Friday, November 30, 2007

The Truth in Black and White -1

The Truth in Black and White -1
Friday, Nov. 30, 2007
I want to thank Bishop Harry R. Jackson Jr. for the use of his blog’s name – It is an excellent source of general religious and political information. “By obedience to the truth you have purified yourselves for a genuine love of your brothers;” 1 Peter 1:22-23

We will begin a series of short commentaries. For us in the pro-life movement, the most powerful weapon we have after prayer is the truth. It is the truth about the culture around us. By pro-life we include the advocates of marriage and family.

The culture of death is at war with all three. Thank you Pope John Paul II for the encyclical The Gospel of Life. There are some who wish to be blind to the Culture of Death and substitute issues like the war in Iraq, immigration and full health insurance. These are prudential issues upon which Catholics can disagree. The Culture of Death issues are intrinsically evil and destructive to family and nation. Let’s repeat them again. They are the two AA’s, the EE’s and the two SS’s. (Abortion, Assisted-Suicide, Euthanasia, Embryonic Stem-Cell Research and Same-Sex Marriage)

Now when we think of the enemies of the pro-life movement, like the ACLU and Planned Parenthood, let’s fear the temptations we are experiencing like the idea of supporting CINOP Rudy Giuliani for President in the primaries. That is a serious mistake. There are three or four other pro-life candidates in the pro-life party that can defeat the pro-abortion party candidate.

We have assembled in the blog CINOPS BE GONE over 200 articles that the most dangerous politicians in America are the Catholic-in-name-only politicians, like Linda and Loretta Sanchez. The most dangerous organization in America is the ACLU. Talk show host Dennis Prager has called this the age stupidity.

Mother Teresa said do not wait for leaders do it alone person to person.

Judie Brown wrote a book called, Saving Those Damned Catholics, A defense of Catholic Teaching. There is a simple solution. Vote the CINOP out of Office. This would be the best thing for their souls, the authentic Catholic label & our country.

CINOP Giuliani did OK in the debates on Wednesday. However, the dossier prepared by the pro-abortion party on his scandalous marriages will water down support by Catholic and other Christian voters and he will lose. Any pro-life candidate will win. Also, we work for a pro-life vote of 55 to 60% of the Catholics for a pro-life Congress. This is to make up for the misinformed decidedly Catholic vote that elected President Clinton in 1992 and 1996, even though he vetoed the partial-birth abortion laws 3 times.

George H. Kubeck, Posted in the mornings on

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Pope gets radical and woos the Anglicans # 2 of 2

Pope gets radical and woos the Anglicans # 2 of 2
Thursday, Nov. 29, 2007
We conclude with Damian Thompson poignant article in the 16/11/2007

“He may also have to reform an entire department, the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, which spends most of its time promoting the sort of ecumenical waffle that Benedict abhors.

This is a sensitive moment. Last month the bishops of the Traditional Anglican Communion, a network of 400,000 breakaway Anglo-Catholics based mainly in America and the Commonwealth wrote to Rome asking for “full, corporate, sacramental union.”
Their letter was drafted with the help of the Vatican. Benedict is overseeing the negotiations. Unlike John Paul II, he admires the Anglo-Catholic tradition. He is thinking of making special pastoral arrangements for Anglican converts walking away from the car wreck of the Anglican Communion.

This would mean that they could worship together, free from bullying by local bishops who dislike the newcomers’ conservationism and would rather “dialogue” with Anglicans rather than receive them into the Church.

The liberation of the Latin liturgy, the rapprochement with Eastern Orthodoxy, the absorption of former Anglicans – all these ambitions reflect Benedict’s conviction that the Catholic Church must rediscover the liturgical treasure of Christian history to perform its most important task: worshipping God.

This conviction is shared by growing numbers of young Catholics, but not by the Church politicians who have dominated the hierarchies of Europe for too long.
By failing to welcome the latest papal initiatives – even to display any interest in them, beyond the narrow question of how their power is affected – the Bishops of England and Wales have confirmed Benedict’s low opinion of them.
Now he should replace them. If the Catholic reformation is to start anywhere, it might as well start here.”

Addendum: - Wed. Nov. 21, 2007 By Hilary White titled:
Liberal Bishops and Moral Dissenters Ignore Pope Benedict’s Liturgical Instruction

“In response to decades of request and complaints about unauthorized liturgical and doctrinal innovation, Pope Benedict XVI issued a document July 7, called a ‘motu Proprio,’ erasing the restriction of what he called the “extraordinary rite” of the Mass. The document instructs bishops and priests who want to observe the older rite must be allowed to do so without having to ask permission and that congregations must have the Latin Mass if they ask for it….

“One American priest, Richard McBrien of Notre Dame University, is a leading voice of dissent on sexual issues, abortion and marriage and is widely seen as spokesman for the liberal wing of the bishops and clergy who object to the return of the traditional Mass. He wrote in The Tidings, the diocesan newspaper of the archdiocese of Los Angeles, that young Catholics cannot have experienced the old Latin Mass. He wrote, “It is a mystery how one can be nostalgic for something one has never experienced.” McBrien praised the work of “liturgical scholars” who, he said, “have published articles which carefully pick apart the reasoning behind the papal document.”
Pray for the intentions of the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate into Spanish.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Pope gets radical and woos the Anglicans # 1 of 2

Pope gets radical and woos the Anglicans # 1 of 2
Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007
The above is the headline of the’s studious article written by Damian Thompson. 16/11/2007. He is the editor-in-chief of the Catholic Herald, in Great Britain.

Two and half years after the name “Josephum” came booming down from the balcony of St. Peter’s, making liberal Catholics weep with rage, Pope Benedict XVI is revealing his programme of reform. And it is breathtakingly ambitious.

The 80 year old pontiff is planning a purification of the Roman liturgy in which decades of trendy innovations will be swept away. This recovery of the sacred is intended to draw Catholics closer to the Orthodox and ultimately to heal the 1,000 year Great Schism. But it is also designed to attract vast numbers of conservative Anglicans, who will be offered protection of the Holy Father if they convert en masse.

The liberal cardinals don’t like the sound of it all.
Ever since the shock of Benedict’s election, they have been waiting for him to show his hand. Now that he has, the resistance has begun in earnest – the Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, is in the thick of it.

“Pope Benedict is isolated,” I was told when I visited Rome last week. “So many people even in the Vatican oppose him, and he feels the strain immensely.” Yet he is ploughing ahead. He reminds me of another conservative revolutionary, Margaret Thatcher, who waited for a couple of years before taking on the cabinet “wets” sabotaging her reforms.
Benedict’s pontificate moved in to a new phase on July 7, with the publication of his apostolic letter Summorum Pontificum.

With the stroke of his pen, the Pope restored the traditional Latin Mass – in effect banned for 40 years – to parity with the modern liturgy. Shortly afterwards, he replaced the Archbishop Piero Martini, the papal Master of Ceremonies who turned many of Pope John Paul II’s Masses into politically correct carnivals.
Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor was most displeased. Last week, he hit back with a “commentary” on Summorum Pontificum

According to Murphy-O’Connor, the ruling leaves the power of local bishops untouched. In fact, it removes the bishop’s power to block the ancient liturgy. In other words, the cardinal – who tried to block Benedict issuing the ruling – is misrepresenting its contents.

Alas, he is not alone: dozens of bishops in Britain, Europe and America have tried the same trick.
Murphy-O’Connor “commentary” was modeled on equally dire “guidelines” written by Bishop Arthur Roche of Leeds with the apparent purpose of discouraging the faithful from exercising their new rights.

A few years ago the ploy might have worked. But news travels fast in the traditionalist blogosphere, and these tactics have been brought to the attention of papal advisers.
This month, Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith, a senior Vatican official close to Benedict, declared that “bishops and even cardinals” who misrepresented Summorum Pontificum were “in rebellion against the Pope.”
Ranjith is tipped to become the next Prefect of the Congregation of Divine Worship, in charge of regulating worldwide liturgy. That makes sense: if Benedict is moving into higher gear, then he needs street fighters in high office. Cont’d Tomorrow.
Pray daily for the intentions of the Holy Father.
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate or translate in Spanish.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Report # 13 on David Carlin's Book

Report # 13 on David Carlin’s Book
Can a Catholic be a Democrat?
Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2007
Chapter 3 – America’s Anti-Christian Party 71-79
It would be a good idea to compare David Carlin’s book with Bill Press’s Book.
“Why is secularism so popular among the higher classes? First, to justify their many social privileges, Second, the higher classes are better educated than the middling classes; … Third, the great social, economic power possessed by the people in the higher classes makes it difficult for them, at least while they are in the prime of life, to feel what serious religious believers constantly feel – namely, that our poor human power is as nothing compared with the omnipotent providence of God. Finally, people with money provides them with an immense menu of choices:...

4. “As a consequence of having alienated non-affluent Christian voters, the Democratic Party has lost its position as America’s number one political party. It will remain number two until it expels or at least marginalized the anti-Christians currently wielding great influence in its ranks.

“… more and more conservative Protestants and orthodox Catholics are defecting from the old party of their parents and grandparents… Christian voters have recognized the new secularist character of the Democratic Party, but a great many haven’t…. But although secularism is stronger now than it has even been, the United States is still predominately religious, indeed predominately Christian. This is to say that these Christians are all of the traditional type, for many Catholics and Protestants have drifted away from orthodoxy intellectually and even morally.

“If the Democratic party wishes to hold on to voters … it will have to persuade its affluent secularists member either to cease pushing their agenda of else to take their agenda and leave the party…. The second-best thing for affluent secularists to remain in the party while abandoning their more ‘offensive’ parts of their agenda… The third-best thing … The secularist element in the party can license Democratic politicians to speak of ‘faith’ in their personal lives, of their belief in ‘values’ of how they would like to lower the rate of abortion in America, of the importance of strong families and so on.

5. Until the party expels or marginalizes its secularist element, it makes little or no sense for Catholics and other traditional Christians to support the Democ. Party.

“Why should I support a party that’s the enemy of my religion?” they ask. Likewise Christians who continue to support today’s Democratic Party increasingly experience feelings of cognitive dissonance, and will discover that one way to eliminate those unpleasant dissonance feelings is by ceasing to vote for Democrats….

“For one, it depends on how ‘Catholic’ a person is. Those who are little more than nominal Catholics, practicing the religion hardly at all and identifying with it only out of habit and family tradition, aren’t greatly offended by the party’s alliance with forces of secularism; for these nominal Catholics are virtually secularists themselves. Neither are liberal Catholics greatly offended, for they regard the defeat of orthodox Catholicism as a gain, a door opening to a new-an-improved brand of Catholicism.”
George H. Kubeck, or Cinops Be Gone

Monday, November 26, 2007

Eternity and Death

Eternity and Death
Monday, Nov. 26th, 2007
Remember your four last ends: Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell.
The following are excerpts from Nov. 11 and Nov. 12th of Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger’s Book Co-Workers of the Truth 1992 Ignatius Press, San Fransisco

Let us dare to believe once more in eternal life, to live for eternal life.

Those who have talked us out of our belief in heaven, or would like to talk us out of it, have not given us the earth in exchange but have made it desolate and empty, have covered it with darkness. We must find once more the courage to believe in eternal life with all our heart.

A present that is only present and has no future has no hope. The nothingness that follows it also pollutes the present and makes it unbearable. Only eternity can unite the present and the future.

Humanity needs eternity; every other hope is too short for it. And it is not true that eternity robs humanity of time, impoverishes it, and makes it unimportant. On the contrary only eternity can give man time. If a person’s death is worthless then his life is worthless too.

There was a time when death was a forbidden topic in our society…. Death has actually become a fashionable topic.

The pressing of all questions: whether our life is to be measured in terms of eternity or is ordered solely to the fleeting moment.

What is obvious in all of them is that man cannot relinquish the struggle to learn about eternity, cannot give it up.

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.
P.S. In death we are born to eternal life.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Report Card # 16 of 23 on Bill Press'Book

Report Card # 16 on Bill Press’s Book
How the Republicans Stole Christmas
Sunday Morning, November 25, 2007 - Sunday Morning, March 19, 2006
Chapter 4 – Abortion and Stem Cell Research

There seems to be a hidden satisfaction and kind of devilish rebellion in the promotion of abortion on demand, euthanasia, same-sex marriage, and embryonic stem cell research by the CINOP (Catholic in Name Only Politician). There are also a number of Republicans in this area. They think they can get away and continue to fool Catholics at election time.

All of the above are absolute evils. They are not the prudential issues which CINOP Bill throws in as a smoke screen to fool you. “Consider moral shortfalls: the execution of innocent people on death row, the white collar crime that emptied the pension funds belonging to millions of workers, the latent racism that still denies many opportunities to African and Hispanic-Americans, or the fact that we citizens of the wealthiest nation on earth look the other way while 36 million Americans live below the poverty line.” (122)

As a starter, I would like to gather information and participate in a tentative court case of fraud and false advertisement for any CINOP in office or running for office in the political arena. In Orange County, the CINOP really does not represent any district. Maybe, they could in San Francisco because that is what we have. It is a dirty joke, an obnoxious scandal and the promotion of a false Catholic religion.

Fellow Christian Baptists and Evangelicals would not put up with members with this kind of hogwash politicians. Why should faithful Catholics be like sheep and be quiet about it? In Orange County, the CINOP includes the Congresswoman, one State Senator, two State Assemblymen, and one Supervisor. We will be focusing on the values voters.

Here is the “Statement on Responsibilities of Catholics in Public Life” by the U.S. Bishops’ conference. Washington, D.C., March 12, 2006

“A recent public statement by 55 Catholic and Democratic members of the House of Representatives offers an opportunity to address several important points about the responsibilities of Catholics in public life….Pope John Paul II’s apostolic exhortation on the vocation and mission of the laity, Christifideles Laici, which the representatives’ statement cites, declares: The inviolability of the person which is a reflection of the absolute inviolability of God finds its primary and fundamental expression in the inviolability of human life. Above all, the common outcry, which is justly made on behalf of human rights – for example, the right to health, to home, to work, to family, to culture – is false and illusory if the right to life, the most basic and fundamental right and the condition for all other personal rights, is not defended with maximum determination …. The human being is entitled to such rights, in every phase of development, from conception until natural death, and in every condition, whether healthy or sick. whole or handicapped, rich or poor. (38)… it is essential to remember that conscience must be consistent with fundamental moral principles… all Catholics are obliged to shape our consciences in accord with the moral teaching of the Church… Through dialogue, between Catholic political leaders & their own bishops, we hope to promote a better understanding of how the Church’s teaching on human life & dignity challenges us all.”
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and translate into Spanish

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Report Card # 15 on Bill Press's Book

Report Card # 15 on Bill Press’s Book
How the Republicans stole Christmas

Saturday, November 24, 2007 -March 11, 2006
Chapter 3 – The Death Penalty

There are many pro-life Democrats in the State Legislatures throughout the country. Why are there none in California? We continue with a brief review of this chapter. Our purpose is to explore the mind and heart of a Catholic in Name only Politician and to make the derivative CINOP as common as U.N. or RINO – Republican in Name Only. Note that the CINOP is a true believer in the social gospel issues, but seemingly blind and uncaring about the life and family issues. We have on the one hand, the prudential decisions and on the other hand the absolute evil decisions. There is also a hope and prayer to bring the CINOP back to over-all Catholic Values.

In this part of Bill’s brain (the Death Penalty); his thoughts make a lot of sense. “In recent years, no group has been more out front opposing the death penalty than the Catholic Church. And this represents a big change. As seen above, church fathers like Augustine and Aquinas originally steered the church in favor of executions as a legitimate function of the state….At least the Catholic Church is consistent. Its official position – based on reverence for life – is against abortion, in all cases, and against the death penalty, in all cases….There is simply no way that the death penalty can be uniformly and fairly applied, nationwide….Life in prison without parole is the proven, reliable, humane alternative to the death penalty.” 108, 110- 112.

Prior to the above, Bill Press is very much annoyed with St. Paul. “In their lust to justify killing their fellow men and women conservative Christians practically leap with joy whenever they stumble upon St. Paul’s letter to the Romans. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, for example, believes that St. Paul in Romans 13:4 gives the state all the authority it needs to kill… Religious conservatives follow St. Paul only selectively. They embrace the death penalty, yet they are also the first ones to start complaining about paying their taxes….But more seriously, is there anyone living in the twenty-first century who actually takes St. Paul at his word?” 101-2 To prove his point, Bill quotes St. Paul.

Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord…. Slaves obey your earthly masters in everything that you do: Colossians 3:18, 22

Unfortunately, Bill Press quoted Mario Cuomo who is an outspoken death penalty opponent. As governor of New York in the 1980’s he begged the Vatican: “Please, please, please speak on this subject.” Readers need to be informed that Cuomo via his writings is the Patron Saint of pro-abortion Catholic politicians. In the process Mario muddied the waters of Catholic thinking and had a bad influence on the U.S. Bishops.

In hindsight, decades ago, the bishop should have talked to the CINOP. Please attend Mass on Sundays, but don’t receive Holy Communion. It would also have been the best for our Catholic Faith and for the viability and survival of the Democratic Party which has many Catholics registered as Democrats.
A Common Sense Pro-Life Dispatch, George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish

Friday, November 23, 2007

St.Thomas More

St. Thomas More
Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2007
St. Thomas More is the model and patron of CINOPS BE GONE which is dedicated to the exposure and removal of U.S. Catholic-in-name-only politicians.

From Catholic Answer, V. 21 No. 5 Nov.-Dec. 07 – A Sunday Visitor Publication p. 10

“The prime example of a saint who was a politician is the Englishman St. Thomas More (1478-1535). He was successfully a Member of Parliament, an ambassador to France and Flanders, a member of the Royal Council, speaker of the House of Commons and, finally, Lord Chancellor. The latter position made him, after the king, the most powerful political figure in the English realm. St. Thomas More was canonized in 1935.

“On Oct. 31, 2000, Pope John Paul II proclaimed St. Thomas More to be the patron saint of politicians. At the time, Cardinal Roger Etchegaray explained that the Pope wanted to remind politicians ‘of the absolute priority of God in the heart of public affairs.’

“This saint was a most gracious and generous martyr for the Church. He was condemned to death for his refusal to acknowledge King Henry VIII as head of the Church of England.

“When officials imposed the death sentence on him, he reminded them that St. Paul (before his conversion) had consented to St. Stephen’s being stoned to death for his faith, and had even taken part indirectly in the execution. Even so, he added, ‘both now [are] two holy saints in heaven, and shall continue there friends forever.’

‘So I verily trust,’ he concluded, ‘and shall therefore heartily pray, that though your lordships have now here in the earth been judges to my condemnation, we may yet hereafter in heaven merrily all meet together, to our everlasting salvation.’

“Various rulers have been canonized, such as St. Louis IX, King of France (1214-1270) and St. Elizabeth, Queen of Portugal (1271-1336). Yet St. Thomas More will always remain the chief example of sanctity achieved in the midst of a busy, demanding life; in this case, a political life.

“His life perfectly illustrates the teaching of the Second Vatican Council (Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity, No. 4): Laity, we are told, must ‘not separate their union with Christ from their ordinary life; but through the very performance of their tasks, which are God’s will for them, actually promote the growth of their union with Him. This is the path along which laymen must advance.”

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish. View CINOPS BE GONE

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 22, 2007
During the first week of November 2003, I participated in a three day/four nights Carnival Cruise to Catalina Island and Ensenada, entitled, “Cruisin’ with the Word.” Father Michael Manning had daily Mass in the morning and gave three talks in the afternoon.

Father Manning is a Catholic priest whose unique ministry is television. Presently he is still seen weekly on the Trinity Broadcasting Network, putting his message into millions of households across the country and around the world. He is on Chanel 40 for one-half hour on Wednesdays, 8:30 AM. May I share the gist of his talks?

“God sees something in people that we don’t see. There is Moses, a 70 year old man, a murderer, taking care of sheep called by God to bring the Jews into the Promised Land. There is Samuel the prophet who picks one of Jesse’s sons David to be the King of the Jews. David as a guerilla warrior conquered Jerusalem and brought to the nation the most prosperous times in Jewish life. One of his many sons was Solomon a wise leader and builder of the temple.”

“The Bible is a library filled up with different stories. Note the overwhelming power of this book in Hebrews 4 V.12. It is like a sword. There is Gideon, the man who goes against all odds. Jeremiah the prophet, although rejected by his people trusted in God’s judgment and mercy. He trusted in God and did not lean on his own understanding. Susanna a virtuous woman, full of grace and beauty, endured false accusations by the elders of her community. Judith and Deborah, women judges who dared to speak the truth amidst great darkness.”

“In getting used to the Bible, Father Manning suggested that we take the Sunday readings that are coming up. Read the second reading with a small group (or alone). Consider, “What one word stood out for you?” Reread, “What idea did I get from the reading?” Finally, “What are you going to do about it?””

Today, we have outstanding role models with Pope John Paul II, Blessed Mother Teresa and St. Pio. Among the local laity, we have two leaders in California who have been at the abortion sites for more than sixteen years. Hector Rubio is there four to five times weekly for about two hours. With God’s help, he participated in shutting down the abortion facility in Cypress about six years and nine months ago. Today, Hector is continuing his rosary prayers and counseling at the abortion sites in Long Beach, 2777 Long Beach Blvd., and in the city of Downey.

Also in Orange County, we have Joan Hosek who prays and counsels at the abortion mill at 2445 W. Chapman, Orange. Besides weekdays, they do abortions there on Sunday mornings. Both local heroes are at these locations where the least of our brothers and sisters die in California. It is a good place for us to be, even for one hour monthly, praying the Rosary for the dying and the grieving.
Fraternally yours,
George H. Kubeck.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship:

Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship:
Presentation of Mary --Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2007
(From the L.A. Times Staff Writer, Theo Milonopoulos, Nov. 18, 2007)
Baltimore: Catholic voters who back candidates because of their support for abortion or other ‘assaults on human life’ would be ‘guilty of formal cooperation in grave evil,’ according to a statement adopted Wednesday (Nov. 14th) by the U.S. Catholic bishops.

The bishops defined what they called ‘threats to the sanctity and dignity of human life’ as human cloning, embryonic stem cell research, racism, torture and genocide.

In the midst of the 2008 presidential campaign season, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops overwhelmingly endorsed an updated statement on faith and politics designed to help Catholics fulfill their political responsibilities to vote and run for office.

‘It is not a voter guide,’ said Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio of Brooklyn, N.Y. who presented a final version of the statement before the conference here. ‘It calls us as bishops to help form consciences for political life, not tell people how to vote or whom to vote for or against.’

The statement, titled “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship: A Call to Political Responsibility,’ outlined the bishops’ consensus on various topics such as opposition to same-sex marriage and the death penalty while providing ‘a consistent framework’ for assessing political platforms.

‘A Catholic cannot vote for a candidate who takes a position in favor of an intrinsic evil, such as abortion or racism, if the voter’s intent is to support that position,’ said the text. ‘In such cases, a Catholic would be guilty of formal cooperation in grave evil.’

The bishops acknowledged there may be times when Catholics reject a candidate’s ‘unacceptable position ‘on one issue, but vote for the candidate anyway. The bishops said such a choice would ‘be permissible only for truly grave moral reasons, not to advance narrow interests or partisan preferences or to ignore fundamental moral evil.’

‘Unless we are going to give up our right to vote … it may be that we never find the perfect candidate,’ said Bishop Michael J. Sheridan of Colorado Springs, Colo. ‘So there’s where we have to try to decide which of the candidates do we think is at least going to propose and move toward the greatest good.’
The bishop’s statement went beyond earthly concerns, saying political choices ‘ may affect the individuals’ salvation.’

‘One of the responsibilities that I believe we have as bishops is to let our people know that the choices and the decisions that they make in their lives hear on earth do impact their salvation,’ said Bishop Samuel J Aquila of Fargo, N.D. ‘And we as bishops are really called to be about the salvation of souls, eternal life, and for Catholics who choose to support intrinsic evils … they may be putting their salvation at risk.’
Bishops said the reference to salvation is meant not to cast judgment on individuals but make them aware of the possible effects of their choices. Sheridan said he suggests Catholics at odds with the Church’s positions seek clerical counsel….

Comment: Tragically, one party is promoting five intrinsic evils: abortion, same-marriage, assisted-suicide, euthanasia, and embryonic stem cell research.
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The U.S. Catholic-in-name-only Religion # 2

The U.S. Catholic-in-name-only Religion # 2
Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2007
Comments on the statement: A Catholic Call to Observe Civility in Public Life.

“As Americans we acknowledge deep divisions over some policy issues; and recognize that some, who are active in political life and who differ with the Church’s teachings on certain issues, such as abortion, stem cell research, the death penalty, and the justification for war, air their difference in public and criticize the Church for these teachings….

“To right this wrong, we should observe the following principles.

“As Catholics we should not enlist the Church’s moral endorsement for our political preferences….

“As lay Catholics we should not exhort the Church to condemn our political opponents by publicly denying them Holy Communion based on public dissent from our Church teachings. An individual fitness to receive communion is his or hers personal responsibility. And it is a bishop’s responsibility to set for his diocese the guidelines for administering communion.

“Catholic politicians who advertise their Catholicism as part of their political appeal, but ignore the Church’s moral teachings in their political life confuse non-Catholics by giving the appearance of hypocrisy.
This is true. It also drives practicing Catholics up the wall. It is one of the strongest reasons to vote out of office, the CINOP. (Catholic-in-name-only Politician) The CINOP is also the role model for the second largest religious group in America.
“As Catholics we need to keep in mind the common humanity that we share with those with whom we disagree. We must avoid seeing them as ‘the enemy’ in a life-or-death, winner-take-all political contest…”

Let us review the Pelagian heresy: Human action alone is all that is necessary to get to heaven. There is no need for God’s grace. We should stop thinking of true doctrine, missionary
work and the conversion of other people. We need to get along.
Since we have been over-washed with toleration, empathy and sensitivity to good and evil, let us water down our Catholic beliefs in this pluralistic society and adapt ourselves to the dominant politically correct environment and play by their rules.
Let us keep this as a discussion within the Catholic Laity. It will help us to evangelize and convert. Do you notice that this problem of civility is not happening to the Evangelical and Baptist politicians?

What I look for are some civil debates and discussions by Judie Brown, Karl Keating or Phil Lawler with one or more of the signatures to the Statement like Terry McAuliffe, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

Dear Reader, Check out the above statement on the internet, write a one-half page comment, and E-mail it to me so I can put it on the CINOPS BE GONE blog.
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish, Cinops be gone

Monday, November 19, 2007

The U.S. Catholic-in-name-only Religion # 1 of 2

The U.S. Catholic-in-name-only Religion # 1 of 2
Monday, Nov. 19, 2007
This is the week of Thanksgiving: We thank the Lord for our gift of Faith. Pray for an increase in faith, hope and charity. Give us the wisdom to respond with civility tomorrow to a Pelagian religiously correct article on the internet titled, “A Catholic Call to Observe Civility in Political Debate.”
The challenge is how do we begin the conversion of a politician who uses the Catholic label when he runs for office and when he is in office votes and promotes anti-Christian laws? Of all the voting blocs in the U.S.A. the Catholic voter particularly in California and New York is misinformed and uninformed. In many parts of the country we have pro-life democratic politicians running for office and getting elected. Why not in these two states?
What is the evidence that this false religion exists? First of all the CINOP is a member of a party that directly and indirectly promotes the 2 A’s, 2 E’s, and the 2 SS’s. (Abortion, Assisted-Suicide, Euthanasia, Embryonic Stem-Cell Research, and Same-Sex Marriage) All of these are intrinsically evil.
Another example: Take these fundamental issues and the Catholic position:

1) Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act-passage (110th) – Against
2) Marriage Amendment Act (109th) – For
3) Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (109th) - For
4) Abortion in military and medical facilities (109th) – Against
5) Coercive abortion/United Nations Population Fund (109th) – Against
6) Unborn Pain Awareness Act: Passage (109th) – For
7) Human Cloning Ban: Passage (108th) – For
8) Partial Birth Abortion Ban: Passage (108th) – For
9) Unborn Victims of Violence Act (108th) – For

It is incredible but most of the CINOPS have voted against the above Catholic position eight or nine times. There is a culture war going on in America and they are on the side of the Culture of Death as enunciated by Pope John Paul II. (By the way, it is President George W. Bush who has fought for all of the above Catholic positions. Let us give credit where credit is due. It is also one of the main reasons why he is hated by the leftists. President Bush has been the Pro-Life President.)
Last week we saw the U.S. Bishops’ Conference in Baltimore, Maryland. I have read through one of their documents titled, Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship. This document is valuable for the evangelization of Catholic and nominal Catholics on all of the above issues. (# 16. As the Holy Father also taught in Deus Caritas Est, ‘the direct duty to work for a just ordering of society is the proper duty to the lay faithful.’ (No. 29)) How are we going to do this?
Let’s us meet to study these matters on the second Wednesday of each month-- 10 AM. Where? Mark your calendar.
WED. DEC. 12, 2007 – 10 A.M.

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Report Card # 14 of 23 on Bill Press's Book

Report Card # 14 on Bill Press’s Book
How the Republicans Stole Christmas
Sunday, Nov. 18, 2007 --Feb. 25, 2006

Chapter 2 – Killing in the Name of Jesus - cont’d

It takes time to digest in the stomach of our minds the tragedy of pseudo-Catholics politicians in the political arena not only in Europe but in this hemisphere. For example, there is Fidel Castro in Cuba, Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and of course the CINOP in the Americas.

The most powerful weapon against the culture of death advocates is the truth. The reader will recognize lies. I hate a raw deal. Justice is truth in action. These misguided advocates of the culture of death need to be exposed. They are: Planned Parenthood and their supporters, the ACLU and their crowd, and the CINOPS, (Catholics in Name Only Politicians) who are as dangerous as any of the others in America.

Let’s increase Bill Press’s aggravation with a tape recorded about 1990, how
To Turn America Back to God, Christian Coalition, Box 1990, Chesapeake, VA 23327.
"This meeting is a meeting of destiny. We are living in an extraordinary time of history…. The greatest thing we can do for people is to give them opportunity, your right to have an open door in America and go as high as you want to….The best solution to welfare is a job and not a hand-out….
"This is a time when communism is failing and its sister is failing along with it and which is called humanism, secular humanism is falling apart because exhibit A is the failed monstrosity of the command society of Russia and when that came down so did the so-called elites of the United States. They just haven’t learned it yet. As someone said nobody anywhere in the world no longer believes in Marxism except professors in the U.S. universities caught in the 60’s time zone and it’s time to get them out of their jobs of teaching….
"This going to be the decade of the spirit, of spiritual values….
"We are hearing noises about a new world order. We are hearing that the U.N. which for 25 years was a silly joke suddenly is going to rule the world and those we were to cede the sovereignty of America to this organization that voted against our interest 85% of the time from its conception to the Gulf War….

"Regrettably, there is a movement coming from the East. A New Age type religion which is going to be challenging Christianity….
"Christianity has been in retreat for many, many decades under the assault of Liberalism and humanism…. "And into that void steps an organization called Christian Coalition. (This is a Pat Robertson’s tape)
In closing, let us focus in on the straw that broke the camel’s back. The straw is the role that the CINOP played in the defeat of California’s Prop. 73 – Parental Notification Measure in Nov. of 2005. It was a defeat for family values and parental rights. This fact needs to be repeated over and over again in Orange County’s 34th State Senate District which I happen to live in. There will be two CINOPS running in the Democratic primary, Tom Umberg and Lou Correa. In the Republican primary, we have Assemblyman Van Tran and Assemblywoman Lynn Daucher. Van Tran is Catholic, a parental rights and pro-family candidate versus Lynn Daucher, a RINO, supported by Planned Parenthood.
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Regrettably, there is a movement coming from the East. A New Age type religion which is going to be challenging Christianity….
Christianity has been in retreat for many, many decades under the assault of Liberalism and humanism…. And into that void steps an organization called Christian Coalition. (This is a Pat Robertson’s tape)
In closing, let us focus in on the straw that broke the camel’s back. The straw is the role that the CINOP played in the defeat of California’s Prop. 73 – Parental Notification Measure in Nov. of 2005. It was a defeat for family values and parental rights. This fact needs to be repeated over and over again in Orange County’s 34th State Senate District which I happen to live in. There will be two CINOPS running in the Democratic primary, Tom Umberg and Lou Correa. In the Republican primary, we have Assemblyman Van Tran and Assemblywoman Lynn Daucher. Van Tran is Catholic, a parental rights and pro-family candidate versus Lynn Daucher, a RINO, supported by Planned Parenthood.
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Report Card # 13 on Bill Press's Book

Report Card # 13 on Bill Press’s Book
How the Republicans Stole Christmas
Saturday, Nov. 17, 2007 --Thurs. Feb. 9, 2006
Chapter 2 – Killing in the Name of Jesus (cont’d)
Note ----Yesterday title on the Blog should be Report No. 12 on David Carlin's Book

It leaves a bad taste in my mind for anyone using the Jesus name to score political points and also to speculate on the motives of Christians on war and peace issues. It is the regular media ploy to denigrate and ridicule all Christians and that includes Catholics.
The CINOP Bill Press does have some good points and food for thought in this chapter. Here are several of the topics: Fighting a Just War, Fighting a Religious War in Iraq, The Day of Rapture is Near, No Such Thing as a “Just” Preemptive War, etc. However, as a Christian, Bill has an irrational anger against the Christian Coalition. If they had only supported his political party, all would be well. The Christian Coalition as with the pro-life movement has been marginalized, made fun off and often ignored by the secular media. Bill spouts the propaganda of the secularist agenda.
Let us take a historical perspective backwards from the 1990’s first and then to the 1930’s. From a tape of about 1990, what does the Christian Coalition believe?
Their goal is decisions for Christ throughout the world. They are Christian and not ashamed of Jesus and that is why they are called the Christian Coalition. We are the only society where the elites (Academic and Moneyed) have turned against themselves and tried to destroy the country they live in. If we are not aware of our enemies we will lose.
The first thing we believe is that Almighty God rules in the affairs of men and nations ignore his commandments at their peril.

The second thing they believe is enunciated in the Declaration of Independence. We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. They believe that the liberty we have in America does not come from Washington, D.C. It comes from Almighty God. Government did not give it to us and government can’t take it away. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights. As Christians and as citizens of America, the primary right given by God is for the elderly and the unborn child. Furthermore, we resolve that and will not rest and will continue to assail the Legislature, Courts, and Liberals until every unborn child is safe in his mother’s womb in America. (to be cont’d)

In Report Card # 9, I noted that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco, a (CINOP) Catholic was one of the 48 representatives who wrote a letter to the U.S. Bishops warning them that the “threat of withholding a sacrament will revive latent anti-Catholic prejudice.” This bothers me a lot. Maybe, you can figure it out. Well, thanks for the warning CINOPS. Catholic Laity organizations are so timid. Resolutions should be passed condemning this kind of indirect blackmail of our Catholic Bishops.
Ex-Catholics trying to justify their political positions can be very dangerous. During the 1930’s, there were quite a number of pseudo-Catholics in leadership positions in the National Socialist Party in Germany. Ask the survivors of the Holocaust. Hitler and Goebbels were ex-Catholics.
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Report Card # 13 on Bill Press's Book

Report # 12 on David Carlin’s Book
Can a Catholic Be a Democrat?
(This is our 202 article on our website – CINOPS Be GONE) Friday, Nov. 16, 2007
Chapter 3 America’s Anti-Christian Party (Continued) p.66 - 70

This page is excellent on understanding the mind and heart of a Secularist.
“But the present-day Culture War (the one with initial capital letters) dates back only to the Cultural Revolution that began in the 1960’s. This spectacular upsurge of secularist, anti-Christianity impulses was marked by a generalized rebellion against authority; the authority of government, educators, religion, and family – and above all the authority of tradition. Among the notable outcomes of this rebellion were the so-called “sexual revolution” and a turn towards pacifism.”…

2.) In this Culture War, the national Democratic Party has teamed up with the secularists and their allies; in so doing, it has become a de facto anti-Christian party.
“If the Democratic Party has come to be dominated by anti-Christian secularist and their allies, the Democratic Party can be rightly called an anti-Christina party…. The aim of the Democrats is not to treat Christians as second-class citizens; their objection is not to Christians as individuals but to their belief systems….
“I must also emphasize that when I say the Democratic Party has become an anti-Christian party, I haven’t forgotten that there are other elements in the party with no interest in the destruction of Christianity: neither organized labor nor organized blacks believe it’s in the interest of their constituents to promote abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, or assisted suicide.

3.) The Democratic Party, once strongly identified with the working classes and the common man, is no longer a small-d democratic party; it’s now a party largely dominated by upper- and upper-middle-class ideologues.

“Groups who hold an ideology use it to serve three purposes .First; it’s used to justify the group itself. Second, it’s used as a weapon with which to attack, and to defend against, the group’s enemies. Third, it’s used to persuade those who, at the moment, are neutrals, neither friends nor enemies of the group.
“Secularism, including its ethic of moral liberalism, is such an ideology. It’s a belief system typically held by upper-middle-class Americans. This isn’t to say that everybody from the upper-middle-classes holds this philosophy, but it is disportionately held – very disproportionately so – by persons of that socioeconomic status and by persons who have realistic aspirations to that status….

“These people use their ideology to justify themselves in their own eyes. (“We hold a true philosophy of life; thus we’re morally and intellectually superior people; and therefore we and our children are entitled to the many social and economic privileges we actually possess.”) They use it as a weapon against their enemies, who are mainly Christians of working-class and lower-middle-class status. (“These old-school Christians are ignorant, and in their ignorance they’re dangerous to the well-being of American democracy, not to mention the international community. Therefore, they must be defeated – or at least their false beliefs must be defeated, thereby liberating these unfortunates to see the truth.”) And the ideology is used to persuade neutrals. (“Do you want America turned into a theocracy? Do you want the government in your bedroom? Do you want your gay cousin to be unable to live a life of married fidelity ….”?)
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish. Posted on Cinops be gone.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Commentary on Judie Brown's Tough Love 5 of 5

Commentary on Judie Brown’s Tough Love # 5 of 5
Thursday, Nov. 15th, 2007

13.) “From a long line of similar disturbing remarks uttered from the mouths of Catholic bishops, it is becoming increasingly clear that every bright line defining who a Catholic is and what a Catholic believes is being blurred beyond recognition. Whether it is a McCarrick ‘style’ or a Connecticut ‘explanation’ or a San Francisco ‘apology,’ the bottom line is all of this is the same: no guts. The clarity of what it means to be a Catholic is being distorted, dismantled and – ultimately, if we are not careful – destroyed. And that is the greatest tragedy of all:
witnessing the decay from within the Church without the ability to fix it.”

Now the Catholic laity has to put up or shut up. I believe there is one way to fix the external problems, directly and indirectly relating to our Bishops. There is significant research material on the BLOG – CINOPS BE GONE. This blog is dedicated to the exposure and removal of Catholic-in-name-only-politicians. St. Thomas More is our model and patron. In this coming election cycle 2008, we vote No to any CINOP on the ballot. It may take us ten years to rid of them. (
Let us start in Orange County, California. There are two CINOPS that can be defeated in 2008. One represents the district, I live in. We can meet on the second Wednesday of each month at Denny’s Restaurant. 3000 W. Chapman, Orange. 10 A.M., to implement this week’s Bishop’s Conference’s Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship. GHK
We can start this Crusade with a NO vote for CINOP Rudy Giuliani in the Republican Primaries throughout the country. And if you are a pro-life Democrat, reregister for that primary and help us. We want a pro-life presidential candidate in 2008.
I see a light at the end of the tunnel if we can vote out the CINOPS who are truly the scandalous role models for most nominal and generic Catholics who are not grounded in their faith. I believe that these CINOPS threaten indirectly the bishops to keep their mouths shut. And in all fairness to our clergy and religious: How in God’s name can you remain registered with a political party that promotes the 2 A’s, the 2 E’s and the 2 S’s? (Abortion, assisted-suicide, euthanasia, embryonic stem-cell research and same-sex marriage)

14.) “The Achilles heel is cowardice, my friends. It boils down to an unwilling to battle the forces of evil, whether it is by confronting the media, the wayward politician or the persons who would dare to bring disdain into the house of God. If we cannot observe in our shepherds, what are we to think? If I had my way, I would focus attention on the bishops who have been so steadfast in their leadership, their strong backbone and their holiness, and I would say to the rest of them.”

15.) “Please seek in fervent prayer and with all humility the gifts you need from God to develop the ability to never, ever step away from your responsibilities as bishops of the Catholic Church. For the sake of the preservation of the holy, Catholic Church you claim to serve, and all those souls the Lord has entrusted to your care, please show us the way to Christ and our eternal home.”
God Bless,
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish. CINOPS BE GONE

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

No Commentary on Judie Brown's Tough Love # 4 of 5

No Commentary on Judie Brown’s Tough Love # 4 of 5
Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2007

6.) “The Holy Father’s words rang around the world, as one Catholic writer opined, and even moved evangelicals like Dr. James Dobson and Frank Pastore to hail his courageous statement. So why isn’t every single bishop, priest, deacon and Eucharistic minister in the Catholic Church equally motivated and inspired by this pope.”

7.) “I fear the answer to this question is that there is too much political posturing and not enough commitment to saving souls in far too many places within the Catholic Church these days. There was once a pope who, being quite similar in many ways to our current pope, gave stern warnings to the bishops of his day. His name was Gregory. He lived in the late sixth century and he once told his priests in a homily.”

8.)”There is something about life of the shepherd, dearest brothers, which discourages me greatly. But lest what I claim should seem unjust to anyone, I accuse myself of the very same thing, although I fall into it unwillingly – compelled by the urgency of these barbarous times. I speak of our absorption in external affairs; we accept the duties of office, but by our own actions we show that we are attentive to other things. We abandon the ministry of preaching and, in my opinion, are called bishops to our detriment, for we retain the honorable office but fail to practice the virtues proper to it. Those that have been entrusted to us abandon God, and we are silent. They fall into sin, and we do not extend a hand of rebuke.”

9) “Such courageous words came – and indeed should come again – at a time when the Catholic Church’s bishops and priests truly need to do much more to consistently preach the truth, ignore the political or media consequences, and persist in saving the souls entrusted to them by God. After all every single priest, bishop, cardinal and the pope himself have the wherewithal to do so, but apparently in far too many cases not the desire. And it is this that I believe is causing most of the difficulties we are seeing today.”

10.) “A bishop is, at the very foundation of his calling, a physician of souls. He is the one to whom we should be able to look for moral certitude, passionate teaching and unequivocal guidance in those areas of our lives that often appear to be so muddled that we cannot see our way past the problem. Abortion has become such a condition for far too many in our midst. The majority of Catholics actually have no problem with abortion, and when they see pro-abortion public figures that are also Catholic getting away with scandalous behavior such as receiving Christ in Holy Communion, their ability to see the wrongness of the act of abortion becomes exacerbated.”

11.) “Who is to blame for this? Is the physician of souls no longer making house calls? Unfortunately I think that is the case.”

12.)”I mean no disrespect to Cardinal McCarrick, or to any of his peers who are frequently disinterested in enforcing Canon 915, but I have to say that they have created a most dreadful situation that has left far too many of us in a state of frustration, anxiety and sorrow. For example, when the news about Cardinal McCarrick’s most recent comments began to impact on others, one distressed friend of mine described the situation as ‘a poke in the eye to believers; a statement full of disdain and insouciance.’ And perhaps that is the most deplorable aspect of this current predicament.”

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish. CINOPS BE GONE.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Commentary of Judie Brown's Tough Love # 3 of 5

Commentary on Judie Brown’s Tough Love # 3
Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2007
We continue with Judie’s article of 15 sections in heavy print.
3.) “What exactly does that mean? It occurs to me that it means that the cardinal does not take the Church law seriously, but rather perceives a myriad of choices with regard to how a particular cannon in church law should be implemented. I find that astounding, but also perfectly understandable in today’s relativistic atmosphere.”

4.) “The canon law in question is not confusing, but states quite clearly that those “who obstinately persist in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.” This particular canon is not any more debatable than one of the Ten Commandments or any of the other canon laws. In fact, the law in question is designed to accomplish two things: protect Christ from sacrilege and provide the errant Catholic with an example of how far he has strayed from Church teaching in the hope that the soul will repent and come back to the fold.”

5.) “Cardinal McCarrick did go on to say that ‘pro-choice Catholic politicians’ need to be persuaded that their position is wrong rather than denying them the body and blood of Christ. The precise thinking why this thinking is flawed is perhaps best stated by Pope Benedict XVI, who while airborne in flight to Mexico a few months ago, told a group of reporters that the Mexican bishops’ threat of excommunication for Catholic politicians who voted in favor of the new abortion law “was not something arbitrary, but part of Church law. It’s based simply on the principle that the killing of an innocent human child is incompatible with going to communion with the body of Christ.”

We can pray for Catholic politicians who are not practicing their faith and make sacrifices for them. Let us focus on one politician for their conversion. You are trying to save their souls. They are in danger. They are not living the faith that they have been blessed with. You can write or e-mail that politician. You can support those bishops that have put their foot down, like bishops Vasa, Chaput, Olmstead, Burke and others.
What is most disturbing is this? Do not these CINOPS have any close relatives and friends who are practicing Catholics? This is a most serious matter. Don’t their friends care? It is like having a member of the family who is openly an adulterer and pornography viewer and everyone is quiet about it at family or business gatherings.
Miracles do happen. CINOPS come back to the authentic Faith of your Fathers! Save also the integrity of your great party from disintegration and spiritual suicide. Run as a pro-life democrat! Do you not know that the elite secularists and abortionists who finance your campaigns are the fellow travelers for an anti-Christian, secular and so-called progressive America? Don’t you care for your children and grand-children? Cardinal George of Chicago made these poignant remarks to the Pope during his ad limina visit of June, 2004; thanks to the courtesy of Zenith. “The Church’s mission is threatened internally by division which paralyses her ability to act forcefully and decisively. On the left, the Church’s teaching on sexual morality and the nature of ordained priesthood and of the Church herself are publicly opposed as are the bishops who preach and defend these teachings. On the right, the church’s teachings might be accepted, but bishops who do not govern exactly and to the last detail in the way expected are publicly opposed. The Church is in an arena of ideological warfare rather than a way of discipleship shepherd by bishops.”
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish. CINOPS BE GONE

Monday, November 12, 2007

Commentary on Judie Brown's Tough Love # 2

Commentary on Judie Brown’s Tough Love # 2
Monday, Nov. 12, 2007
We continue with Judie’s article which has 15 sections and will be printed in bold letters and comments in regular letters. We repeat Section 2.

2.) "In a recent statement, Cardinal McCarrick took aim at Archbishop Raymond Burke’s treatise on why every person who distributes Holy Communion must be prepared to deny the sacrament to any public figure that is Catholic and is also pro-abortion. He said of the Archbishop Burke. 'I very much respect this position. It’s not mine.'"
(Now for the following GHK comments:)
Also in the Nov. 2004 issue of Crisis Magazine, the Archbishop of Denver wrote, “The abortion issue cannot be avoided. It is the central moral conflict of this moment in our nation’s history. Every abortion kills an unborn child. Every abortion leaves a woman emotionally scared. Every abortion is a grave act of violence. All these things fundamentally damage the common good.” If we ignore the abortion issue; The Church in America will become a basket case like it is in Canada and Europe. Hopefully, the American bishops and Catholic laity will not allow this to happen.

Recall in June, 2004, the US Bishops, meeting in Denver, made a statement on the role of the Catholic Church in politics which said that no Catholic group may give “awards, honors or platforms” to Catholics “who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles.” Congratulations to Archbishop Chaput when he severed ties with the Catholic Lawyer’s Guild in Colorado who gave an award named after St. Thomas More, the group’s patron, to the newly elected pro-abortionist Catholic Senator in Colorado. This is a particularly ironic and poignant action by the Archbishop for this BLOG, established in May of 2007 CINOPS BE GONE which is dedicated to the exposure and removal of Catholic in name only politicians. St. Thomas More is our model and patron.

Also at that time Pope John Paul II must get tired of repeating himself over the years, “that the office of the bishop is one in which there is a “clear duty” to instruct and encourage the laity to adhere to Catholic teaching “in every temporal affair.” The Pope quoting the teaching of the Second Vatican Council said, “There is no human activity – even of the temporal order – that can be withdrawn from God’s dominion.” Rome, Dec. 6, 2004(

Pursue the truth and proclaim it. God is all good, loving and forgiving. He wants us to turn a negative into a positive. Look for a win-win for both sides. Check out the Catechism, the Code of Canon Law, the Roman Missal and Natural Law.

This matter of Communion for pro-choice Catholic politicians should have been resolved decades ago. You can speculate that had these politicians been Republicans they may have gotten the ax years ago. However, it was part of Catholic tradition to be Democratic. But that political party does not exist any more. And we all are in a bind.

It is a tragedy both spiritual and political. What is involved is the integrity of a political party today that promotes the two A’s, the two E’s and the two SS’s. (Abortion, Assisted-Suicide, Euthanasia, Embryonic Stem-Cell Research, Same-Sex Marriage.)

Is there a Catholic reason to vote for that party? You Decide!
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish. Posted on Cinops Be Gone.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Report Card # 12 of 23 on Bill Press's Book

Report Card # 12 on Bill Press’s Book
How the Republicans Stole Christmas
Sunday, Nov. 11, 2007 - Thursday, Feb. 2, 2006
Chapter 2 – Killing in the Name of Jesus (cont’d)
There is a Catholic Laity that has common sense and wisdom. What can Bill Donohue of Catholic League of Religious and Civil Rights teach us indirectly in dealing with the CINOP and the Bill Presses of the world? In the district I live in we are going to have a CINOP running for office in the State Senate race.
Here is the gist of a talk Bill Donohue gave in Orange County in 1996, via a Cardinal Mindszenty Society Conference. 3-23-96. * Pope John Paul II has asked the laity to be engaged. First of all, the Catholic League does not get involved in any kind of internal Church dispute. Bill is not a spokesman for the Catholic Church. The League is there so that the voice of the Catholic Church, the clergy in particular can be heard.
Stop being a doormat and be proud of your Catholicism. That is why I deplore Anti-Semitism. I learned it in the Catholic schools. We need to get up to the plate and speak back, the way the Jews have been doing it for years.
Be aware that the Catholic Church is proudly counter cultural. By this we mean that the Catholic Church teaches about freedom and that freedom is the right to do what you ought to do. Our culture teaches freedom is the right to do whatever you want to do. That is why a lot of the elites hate us.
You can organize a phone tree and this is very effective for any cause. You can form you own little citizen Ad Hoc Committee. Get yourself a lawyer and a 501 C3 Status. Get yourself some letter head and a fax. You will be surprised what you can do once you have a name behind you. *
And now let me share some tough love. The truth hurts. Since the Roe vs. Wade Decision, Jan. 22, 1973, the CINOP is responsible for Catholics leaving the Church for another religion, watering down and rewriting our Faith and Tradition, and fueling anti-Catholicism in America. The Alito Hearings were an education for all Americans and in particular for Catholics. I apologize to the Baptists, Evangelicals and other Christians for the CINOPS during the Confirmation Hearings. The Catholic in Name only Politicians promote the Culture of Death. They embarrass and denigrate our Catholic Faith.
Senator Edward Kennedy is concerned about the March for Progress and expanding Civil Rights. For him, this means giving absolute rights and legal status to the agenda of the ACLU and redefining the meaning of words like Marriage. I am really fed up with Catholic Liberals in Canada and Catholic Socialists in Spain passing same-sex marriage laws. This is a disgrace of the highest order and we need to stop it in the U.S.A.
The party and principles of John F. Kennedy are dead. They do not exist in California, Massachusetts or New York. Why remain registered with a dead party? The least you can do is to reregister to Decline to State. This would be a good start for all including Christian clergy and Religious and the staff at the California State, and the National Catholic Conference of Catholic Bishops.
The CINOP is an albatross around the neck of the Catholic Church’s new evangelization. The CINOP must be shamed, shunned and defeated at election time.
George H. Kubeck, 2-2-06, Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, Duplicate, translate into Spanish.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Report Card # 11 on Bill Press Book

Report Card # 11 on Bill Press Book
How the Republicans Stole Christmas
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006
Preface: These letters are reprinted on the blog – Cinops Be Gone during the past five weekends for all, including the Catholic Bishops who are meeting this coming week. The purpose is to understand the mind and heart of a Catholic-in-name-only politician, also known as a pro-choice Catholic politician. For our Catholic Faith, the pro-choice Catholic politician is the most dangerous Catholic politician in America. He is the scandalous role model for the second largest uninformed religious group in America. GHK Please forward this info to all bishops.

Chapter 2 – Killing in the Name of Jesus
There are serious differences between the culture of death and the culture of life mentality in America. This week’s confirmation debate in the Senate on Judge Sam Alito for the Supreme Court may enlighten us, particularly on the pro-abortion Pseudo-Catholic Senators. You will hear a lot of Spin. Bill Press is a master at Spin. He wrote a book on it, titled, Spin This. Here are a couple of quotes:
“There is no good definition of spin. It’s easier to say what it is not than what it is. It’s not the truth. Neither is it a lie. Spin lies somewhere between: almost telling the truth. But not quite; bending the truth to make things looks as good – or as bad – as possible; painting things in the best possible – or worst possible – light.… Spin has its roots in what was first described as ‘Newspeak’ by George Orwell in his novel 1984. (Orwell may have gotten the date wrong, but he was right about everything else.) In the totalitarian state he described, the ruling party controlled thought by controlling the language. The key was ‘doublethink,’ as expressed in ‘doublespeak’ – by which one says the exact opposite of what one means, yet ends up believing it to be true: ‘War is Peace,’ ‘Freedom is Slavery,’ and ‘Ignorance is Strength.’”
Now this is a technique used by the Catholics in Name only Politicians and their supporters. There was a time when you were born a Catholic and then always a Catholic. Now we have ex-Catholics and converts to another Christian religion. But we also have the CINOP. He is against the death penalty and for almost all Catholic Social Teachings in the public arena and in this way rationalizes his pro-abortion, euthanasia, same-sex marriage stands. He is truly an indoctrinated secular humanist type originating in the 1960’s and from a failed Catholic Higher Education System. To get himself elected, the CINOP uses false advertising as a Catholic.
Now what Pro-Life is facing in America is that the ruling party is the Culture of Death Mentality. It controls the language and the issues to be focused on. It is the media, Hollywood, Academia etc. They also have a double-standard. The two exceptions are: Talk Radio and Fox News. Modernism is suicidal like in Europe.
Bill believes that the war in Iraq is not a just war. Only the American Southern Baptist Convention – plus a scattering of conservative Catholics and Orthodox Jews – supported the war. He errs in denigrating the religious beliefs of Christian Coalition Leadership with ridicule. This is not Christian talk but repeating secularist propaganda.
He continues with a consistent animosity to other Christians in the book. They did not vote for Kerry but so did a majority of Catholics. He is a cry-baby and a religious bigot.
Christians and particularly, Catholics need some kind of antidote to the Culture of Death Mentality. I believe membership in the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights and the Cardinal Mindszenty Society would be a good beginning. It would be like getting the flu shot. I have been a member for more than 25 years.
“Proclaim the message, insist on it in season and out of season, refute falsehood, correct error, call to obedience, but do all with patience & sound doctrine.” 1331, Jan. 26th Morning Prayer, Antiphon,
George H. Kubeck, 2-26-06, Memorial -Timothy and Titus, Bishops, Duplicate in Spanish.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Commentary on Judie Brown's Tough Love # 1

Commentary on Judie Brown’s Tough Love # 1
Friday, Nov. 9, 2007
Judie Brown is president of American Life League. posted her article on Oct. 26, 2007 titled: Cardinal McCarrick’s comments on Communion for Pro-Politicians called “poke in the eye to believers.” U.S. pro-life leader Judie Brown says cowardice is “Catholicism’s Achilles heal.” Oct. 19, 2007

This is going to be a great conversation. The original article by Judie Brown has 15 sections and they will be printed in bold type. I may be a voice crying in the wilderness but Judie Brown is not. She is respected by many bishops and by the pro-life, marriage and family movements.

1.) "Recent remarks by retired Cardinal Theodore McCarrick are a reminder of the tragic situation that exists within the Catholic Church these days. It is as though we are living in a twilight zone where there is no right or wrong, no moral absolutes of any kind, no guiding principles that apply in every situation regardless of the persons involved."

Why are we living in the twilight zone? It is because the truth hurts and is controversial. It is not politically correct. Pro-abortion is a cancer and mutates into four other absolute evils. For example, the politically correct truth is what propelled pro-abort Catholic politicians in Canada to pass same-sex marriage in Canada about a year and half ago. This year In Massachusetts, the CINOPS blocked a Marriage amendment from being on the ballot in 2008. With their reelection in 2008 pro-choice Catholic politicians will promote same-sex marriage laws nationally. This is all a very serious matter and the Catholic laity will not take it anymore. Cinops Be Gone in 2008.
Let us forward Judie Brown’s letter to all the Catholic editors and writers and ask them to take a stand. Neutrality is not an option. Take a stand. We want to know.

2.) "In a recent statement, Cardinal McCarrick took aim at Archbishop Raymond Burke’s treatise on why every person who distributes Holy Communion must be prepared to deny the sacrament to any public figure that is Catholic and is also pro-abortion. He said of Archbishop Burke. 'I very much respect his position. It’s not mine.'"

The apostles were told by Jesus Christ that the good shepherd watches the gate, lest his flock be eaten. “Do not give what is holy to dogs,” Jesus admonished them.

What the Cardinal has done is provide cover for all the pro-abort Catholic politicians in the United States. Remember pro-abortion is the tip of the iceberg. Beneath this iceberg are four other absolute evils: assisted-suicide, euthanasia, same-sex marriage and embryonic stem cell research. Throughout these forthcoming articles, let us call them, the two A’s, the two E’s and the two SS’s.

Now suppose Cardinal McCarrick agreed with Archbishop Burke. This would have caused an anti-Catholic Church uproar throughout the country. We would hear the cry of political interference in the affairs of state. And yet this is a most serious spiritual problem and the Eucharist is Sacred. (To be continued)
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish. Posted on Cinops Be Gone.
Commentary on Judie Brown’s Tough Love # 1
Friday, Nov. 9, 2007
Judie Brown is president of American Life League. posted her article on Oct. 26, 2007 titled: Cardinal McCarrick’s comments on Communion for Pro-Politicians called “pole in the eye to believers.” U.S. pro-life leader Judie Brown says cowardice is “Catholicism’s Achilles heal.” Oct. 19, 2007

This is going to be a great conversation. The original article by Judie Brown has 15 sections and they will be printed in bold type. I may be a voice crying in the wilderness but Judie Brown is not. She is respected by many bishops and by the pro-life, marriage and family movements.

1.) Recent remarks by retired Cardinal Theodore McCarrick are a reminder of the tragic situation that exists within the Catholic Church these days. It is as though we are living in a twilight zone where there is no right or wrong, no moral absolutes of any kind, no guiding principles that apply in every situation regardless of the persons involved.

Why are we living in the twilight zone? It is because the truth hurts and is controversial. It is not politically correct. Pro-abortion is a cancer and mutates into four other absolute evils. For example, the politically correct truth is what propelled pro-abort Catholic politicians in Canada to pass same-sex marriage in Canada about a year and half ago. This year In Massachusetts, the CINOPS blocked a Marriage amendment from being on the ballot in 2008. With their reelection in 2008 pro-choice Catholic politicians will promote same-sex marriage laws nationally. This is all a very serious matter and the Catholic laity will not take it anymore. Cinops Be Gone in 2008.
Let us forward Judie Brown’s letter to all the Catholic editors and writers and ask them to take a stand. Neutrality is not an option. Take a stand. We want to know.

2.) In a recent statement, Cardinal McCarrick took aim at Archbishop Raymond Burke’s treatise on why every person who distributes Holy Communion must be prepared to deny the sacrament to any public figure that is Catholic and is also pro-abortion. He said of Archbishop Burke. “I very much respect his position. It’s not mine.”

“The apostles were told by Jesus Christ that the good shepherd watches the gate, lest his flock be eaten. “Do not give what is holy to dogs,” Jesus admonished them.”

What the Cardinal has done is provide cover for all the pro-abort Catholic politicians in the United States. Remember pro-abortion is the tip of the iceberg. Beneath this iceberg are four other absolute evils: assisted-suicide, euthanasia, same-sex marriage and embryonic stem cell research. Throughout these forthcoming articles, let us call them, the two A’s, the two E’s and the two SS’s.

Now suppose Cardinal McCarrick agreed with Archbishop Burke. This would have caused an anti-Catholic Church uproar throughout the country. We would hear the cry of political interference in the affairs of state. And yet this is a most serious spiritual problem and the Eucharist is Sacred. (To be continued)
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish. Posted on Cinops Be Gone.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Msgr. James Lisante's Tough Love # 2 of 2

Msgr. James Lisante’s Tough Love # 2 of 2
Thursday, Nov. 8, 2007
Continued from a talk given by James Lisante, Witness to Faith – 2000:
“Because I embrace a truth that says it doesn’t matter or not whether you like me. It matters that you respect I am who I say I am, and I believe what my Lord and Savior believes. That matters above all.

“I was giving a talk not too long ago and I was about to criticize Senator Joseph Lieberman, and I was told it very incorrect politically for a Catholic priest to pick on a man of the Jewish Faith.

“So I pondered very seriously what I was about to say and I got up and said. I am so happy that Joe Liebermann is selected. Because it is time we had a man at the head of the ticket who is of Jewish persuasion.

“I am delighted that Joe Lieberman believes that we should talk more about God. I am thrilled that this man walks to the synagogue and observing the Sabbath.

“But I wonder how an orthodox Jew can for the love of God and in opposition to the Torah say he stands with all of those beliefs and still votes three times for something called partial-birth abortion.

“I guess what I am saying is we will never be politically correct Catholic Christians but so who cares. The point of the matter we are here to make a difference and I know the moment will come when you and I will stand before our Lord and Savior.

“And He will say to us not did everybody like you but did you make a difference for the good.

“ You know when we talk about the Holocaust, we tend to forget them but did you know that between 6,000 to 7,000 priests in Poland alone were executed by the Nazis and you what they were not executed because they were Jews.

“They were executed because they were Catholic Christians who took seriously the admonitions that I am the caretaker for all of my brother and sisters and I will not be silent and they died for that belief.

“How can I as a priest in the year 2000 not be willing to stand with my brothers who died in the Second World War who wore the same collar and who would not be silent?

“It is always good to be back with you. But it is also good to know when to leave. You are so kind for listening and taking it into your hearts what I have to say.

“Please remember always what the great Irish Patriot said, “All that is necessary for evil to triumph in our world is for good people to do nothing.” You are so good and all of us God know we need to do more. I love you. Thank you.”

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish. Cinops Be Gone

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Msgr. James Lisante's Tough Love # 1 of 2

Msgr. James Lisante’s Tough Love # 1 of 2
Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2007
From a talk given at Medjugorje Peace Conference – 2000
“Jubilee Year: Witness to Faith” (AC2007) given in Orange County, California
Follow Me Communications, Inc.

“Very often with the exception of priest we see at this conference, most of our priests sadly are afraid and unwilling to address the issues that truly matter and that are a shame.

“In my job in my diocese for eleven years as pro-life director, my job was to go to every parish and to speak on life. And I went to almost every parish but one. And I would call the pastor all the time. He would say to me no we are not interested right now. Call me next year. I called and I finally said, Al, what’s the story? What’s the problem?

“I have been to every parish in the diocese but not yours. He said I am going to be really straight with you, Jim. I have to tell you that in my congregation, I’d say that one half the people are pro-life and the other half are pro-choice. And I want to be honest with you because some of those people who are pro-choice are some of my biggest financial contributors.

“And I am afraid if you come and get them all stirred up that they are not going to give to his parish as they are used too. I said Al do you realize what you are saying? You are saying that our beliefs are for sale. Al what in the world would Jesus say to that.

“You know we don’t want to get people angry even in our own churches. And I think we need to take a good hard look at it as a wimpy quality within our own souls. The wimpy quality that allows to believe that you can follow Jesus who got angry as heck very often and not get angry and take a firm and convicted stand.

“You know when I think to myself when people say I am sorry I want to confess I got angry. I want to say well good for you. Because anger is not necessarily a sin because you and I base our Faith on a man who walked into the temple and saw the money changers and said: Get our of here and knocked down the tables and threw them out and you know what he did. He didn’t say: Oops I am sorry.

“And you and I call ourselves Catholic – Christians because we believe in a man who looked into the eyes of the power elite, the Pharisees, Scribes, and lawyers, Sanhedrin, he looked them into the eyes and said you whitener sepulchers, you people are going to hell, you people are leading people astray. You people have so much to answer for and he didn’t say, “Oh wasn’t that politically correct.”

“Now listen if Jesus saw that here are times when you got to say I am mad as heck and l am not going to apologize for it. Then how can you and I call ourselves as followers and be such wimpy, wimpy people. Why in God’s name won’t we say I would like you to like me but you know what I am not going to lose sleep if you don’t? (Continued tomorrow)
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish. Cinops Be Gone

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Report # 11 on David Carlin's Book

Report # 11 on David Carlin’s Book
Can a Catholic Be a Democrat?
Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2007
Chapter 3
America’s Anti-Christian Party (cont’d) 57-65
There is a Culture War taking place in the United States today….
“The main division in the Culture War is a religious one; the conflict between religion and anti-religion lies at the bottom of it….
“Here, then is the fundamental issue at stake in the Culture War: whether old-fashioned religion, especially the old-fashioned Christianity of which traditional Catholicism is the exemplar, will continue to play an important role in American society, such as it has for nearly four hundred years, since the first settlement of British America. Secularists are bound and determined that it will not play this role.…

“It’s even true that to date the Republicans in Washington have given moral-religious conservatives little more than symbolic victories in Culture War battles (although these victories might eventually become more substantial now that President Bush has place two apparently conservative judges on the Supreme Court)….
“But think of the adage: ‘Just because you’re paranoid, it doesn’t mean that they are not out to get you.” Just because Republicans and conservatives are making political hay out of the alleged threat Democrats and liberals pose to Christian values, it doesn’t follow that the threat doesn’t exist. Many liberals believe that moral-religious conservatives are mostly boobs and nincompoops, and thus easily fooled; it’s no wonder to them that unscrupulous Republican leaders can succeed in tricking them into having intellectual hallucinations – for instance, that liberals are the enemies of Christianity….

“But no less essential are certain moral beliefs – that non-marital sex is wrong, for instance, and so are unmarried cohabitations, homosexual conduct, abortion, suicide and euthanasia. Thus when moral liberals defend such practices, they’re denying the legitimacy of traditional Christianity no less than if they had attacked the doctrine of Christ’s divinity. In either case, they’re waging metaphorical war against the old time Christian religion....
“Why do they (moral liberals) deny it? There are four answers to this question.
First, there are some moral liberals (a small minority) who hate Christianity and are deliberately out to destroy it, but they decided that a “stealth” campaign against the religion would have a much better chance of success than an open campaign….

“Second, the great majority of moral liberals are not consciously aiming at Christianity’s destruction or even at the defeat of Christian values and Christian morality. What they want is a society made safe for sexual freedom, abortion, same-sex marriage, physician-assisted-suicide, and so forth; how this might affect Christianity isn’t their concern….

“A third reason is that secularists and moral liberals generally have little understanding of Christianity…. How could any educated American be ignorant of Christianity? But religious ignorance among Americans – or rather, the ignorance of religions other than one’s own – isn’t confined to secularists; it’s pervasive among religious folks as well….
“Finally, while liberals don’t believe they are attacking Christianity, they do believe that Christianity is attacking liberalism…. Secularists and moral liberals view Christian belligerence rather as kind of imperialism…. to establish a theocracy.”
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Report # 10 on David Carlin's Book

Report # 10 on David Carlin's Book
Can a Catholic be a Democrat?
Monday, Nov. 5, 2007
Chapter 3 – America’s Anti-Christian Party
Personal Comments:
For many registered Catholic Democrats, it feels like their identity has been stolen by the leadership of their party. It is not only the national leadership but witness what has been happening locally from the legislature in California.

We experience the secularist Hollywood culture and the San Francisco values agenda which includes promotion of 5 absolute evils: Abortion, Assisted-Suicide, Euthanasia, Same-Sex Marriage, and Embryonic Stem Cell Research.
And in the forefront sticking out like a sore thumb are the CINOPS, Catholic-in-name-only politicians. We can pray for their conversion.

CINOPS are the scandalous role-models for the second largest religious group in America. Between the Catholics and Baptists we have the nominal and generic Catholics who are not grounded in their Faith. The best way to help restore traditional America is to vote them out of office in 2008.

Let me explain in more detail. In the coming elections, we can expect at least 60 to 75% of the Evangelicals, Fundamentals and Baptists to vote pro-life. In the 2006 election, because of the war in Iraq and other factors like secularist promoting Democratic candidates who are partially pro-life, their propaganda worked with 55% of Catholics voting for the Democratic Party. Clever San Francisco Values CINOP Nancy Pelosi pulled it off. Our goal and your goal are to have 55-60% of the Catholics voting for pro-life in 2008. It is one reason why CINOP Giuliani must be defeated in the primaries. Catholic pro-life Democrats can help. Reregister temporarily to help defeat CINOP Rudy Giuliani.

It would be wise for the pro-life movement to buy this book, read and study Chapter 1. It is the Achilles Heel for the Secular Democratic Party. The purpose of the CINOP BE GONE is to inform all and to persuade all. The Author of the Book:
“When I (David Carlin) say that this great transformation of the Democratic Party turned it into an “anti-Christian party,” I mean that as a kind of shorthand that sums up five essential points:
1.) In the United States today, there’s a Culture War between secularists and traditional Christians.
2.) In this Culture War, the national Democratic Party has teamed up with the secularists and their allies.
3.) The Democratic Party once strongly identified with the common man, is now dominated by upper- and upper middle-class ideologues.
4.) Because of these changes the Democratic Party has slipped to number- two status and will remain there until it rejects or rebuffs the secularist agenda.
5.) Until the party does this, it makes little or no sense for Catholics and other traditional Christians to support the Democratic Party.
These five conclusions are the product of my observations of over forty years of social and political change, and constitute the heart of my contention about today’s Democratic Party.” 57-8
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish. CINOPS BE GONE

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Report Card # 8 on Bill Press's Book

Report Card # 8 on Bill Press’s Book
How the Republicans Stole Christmas
Sunday, Nov. 4, 2007 - Friday, Jan. 6, 2006
Chapter 1 – Separation of Church and State (cont’d)
These are trying and confusing times for Christians. We are living with managed news and enduring the barnyard of the culture of death. It is hard to think of today’s media during World War II and the Korean conflict. We would have lost both wars. We did in Viet Nam and that is what they are trying to do in Iraq. As a ten year old, I recall Pearl Harbor, early afternoon. The elders were playing cards.
There is something about the culture of death as enunciated by Pope John Paul II that is suicidal not only for the person but for the nation. Think of a mindset that promotes abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, assisted suicide and wants to rewrite the definition of marriage via judicial activist judges. Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito is not a judicial activist. He will be attacked and smeared. Watch carefully the CINOP’s, as the Senate hearings begin. These are the dangerous Catholics in name only politicians.
In support of this absolute wall of separation of Church and State, Bill Press has four sections titled, “Our Founding Fathers Did Not Call Themselves Christians. We are not a Christian nation. The Founders clearly intended to build a wall of separation to protect Church from State – and to protect State from Church. American Law is not based on the Ten Commandments.” All of the above are half-truths with some pabulum and hogwash. Bill does have some common sense in the following which undercut his beliefs.
“Our system of laws is based, above all else, on the natural law: the universal standards of behavior our Founding Fathers recognized as necessary and obvious to all men and women in order to live together peacefully in community.” 64
The following are excerpts from Daniel L. Dreisbach book, Real Threat and Mere Shadow, Religious Liberty and the First Amendment, Crossway Books, 1987, p.47-52
The historical record indicates that foremost in the draftsmen’s minds was the construction of an amendment designed to prohibit restraints on the free exercise of religion and to proscribe the establishment of a national church….Writing for the Court in Everson v. Board of Education (1947) Justice Hugo Black, invoking a Jeffersonian metaphor, asserted that the First Amendment erected “a wall of separation between church and State which “must be kept high and impregnable”…Roger Williams articulation of the “wall of separation” is found in a tract entitled, ‘Mr. Cotton’s Letter…’
Williams’s evangelical view held that a “wall of separation” was necessary to safeguard religious truth from the rough and corrupting hand of the civil government.”…
Critics of the Everson opinion have contended that the history endorsed by the Everson Court is not only historical flawed, but, at times utterly unfounded. …In the words of Michel J. Malbin, the Supreme Court Justices “have been acting almost as if their recognition of their predecessors’ historical errors have liberated them from the need to consider what purposes the members of the First Congress may have meant the religious clauses to serve.” … As historian Rousas John Rushdoony has argued, the concept of the secular state did not exist at the beginning of the War of Independence, nor was it recognized at the Constitutional Convention or in 1791 when the Bill of Rights was ratified by the states. Therefore, to interpret the Constitution as the “charter for a secular state is to misread history and to misread it radically…”
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.
P.S. Bill Press was an aide to Governor Jerry Brown, and was at one time Chairman of the California Democratic Party.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Report Card # 7 of 23 on Bill Press's Book

Report Card # 7 on Bill Press’s Book
How the Republicans Stole Christmas
Sat. Dec. 31, 2005
Chapter 1 – Separation of Church and State (cont’d)
“In March 2005, Senator Rick Santorium (R-Pa.) organized a course on Catholic doctrine for Republican Catholic members of Congress. Classes were taught by a priest in Santorium’s capitol office.” 36

This has been a spiritually uplifting week not only for Catholic Christians but for all Christians. On Sunday, we had the birth of Jesus, then St. Stephen, the first Martyr, St. John the Evangelist, the Feast of the Holy Innocents, St. Thomas Becket, the Feast of the Holy Family, and today St. Sylvester. What is this week for the Catholic-In Name-Only- Politician (CINOP) and his supporters? How was the mindset of these Catholics formed? Why are they blind to Life as the first inalienable right and to Pope John Paul’s Gospel of Life? We see few Baptist/ Evangelicals-In-Name-Only Politicians but many CINOP’S.

Patrick J. Reilly made a key point in his talk at the Cardinal Mindszenty Society Conference on Apr. 9th, 2005 at Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois, titled, Fighting the Catholic Campus Wars: A Success Story. “What are the greatest challenges that are facing the Catholic Church? Shortage of Priests, lack of faith, no instruction, lack of trust in God; I am also thinking of the priest-sex scandal, the Terri Schiavo case, abortion, euthanasia and the growth of the movement to euthanasia, and homosexual activism. I want to make a point up front that every single one of these issues both the roots of the problem and the solutions are to be found largely in Catholic Higher Education. If we can reform Catholic Higher Education we can significantly address every one of these issues.”

All of the above should have been straightened out by the staff of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops years ago. There is also something very arrogant and egotistical about dissent literature like the National Catholic Reporter, America, and Commonweal. We need a breadth of fresh air with Catholic readings like National Catholic Register, First Things, Lay Witness, Inside the Vatican, Catholic World Report, Homiletic & Pastoral Review and New Oxford Review.

One would expect a Catholic to be for traditional America. But the first chapter of Bill’s book is like a primer for the ACLU. Of course, we have all kinds of Catholics in the halls of Congress and the State legislatures. But if they are for adultery, fornication and pornography, and the culture of death, we need to speak out. For the fellow travelers of Bill, we have a question. What is the difference between the secular liberal ideology of the ACLU in America and the neo-pagan racist ideology of Hitler and the atheistic class warfare ideology of Stalin? All three have a superior social welfare program which have duped Catholic voters in Europe and today many in America.

This past week, Fox News had a report on the Catholic Church in Holland. One hundred years ago, 95% of Catholics went to Mass on Sunday, today it is only 8 %. The ex-Catholics there are now promoting all aspects of the culture of death and a suicide pill. The pro-life movement has the will to win for traditional America and you, Bill Press, are in the way as a Pied Piper Trojan horse Catholic for the Culture of Death!
Good Health and a Blessed and Joyful New Year,
George H. Kubeck, Posted on the Blog- CINOPS BE GONE - Translate into Spanish.

Friday, November 2, 2007

The Wisdom and Leadership of Pope Benedict XVI

The Wisdom and Leadership of Pope Benedict XVI
Jan. 22, 2006
How the title of the pontiff’s book, Co-Workers of the Truth came to be? It was to be composed of various writings a kind of breviary of reflections for each day.

The title finally chosen for this compilation also conveys my reason for undertaking it: I believe that a work of this kind can, in it own way, contribute to the fulfillment of the promise implicit in the motto from the third epistle of St. John. Verse 8, that I adopted for my coat of arms: “Co-Workers of the Truth” For John, these words signify the participation of all the faithful in the service of the Gospel and, by consequence, the “catholic” dimension of the Faith: the “elder”, as he designates himself, calls upon the faithful to extend hospitality to all who come as messengers of the Faith. 5
“A phrase of such breadth and depth is relevant in a variety of contexts and always offers new perspectives. For me it has become another way of expressing the task of the bishop: he too, and especially he, is a “co-worker”, that is, he does not act in his own name but is always and totally linked to a “with”. Only when he acts “with” Christ and “with” the whole believing Church of all time and all places does he do what he is meant to do. It is not his task to fashion a community for himself, but, rather, to fashion the Church of Christ. That is he must point to him who is the Way because he is the Truth (Jan 14:6)” 6
The pontiff’s first encyclical letter, titled Deus Caritas Est (God is Love), is to focus on the meaning of love in the context of modernity. In it, Pope Benedict discusses the difference between “eros” and “agape” Greeks words distinguishing between erotic love and spiritual love or charity. He warns that eros, while good in itself, is at risk of being “degraded” to mere sex without selfless charity or divine love.
The pope is a very strong opponent of false advertising. When a Catholic college calls itself Catholic, it is expected to be Catholic and not pseudo-catholic. He expects the bishops to resolve the matter of the Catholic in name only politician. (CINOP) It is a religious matter. Attend Mass but don’t receive Holy Communion. You are not Catholic in the public arena promoting abortion, euthanasia, and same-sex marriage. It would be the same for a Catholic promoting fornication, adultery and pornography.
He is deeply concerned about the low birth rate of Catholics in Europe. This is what happens when one does violence to natural law and the message of Humana Vitae. For us in America it is also the legal correction of the Roe vs. Wade decision of Jan. 22, 1973. Pope Benedict believes that the lack of catechesis and faith are the most serious challenges for the Church.

His mission and that of the next Pope is to implement the legacy of Pope John Paul II. As Catholic Christians we are co-workers of the Truth. “Victory when it comes will be a victory through Mary.”

Fraternally yours, George H. Kubeck, CINOPS BE GONE Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.
P.S. We have been blessed recently with two very important converts to our Catholic Faith and Church. They are a breadth of fresh air in the public arena. Both have had their book on the N.Y. Times’ best seller list during this past year. It would be very wise to check out their book from the local library or to purchase it. They are Laura Ingraham’s POWER TO THE PEOPLE, and Robert D. Novak’s The PRINCE OF DARKNESS. (Friday, Nov. 2, 2007)