Sunday, June 3, 2007

Looking for a Pied Piper

Monday, Feb. 12, 2007
You can call them liberals, secular progressives, or the elite of a major political party. They are all in the same boat looking for a pied piper to run in 2008. Who are they and what do they want for our country? Well, the book is titled Bankrupt, by David Limbaugh. It hits the nail on the head. Here are five or six pages from the 434 pages.

“Liberals can protest until they’re blue in the face that their “values” more authentically reflect the Christian faith than do those of conservative Christians. The Reverend Jim Wallis, author of God’s Politics, can continue his mission to “rescue religion from the Right.” But in the process he’s going to have to explain the Left’s denigration of moral absolutes, its celebration of secular humanism, its dilution of the uniqueness of the Gospel, and its derision of central elements of the Judeo-Christian ethic. He’s going to have to explain why the Left even supports partial-birth abortion – the grotesque, abominable procedure of killing a baby that is halfway out of its mother’s body crushing its skull.

“Most voters can usually detect counterfeit peddlers of faith and morality. For candidates to resonate on faith issues they must do more than specialize in empty rhetoric or wrap their policy positions in artificial recitations of Scriptures. It will take more than “reclaiming some language,” as recommended by Reverend Robert Edgar, general secretary of the leftist National Council of Churches. As Janice Shaw Crouse of Concerned Women for America said, “The moral values that were a top priority in this election (2004) – abortion, embryonic stem cell research, same-sex unions – are rooted in deep religious beliefs.”

“Wallis would have to be politically tone-deaf not to realize it is the liberals, who, in the name of tolerance, inclusiveness, and religious freedom, suppress religious liberties of Christians. It is liberals who radically oppose the government’s slightest recognition of Christianity but are silent when the government endorses secular values and those of other religions. It is liberals who fight to remove legitimate Christian influence on politics and policy, and who deny historical Christian role in the development of our constitutional system and political culture. How many liberals are upset at public schools prohibiting teachers from using American historical documents, including the Declaration of Independence, in class because of their reference to God or Christianity? Actually, liberals are the forefront of efforts to censor references to Christianity from public school American history textbooks. The Left even supported the New Jersey Education Association’s proposed ban of a portrait of George Washington in public schools. The Left celebrates secular values – not Christina values – as the backbone or our freedom tradition. Is it any wonder observant Christians are suspicious of liberalism and its “values”? p. 97-99

“Liberalism is a religion. Its entire impetus – as misguided as conservatives believe it to be – is morally based. Government is morally required to redistribute wealth and income. Government should impose race- and gender-based preferences to equalize the playing field – as a matter of values. And, as Thomas Friedman (New York Times) opined, government should sanctify homosexual unions and protect a mother’s right to terminate her pregnancy – because for liberals those are the morally superior positions. So morally superior that they must be imposed on society at all costs & through any means, including unconstitutional judicial “legislation.” p.108

“Liberals are also somewhat selective in their attitude toward “privacy.” They don’t respect for the “privacy’ of parents with regard to decisions concerning their children….The infamous Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed: “We … hold that there is no fundamental right of parents to be the exclusive provider of information regarding sexual matters to their children.”131

In closing: Can the elite and liberal controlled party apparatus that is morally and intellectually bankrupt regain the White House in 2008? They can if we vote for them.

George H. Kubeck, Appropriate for today. Please duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

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