I know, you don’t understand me yet. But trust me anyway, believe that I am good, and dare to live by this trust. 64

Truth: But where truth no longer exists, every standard can be altered; one can, in fact, do exactly the opposite; renunciation of the truth is the real source of our present crisis. 31 Freedom for truth and freedom of truth ultimately cannot exist without recognition and reverence for the divine. 74 Truth is not one of the great moral catchwords of our age; it does not stand high on the roster of virtues…. Considering the widespread social concerns of our epoch, there seems to be little time left for the wearisome question of truth. 147 One who does not respect the truth cannot construct anything worthwhile. If truth is not held in honor, the freedom, justice, and love cannot flourish. Truth, by which I mean the simple, humble, patient truth of daily life, is the foundation of all the other virtues. 148

Jesus: Christianity: Church: A Jesus who agrees with everyone and everything, a Jesus without his holy anger, without the hardness of truth and genuine love is not the real Jesus as he is depicted in the Scriptures, but a pitiable caricature. 139 A Christianity that believes it has no other function than to be completely in tune with the spirit of the times has nothing to say and no meaning to offer. It can abdicate without more ado. 86
If the Church were to accommodate herself to the world in any way that would entail a turning away from the Cross, this would not lead to a renewal of the Church, but only to her death. 162

The Family: The original cell of all human society is the family. That is where we learn the fundamental relationship of human society and, consequently, also the ability to relate to God…. On the preservation of the family depends a nation’s capacity for peace…. And the destruction of the family is therefore the most certain sign of the Antichrist, the disturber of the peace, disguised as one who brings freedom & peace. 169

George H. Kubeck, Appropriate for today. Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Accepting Pope John Paul II as a Prophet

April 24, 2003
This pontiff is the Vicar of Christ on earth. He shepherds the universal Catholic Church. The pope has always chosen the high moral plane. He is a prophet with wisdom not of this world.

On the question of peace or war with Iraq, the papal spokesman, Navarro-Valls said, “Whoever decides that peaceful means are exhausted assumes a grave responsibility before God, his conscience and history.”

This pope said Yes to Humanae Vitae, and No to Contraception. Prophets make us uncomfortable. “If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.” Ps. 95:8 “ But my people did not heed my voice and Israel would not obey, so I left them in their stubbornness of heart to follow their own designs.” Ps. 81:2: 12-13.

Also, he has said No to Political Correctness (relativism and modernism) and any like-minded religious correctness. He has proclaimed this year as the Year of the Rosary with prayers for peace and the family. One of the wisest leaders in the pro-life movement is Father Frank Pavone, director of Priests for Life. ( ) One of Father Pavone’s major activities is “Why Pray the Rosary at Abortion Mills?” p.34-5 from the pamphlet “Our Media is the Streets.” (Tel. 888-PFL-3448)

Having experience life under Communist regimes, Pope John Paul II said No to Liberation Theology. The idea of working with communists, Marxists and atheists to bring about change in undeveloped Latin American countries does not make sense. This wasted effort has resulted in losing thousands of Catholics to other Christian denominations.

The pope speaks for the laity and religious on the matter of Ex Corde Ecclessia, (From the Heart of the Church). It seems that the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities (ACCU) and the Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA) hotly contest the very idea that academic theologians might be subject to any Church oversight or approval. The bishops would grant theologians a ‘mandatum’ or ecclesiastical mandate to teach. Many Catholic College administrators and theologians disagree with this “mandatum.”

Lastly, let us reread, study, and look into the pope’s “Great House of Truth, Life and Wisdom.” His two encyclicals, “The Splendor of Truth” (1993) and “The Gospel of Life”(1995) provide a frame of reference, an enhancement and guide for all Catholic Social Teaching, including the death penalty with the seamless garment. In this building, life vs. abortion is the foundation, truth vs. assisted suicide and euthanasia are the frame and roof of this edifice. This is because these three are absolute evils. Whatever our activity, we now look out the window from this house.

In conclusion, had we listened to the Prophet Pope John Paul II, our church, country and people would be blessed with unity, and an informed understanding and consensus in crushing the culture of death in America.
“Pray the Rosary Daily” Our Lady of Fatima
George H. Kubeck Appropriate for today. Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

No to Any CINOP # 2 of 2

Saturday, March 31, 2007
What follows on this page is an analysis by David Carlin, Catholic professor of Philosophy and Sociology. The truth will help us to understand the challenges we face.

“David contends that the once-flourishing Catholic Church in the U.S.A. was undermined by an unlucky convergence of three factors in the 1960’s: Vatican II, the end of the old Catholic quasi-ghetto, and the rise to cultural hegemony of secularism and moral liberalism. We might have withstood one or two of these transformations but three was a perfect storm that capsized the Church in America.

“Demoralized and adrift, American Catholics forged a compromise with this new secular culture. They downplayed specifically Catholic elements of their Faith. This led to a widespread loss of Catholic identity in America, a weakening of fidelity to Catholic doctrine, and the exodus of many from the Church.

“Except for a small minority, Catholics came to be infected by secularism and moral liberalism, and their de facto religion became no longer Catholicism, but generic Christianity. But Christianity of this sort, non-dogmatic or liberal always leads to religious decline, as the history of liberalism in American Protestantism has shown.

“As an American, David fears that the triumph of secularism and moral liberalism will eventually undermine the republic, by encouraging a kind of moral anarchy and by draining life of its higher or “transcendental” meaning, and David believes that a revived Catholicism is needed to check the advance of secularism and moral liberalism.

“Conservative Protestantism alone can’t do the job. The Catholic Church needs to revive an “official enemy” secularism and moral liberalism.

“Historically, the Church has found itself to be endangered on a number of occasions. Think of the Reformation, of the French Revolution, of the sturdiness of Polish Catholicism under Communist government. Unless Catholic leaders of similar energy emerge in the United States, the downside of American Catholicism is not likely to be reversed.

“At all events, even if the famous “Upon this rock” passage, upon which Catholics have routinely relied as a justification for confidence in the Church’s long term future, is indeed a divine promise that the Church will survive until the end of time, it nonetheless says nothing about the survival of the Church in the U.S.A.” Conclusion, and Book Cover

The above is from David Carlin’s book, “The Decline & Fall of the Catholic Church in America,” Sophia Institute Press, 2003. David is also the author of “Can a Catholic Be a Democrat? How the Party I Loved Became the Enemy of My Religion, Sophia …2006

As you can surmise from the above, our enemies, secularism and moral liberalism have today found two great allies and fellow travelers. They are: any Catholic-in-name-only-religion, and the CINOP, Catholic-in-name-only-politician. These two are anathema to our American Roman Catholic Faith. It may take a take 10 years to rid of all of them.

We start and educate locally. Every County in America has at least two or more CINOP in Congress or the State Legislatures. In Orange County, California, we have a Congresswoman and a State Senator. In 2008, it will be via pro-life absentee ballots that will defeat these two. The message is clear: No to Any Catholic-in-name only Politician

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate int o Spanish.
P.S. There is good news. The CINOP Assisted Suicide Bill AB 374 by Patty Berg and promoted by Speaker Fabian Nunez was shelved for next year. It was not put to a vote on June 8, 2007.

Friday, June 8, 2007

A Hamiltonian Minute

Friday, June 8, 2007
Let us start with a distinction between an enlightened secularist and a secular progressive. We have many enlightened secularists who while being agnostic or atheists are at the same time pro-life, marriage and family, and pro-traditional America.
The secular progressive is one who has put our nation into the twilight zone and out touch with common sense and natural law. There was not one secular progressive among our Founding Fathers.
The secular progressive has a purposeful belief and goal in the pursuit and promotion of evils like abortion on demand, assisted suicide and euthanasia, same-sex marriage and their agenda, and embryonic stem cell research. In this way, he seeks to bring about deliberately revolutionary changes in America from what America has been for over 200 years.
For example, there are only about 2 to 3 % of Americans that have homosexual tendencies. (I got that number from talk show host Michael Medved.) Many of them can be corrected and channeled. Most of our homosexual inclined Americans do not wish to have these tendencies. However, the secular progressive wants to promote it into the population for at least 10% to become that way. This is their ruthless way to destroy traditional marriage and the family. The CINOP is the one who is cooperating with the Culture of Death.
George H. Kubeck

No To Any CINOP 1 of 2

Saturday, March 24, 2007
Bear with me. Read this e-mail to the end. We receive so many good e-mails and we have no time to read them all. We delete.
We have many so-called Catholic politicians in office today. Do they inspire pride in your Catholic faith? Does Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi or Senator Ted Kennedy demonstrate a respect for your Catholic faith in the public arena? They make me feel disgusted, ashamed and dirty. Compare it to the feelings most felt when our first Catholic President John F. Kennedy was elected in 1960.

The CINOP, Catholic-name-only-Politicians are allies of the CULTURE OF DEATH in America. They have hearts of stone in six areas: abortion, partial birth abortion (infanticide), assisted suicide, euthanasia, gay marriage, embryonic stem cell research. These are absolute evils. I don’t care if the CINOP promotes every other aspect of the Catholic Social Justice Agenda. This agenda is a prudential one and hopefully not slanted towards the left-wing propaganda; and upon which we can agree. Absolute evils trump prudential issues all the time.

In California, we have CINOP Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez and CINOP Assemblywoman Patty Berg author of A.B. 374 sponsoring an Assisted-Suicide bill.

We want truth in advertising. The CINOP is a phony. These Catholic frauds must be voted out of office in 2008. They are the false priests and priestesses of a false Catholic- in-name-only-religion in America. They scandalize faithful Catholics and also must drive up to the wall our fellow Christians, Baptists, Evangelicals, and Fundamentalist who are with us on the life issues, family issues, and marriages issues. (Thank God; their vote in 2000 elected a pro-life President.)

The CINOP have been propped up by a two-faced media and the religion of secular humanism. I believe the pro-life movement understands what a two-faced media is all about. However, in this election cycle, the media will directly and indirectly denigrate and hate Christians. They also promote the hate agenda of the left-wingers. Why do they hate us? Because we stand in their way for a new America: secular and non-religiously oriented, with Christians as second-class citizens. It is a badge of honor to be hated by these modern day barbarians. They are going to hate us even more when with God’ help, they will lose the presidential election in 2008.
As we try to get out of this sleep of indifference, there will be abundant evidence given to support more than NO TO ANY CINOP car bumper stickers which I plan to order. This writer’s focus will be on all candidates running in the 2008 elections. It is simple and elementary. For example, in the Republican Presidential Primaries CINOP Rudy Giuliani; it is a no vote in the primaries.
We have two political parties. One is pro-life, conservative, and traditional; the other is pro-abortion, secular and socialistic. That gives Americans a choice.

George H. Kubeck, Also good for today. Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.
P.S. On Tuesday June 5/07, the California Assembly Democrats with the help of the CINOPs voted to pass Assembly Bill 43 that would legalize homosexual "marriage." It strikes out the words male and female and sustitutes the phrase two persons in the definition of marriage.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

Feast of St. Catherine of Siena, Saturday, April 29, 2006
Dear CINOP (Catholic in name only Politician),
This is A Culture of Death Awareness Letter. It is about the ACLU. (Thanks for the information from Christians Reviving American Values: P.O. Box 96493, Washington, D.C. 20090-6493, 1-859-219-1222, )

“What is the ACLU for? Supports abortion on demand throughout pregnancy – Supports pro-homosexual school curriculums – Supports freedom to desecrate our flag – Supports extended constitutional protection for enemy soldiers while bearing arms. – Supports free access to pornography, including Internet pornography access for children - Supports partial birth abortion - Supports legalized drugs – supports legalized polygamy – Supports legalized prostitution – Supports censuring of the Ten Commandments in the Bible - Supports mandatory comprehensive sex education, including detailed promotion of homosexuality & condom use, – Supports same-sex marriage – Supports legalized child pornography

· What is the ACLU against? Opposes “abstinence before marriage” sex education – Opposes Christian home schooling – Opposes education vouchers – Opposes government ethics committees – Opposes legalized school prayer – Opposes our government’s post 9/11 security measures – Opposes “God Bless America” banners in schools – Opposes parental consent laws – Opposes religious displays in public – Opposes sobriety checkpoints and drug searches – Opposes use of religious symbols for historical reasons – Opposes medical safety reporting of AIDS cases –

· How the ACLU is Raking in Tax dollars? The ACLU membership is 400,000 plus. But one of the biggest donors to the ACLU is the American taxpayer. Here are just a couple of examples: 1) The city of San Diego handed over $950,000 in legal fees to the ACLU when they lost a legal battle over city support of the Boy Scouts, which the ACLU calls a “religious organization.” 2) The taxpayers of Alabama forked over $549,000 in legal fees to the ACLU and their allies after Chief Justice Roy Moore was forced out of office for displaying a Ten Commandment Monument”

As a CINOP please return to the Culture of Life issues and help prevent the once great Democratic Party from committing suicide. Pastor Don Swarthout. President of C.R.A.V.E. wants Congress to “Investigate the ACLU’s Lawsuit Scam.” Why? “The ACLU is the most dangerous organization currently operating in America.”

George H. Kubeck, Appropriate also for today. Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Movie Review

by Jim Martorana

St. Peter

Directed by Giulio Base

Released in 2005

Avalaible on DVD

PG 13

St Peter watches from a distance as Jesus is crucified on Calvary. He has denied Christ three times. He is almost crushed with his unworthiness but the apostles and disciples are united in trusting him for guidance and leadership. This movie is the story of Peter from Christ’s crucifixion until his own more than 30 years later.

St. Peter, starring Omar Sharif, is a penetrating portrait of the humble man chosen directly by Jesus to head His church. The story is told from the viewpoint of Peter, so we see Peter as weak, humble, and often unsure of himself. When he is lost he turns to prayer and we see him strengthened and enlightened by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit guides him to remember what Jesus taught him so that he will lead the church correctly. You watch the Gospel come alive in Peter as he lives the challenge of leading the Church.

The relationship of Paul and Peter is a major focus of the film. You see them praying together and supporting the church. Paul challenges Peter to live the Gospel on the issue of the Gentiles. But Paul always defers to Peter as head of the Church. . Peter sees Paul beheaded and must console the Church of Rome.

I recommend this movie highly. It is true to the Gospel (Peter even tells Mark to write down everything he tells him). I thought they did a superb job of showing Peter’s ongoing conversion and growth in realization of all that Christ had taught. Every time there is a crisis, Peter goes to prayer and remembers what Christ taught and lived.

This movie is rated PG 13 for violent images (it is not nearly as graphic as the Passion).I wouldn’t hesitate to take a 10 year old to see it.

The DVD is available at

Reprinted with permission from Fighting Irish Thomas