Thursday, June 28, 2007

A Personal Letter to a CINOP

Thursday, June 28th, 2007
Greetings and Salutations!

You have been on my mind for many years. We are on a different wave length but please check me out because it is a life and death matter not only for your soul but for the direction of our country. CINOP stands for Catholic-in-name-only-Politician.

I sincerely believe that those closest to you, your family and friends who are practicing Catholics need to pray more for you and persuade you to change your ways. At issue is your position on abortion, assisted-suicide, euthanasia, same-sex marriage and embryonic stem cell research. You are walking blindly and stubbornly into hell and destroying the great traditions of our country and facing certain political disgrace.

This letter is a political letter. Any religious terminology is coincidental to the rule and standards of Natural Law, Common Sense, and the Writings of our Founding Fathers particularly Alexander Hamilton. You, dear CINOP are promoting a Culture of Death in America. Do you realize the consequences of this most serious charge? The term was coined by Pope John Paul II. Also, I hate a raw deal. I believe you are prostituting the values of your constituents particularly Americans of Latin descent for personal gain, false honor and prestige. You can’t do violence to Mother Nature.

Natural Law is God-given within your heart and mind. You can’t fool God but you have been able to fool many of the voters around you. Now if you change your religious denomination in the public arena to Unitarian the charge of being a fraudulent, lying and phony politician would be inappropriate.

Our side is in a relentless information race to get to the voters in your district and tell them what you stand for. Between now and 2008 it is going to be the toughest race of our lives because it is about the direction of our country. We are not going to get any help from the Secular Progressive Media who love and promote you. We are counting on the pro-life, marriage and family movements to transmit the message via e-mail comparable to what talk radio is doing.

Two tragic historical events have occurred within the last 10 days: The CINOP Assisted Suicide Bill in the California State Assembly which has been shelved till next year. And in Massachusetts, the CINOP blocked the vote of 170,000 citizens to have on the ballot in 2008, an amendment that marriage is between a man and a woman. (What arrogance and outrageous gall on your part!)

The above two evil CINOP deeds have already unleashed a mantra: The CINOP IS AT WAR WITH TRADITIONAL AMERICA AND MUST BE DEFEATED IN 2008.

The good news is that there will be informational blogs about CINOP on the internet. Check this one out: CINOPS BE GONE or Dedicated to the exposure and removal of Catholic-in-name-only-Politicians. St. Thomas More is our model and patron. “Be not afraid. Convert back to pro-life.”
Prayerfully yours,
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

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