Saturday, June 30, 2007

Report Card on the "Orange County Register"

Dear Editor, Orange County Register, Sun. Sept.26th/06

I believe a newspaper should be fair, balanced, informative and pursuing the whole truth. Your motto is: “Give the customers what they want.”
On the other hand, a politically correct newspaper does the opposite. The N.Y. Times, the L.A. Times, and the Boston Globe are examples of politically correct and secular agenda driven newspapers. What has happened to CBS Television News will eventually happen to print news reporting. There is a market out there. The investors are waiting. Integrity is a most valued commodity.
As a paid up whole year subscriber to your paper, may I share with you several of my concerns. Your newspaper is walking on thin ice when you report any news item that has not the truth as its foundation. Also, when you suppress significant news on any local, national and international scale. Let me give you two examples. I have talked to Register Ed: Ken Brusic 714-796-2226 twice in the past 1½ months on the following two topics.

1) I object to any news story on the front page from any writer of the N.Y Times. You must first identify this newspaper as agenda driven, indirectly promoting in its slant one of the presidential candidates and political parties. Like the L.A. Times, this newspaper is unreliable as a source of accurate information.

2) The keynote speech by Senator Zell Miller at the Republican convention was suppressed by your newspaper. What Zell had to say would have been of interest to many registered democrats and independents in Orange County. You report the news accurately and we will decide. Most readers didn’t read your editorial comments on this matter. Except for issues like legalizing some drugs, your editorials make a lot of common sense, a rare commodity.

3) The historic speech by President Bush to the U.N. was strangled in my view.
Your readers need to be informed of Mr. Evan Thomas of Newsweek. On the July 10 edition of Inside Washington, he said that the establishment media “want Kerry to win,” and that pro-Kerry/Edwards bias is worth as many as 15 percentage points (Aim Report, Aug. 2004). Also a recent N.Y. Times poll showed Beltway journalists as being for Senator Kerry by 12 to l. (Thomas Sowell, Sept. 17th, 2004)(A very unhealthy matter.)

We are in an election cycle. The national news media wants one of the two candidates elected. They are going to focus in on what’s going wrong in Iraq. All the bad things and let terrorists influence our election for the presidency of the United States.

“We want a series of products that reflect all of the community.” This is another motto of yours. Orange County is strongly pro-family, pro-marriage, and pro-life. Your newspaper is not covering these subscribers. Particularly, in this national election where the issues are so obvious. There is a culture war between traditional America and Secular America. Whose side are you on? On one side, we have a political party and candidates like Correa, Sanchez who are for Proposition 7l , embryonic stem cell research, same sex marriage, abortion on demand, blocking Catholics from the judiciary, and getting rid of “under God” in our pledge of allegiance.

What sticks in our throats is that these candidates along with the presidential candidate Kerry are CINO’S, Catholics in Name Only. Thoughts and feelings of shame, scandal and anger come to my mind.

Respectfully yours,
George H. Kubeck, Appropriate aso for today. Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

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