Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Commentary of Judie Brown's Tough Love # 3 of 5

Commentary on Judie Brown’s Tough Love # 3
Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2007
We continue with Judie’s article of 15 sections in heavy print.
3.) “What exactly does that mean? It occurs to me that it means that the cardinal does not take the Church law seriously, but rather perceives a myriad of choices with regard to how a particular cannon in church law should be implemented. I find that astounding, but also perfectly understandable in today’s relativistic atmosphere.”

4.) “The canon law in question is not confusing, but states quite clearly that those “who obstinately persist in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.” This particular canon is not any more debatable than one of the Ten Commandments or any of the other canon laws. In fact, the law in question is designed to accomplish two things: protect Christ from sacrilege and provide the errant Catholic with an example of how far he has strayed from Church teaching in the hope that the soul will repent and come back to the fold.”

5.) “Cardinal McCarrick did go on to say that ‘pro-choice Catholic politicians’ need to be persuaded that their position is wrong rather than denying them the body and blood of Christ. The precise thinking why this thinking is flawed is perhaps best stated by Pope Benedict XVI, who while airborne in flight to Mexico a few months ago, told a group of reporters that the Mexican bishops’ threat of excommunication for Catholic politicians who voted in favor of the new abortion law “was not something arbitrary, but part of Church law. It’s based simply on the principle that the killing of an innocent human child is incompatible with going to communion with the body of Christ.”

We can pray for Catholic politicians who are not practicing their faith and make sacrifices for them. Let us focus on one politician for their conversion. You are trying to save their souls. They are in danger. They are not living the faith that they have been blessed with. You can write or e-mail that politician. You can support those bishops that have put their foot down, like bishops Vasa, Chaput, Olmstead, Burke and others.
What is most disturbing is this? Do not these CINOPS have any close relatives and friends who are practicing Catholics? This is a most serious matter. Don’t their friends care? It is like having a member of the family who is openly an adulterer and pornography viewer and everyone is quiet about it at family or business gatherings.
Miracles do happen. CINOPS come back to the authentic Faith of your Fathers! Save also the integrity of your great party from disintegration and spiritual suicide. Run as a pro-life democrat! Do you not know that the elite secularists and abortionists who finance your campaigns are the fellow travelers for an anti-Christian, secular and so-called progressive America? Don’t you care for your children and grand-children? Cardinal George of Chicago made these poignant remarks to the Pope during his ad limina visit of June, 2004; thanks to the courtesy of Zenith. “The Church’s mission is threatened internally by division which paralyses her ability to act forcefully and decisively. On the left, the Church’s teaching on sexual morality and the nature of ordained priesthood and of the Church herself are publicly opposed as are the bishops who preach and defend these teachings. On the right, the church’s teachings might be accepted, but bishops who do not govern exactly and to the last detail in the way expected are publicly opposed. The Church is in an arena of ideological warfare rather than a way of discipleship shepherd by bishops.”
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish. CINOPS BE GONE

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