Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Tyranny of Political Correctness

Sunday, April 23, 2006
I am fed up with it. It is an iron curtain over the mind and hearts of America. It needs to be dismantled, ridiculed and like communism buried. It is an attitude of mind surfacing strongly the last few decades. Ignore the truth, common sense and natural law and don’t report it. Political Correctness is a most powerful weapon for the culture of death and the organization like the ACLU and the International Planned Parenthood. (IPPF)

Correctness whether political or religious does violence to righteousness.

I was reading Special Report No. 255, March, 2006 of Human Life International. The Barbados Family Planning Association was founded in 1954. “Barbadian school children are divested of their innocence at the earliest possible opportunity, and the ten-and eleven-year-old girls we spoke to asked questions and made comments that would scandalize Satan. By fourteen many of the girls are jaded by sex. Most of the young boys have no plans to marry. Why should they? Three-fourths of all children in Barbados are born out of wedlock, and the norm is for men to drift in and out of the lives of women, who then raise a second generation of children when their daughters make exactly the same mistakes they did.” 2

Women’s liberation is to women what the Serpent was to Eve.

In our country we have the same thing happening with the distribution of condoms in the schools and the promotions of fornication as way of life for our young people. As a retired public school teacher, it is a disgrace that everything negative happening in the schools is promoted by N.E.A. nationally and C.T.A. state-wide. Via the State Rodda Act of 1975, these industrial-type unions have a stranglehold on the teaching profession with their forced dues of about a thousand dollars a year. With these monies they finance the new secular America.

The Ten Commandments are for a nation that is alive and fruitful and lest we become selfish non-believers and suicidal like it is in Europe.

I hope to start reading Chapter 5 of Bill Press’s book. (How the Republicans Stole Christmas) It is about Gays and Lesbians Are God’s Children, Too. In many ways, Bill’s book is a political and religiously correct book fitting in well with the culture of death in our society.

The book reviewed in the Orange County Catholic, April, 2006 p. 18 is similar. It is politically correct but from a different perspective. Michael Medved with Talk Radio, KRLA 870, Monday through Friday daily from 12 noon to 3 P.M., interviewed Rabbi James Rudin and his book, The Baptizing of America. Michael Medved took the author and the book to the cleaners. Before the November elections, there will be dozens of books coming out in a similar Bill Press’s vein. The new secular America is good and traditional America is bad.

George H. Kubeck, Also appropriate for today. Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

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