Friday, June 1, 2007

Catholic Voters: Fools No More # 1 of 2

Saturday, August, 19, 2006
Thanks to the following for their information: 1) Fr. Benedict Groeschel in a taped interview, S 109, Sept.2, 1995, How to Maintain Your Christian Identity, St. Joseph Radio, P.O. Box 2983, Orange, Ca. 92859. 2) Russell Shaw, Tension seen between Morals and Party Platforms, Our Sunday Visitor, p. 3, Aug. 20, 2006. 3) Brian Murphy, Heresies That Prevent a Culture of Life, Heresies/Heresies.htm
Father Groeschel talks about the early Christian Church and the constant struggle by the Martyrs to strengthen the Christians against giving in to paganism. St. Ignatius of Antioch who died in 107, wrote letters to the same people that Paul wrote telling the Christians and warning the Christians to stay away from pagan values. St. Cyprian & St. Ireneaus said the same thing.
In our society we worship many of the false gods, money, power, sexual pleasure and security. Thankfully Christians are not attracted to the paganism of the Nazis and Bolsheviks. However, a rabbi once said to Father Groeschel that the worse trouble the Jews ever had was with ex-Christian pagans. These were people who were baptized and some even went to Christian schools. The list includes Stalin, Lenin, Hitler (Catholic), Goebbels (Catholic) Goering and Krushchev. The culture is bad when it is an obstacle to the gospel and the revelation of God. It is a difficult and worthy struggle to maintain our Christian identity with the many temptations of the false gods around us.

It would be a good idea to reread the Russell Shaw article a few times. In between the lines, he is trying to tell us something. The bottom line is that there is a very serious abyss between the party platforms of the two major parties in the U.S.A. The Catholic Democratic politicians are in conflict with the Church on values issues. Last February, 55 of the 73 Catholic Democrats in the House of Representatives signed a statement saying “the primacy of conscience” outweighs the moral teaching of the Church on abortion. (This reminds me of the letter that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco wrote to the U.S. Bishops warning them that the ‘threat of withholding a sacrament will revive latent anti-Catholic prejudice.’ All of this is audacious by self-loathing Catholic politicians.)
Three prominent members of the hierarchy responded with a statement pointing out that conscience must be ‘consistent with fundamental moral principles.’ Abortion is wrong because it is ‘a grave violation of the most fundamental human right – the right to life.’ Also, with President Bush vetoing the Embryonic Stem Cell Research Bill, H.R. 810, the Catholic Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) called Bush a ‘a moral Ayatollah’ for vetoing the bill. (There are at least 10 pro-abortion Catholic politicians in the Senate. I believe two of them are Republicans.)

Brian Murphy believes that the Church has always considered heresy to be a dangerous pervasive enemy capable of subverting the souls of the entire Church community. He sees three heresies from the world that have invaded and reached full bloom inside the Catholic Church. The first heresy is appropriate for our consideration. It is the Primacy of Conscience Heresy.
This heresy says that every individual has the right, if not the complete obligation, to nullify, or change the moral law according to his conscience and to apply that change not only to his own life but to the public arena. The truth is that man is forbidden by God to nullify or change the moral law. Brian continues:
“God loves us and want man to have great freedom. However, he has mandated that man must not eat the fruit of the ‘Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.’ Gen. 2:16. Man must not establish the moral law. If he does, history has proven over and over again that he gets it all messed up. So, man’s freedom under God’s plan for life has a definite limit. This limit is for our benefit, our survival and our prosperity…. God instructs us to allow him to use His infinite wisdom to establish the moral law.”
The pagan principles that we are focusing on are the absolute evils of abortion, same-sex marriage, assisted suicide, euthanasia and embryonic stem cell research. It is a tragedy to have a Catholic-in–name-only religion in America. Everything possible must be done to inform and vote these misguided Catholics, the CINOPS (Catholic in Name Only Politicians) out of office.
George H. Kubeck, (Appropriate for today, duplicate and or translate into Spanish.)

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