Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Wisdom of Bishop Fulton Sheen # 2

The Wisdom of Bishop Fulton Sheen # 2
Thursday, Nov. 1, 2007
The Catholic Hour in 1940 had over 106 radio stations. There was a National Council of Catholic Men. There were many Catholic organizations all over the country. Today except for the Knights of Columbus can you name any? The following are significant quotations from the biography of Bishop Fulton Sheen.

“In Mid-October of 1940, Fulton Sheen delivered the homily at a Pontifical Mass marking the hundredth anniversary of the establishment of the Catholic Church in Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, and other 5,000 stood outside on a beautiful day. In his address he had these words: 137

“All around us are people who are ceaselessly hating someone shouting, ‘Down with Capitalism!’ ‘Down with Labor Unions!’ ‘Down with capitalism!’ ‘Down with religion!’ ‘Down with government!’ ‘Down with economic royalists!’ ‘Down with property!’ ‘Down with this class!’ Down with that class!’ But I say, ‘Up from class hate!’ ‘Up from all hate!’
Let us stop downing things, and start looking up, up, up, up to God. 138

“Around 1943 – Cardinal Spellman spoke to an audience of 75,000 Holy Name Men in New York’s Polo Grounds. 153

“In a radio talk (Bishop Fulton Sheen) of March 16, 1941:
“Communism has won more recruits in one single University in New York than it has won among all the farm hands of Illinois and Iowa put together…. It was the intelligentsia and the professional signers of Communist propaganda who told us three years ago that Russia was the hope of Europe against the Nazis but who among the common people ever believed it? It is the intelligentsia who tells us that the invasion of Finland, Latvia and Estonia is not imperialism, but the act of a ‘friendly nation’ – the common people call it barbarism. 143

“But democracy cannot live without religion, for without religion democracy will degenerate into demagogy by selling itself to the highest bidder. 156

“In 1941, he (Sheen) declared to his radio audience, ‘The Council of Baltimore on Dec. 8th, 1846 consecrated the U.S. to the Immaculate Conception of Our Blessed Mother.’ 162

“The Social Action Department of the National Catholic Welfare Conference published and widely distributed the pamphlet Communism in the United States, summarizing the history of the Communist Party in America, estimating its membership, describing its front organizations, and calling attention to the influence that Communists wielded in all wakes of American life, including labor and the media…. 104

“That same year (1937), Cardinal Hayes of New York approved the creation of the Association of the Catholic Trade Unionists, an organization designed to carry the Church’s war against communism directly into the unions…. 104

The above is from Thomas C. Reeves, America’s Bishop, The Life and Times of Fulton J. Sheen, Encounter Books, San Francisco, 2001
George H. Kubeck, CINOPS BE GONE –

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