Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Movie Review

by Jim Martorana

St. Peter

Directed by Giulio Base

Released in 2005

Avalaible on DVD

PG 13

St Peter watches from a distance as Jesus is crucified on Calvary. He has denied Christ three times. He is almost crushed with his unworthiness but the apostles and disciples are united in trusting him for guidance and leadership. This movie is the story of Peter from Christ’s crucifixion until his own more than 30 years later.

St. Peter, starring Omar Sharif, is a penetrating portrait of the humble man chosen directly by Jesus to head His church. The story is told from the viewpoint of Peter, so we see Peter as weak, humble, and often unsure of himself. When he is lost he turns to prayer and we see him strengthened and enlightened by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit guides him to remember what Jesus taught him so that he will lead the church correctly. You watch the Gospel come alive in Peter as he lives the challenge of leading the Church.

The relationship of Paul and Peter is a major focus of the film. You see them praying together and supporting the church. Paul challenges Peter to live the Gospel on the issue of the Gentiles. But Paul always defers to Peter as head of the Church. . Peter sees Paul beheaded and must console the Church of Rome.

I recommend this movie highly. It is true to the Gospel (Peter even tells Mark to write down everything he tells him). I thought they did a superb job of showing Peter’s ongoing conversion and growth in realization of all that Christ had taught. Every time there is a crisis, Peter goes to prayer and remembers what Christ taught and lived.

This movie is rated PG 13 for violent images (it is not nearly as graphic as the Passion).I wouldn’t hesitate to take a 10 year old to see it.

The DVD is available at Amazon.com

Reprinted with permission from Fighting Irish Thomas fightingthomasirish.org

1 comment:

Tom O'Toole said...

Jimaroo-I tried that link and it didn't work. -Tom