Monday, November 5, 2007

Report # 10 on David Carlin's Book

Report # 10 on David Carlin's Book
Can a Catholic be a Democrat?
Monday, Nov. 5, 2007
Chapter 3 – America’s Anti-Christian Party
Personal Comments:
For many registered Catholic Democrats, it feels like their identity has been stolen by the leadership of their party. It is not only the national leadership but witness what has been happening locally from the legislature in California.

We experience the secularist Hollywood culture and the San Francisco values agenda which includes promotion of 5 absolute evils: Abortion, Assisted-Suicide, Euthanasia, Same-Sex Marriage, and Embryonic Stem Cell Research.
And in the forefront sticking out like a sore thumb are the CINOPS, Catholic-in-name-only politicians. We can pray for their conversion.

CINOPS are the scandalous role-models for the second largest religious group in America. Between the Catholics and Baptists we have the nominal and generic Catholics who are not grounded in their Faith. The best way to help restore traditional America is to vote them out of office in 2008.

Let me explain in more detail. In the coming elections, we can expect at least 60 to 75% of the Evangelicals, Fundamentals and Baptists to vote pro-life. In the 2006 election, because of the war in Iraq and other factors like secularist promoting Democratic candidates who are partially pro-life, their propaganda worked with 55% of Catholics voting for the Democratic Party. Clever San Francisco Values CINOP Nancy Pelosi pulled it off. Our goal and your goal are to have 55-60% of the Catholics voting for pro-life in 2008. It is one reason why CINOP Giuliani must be defeated in the primaries. Catholic pro-life Democrats can help. Reregister temporarily to help defeat CINOP Rudy Giuliani.

It would be wise for the pro-life movement to buy this book, read and study Chapter 1. It is the Achilles Heel for the Secular Democratic Party. The purpose of the CINOP BE GONE is to inform all and to persuade all. The Author of the Book:
“When I (David Carlin) say that this great transformation of the Democratic Party turned it into an “anti-Christian party,” I mean that as a kind of shorthand that sums up five essential points:
1.) In the United States today, there’s a Culture War between secularists and traditional Christians.
2.) In this Culture War, the national Democratic Party has teamed up with the secularists and their allies.
3.) The Democratic Party once strongly identified with the common man, is now dominated by upper- and upper middle-class ideologues.
4.) Because of these changes the Democratic Party has slipped to number- two status and will remain there until it rejects or rebuffs the secularist agenda.
5.) Until the party does this, it makes little or no sense for Catholics and other traditional Christians to support the Democratic Party.
These five conclusions are the product of my observations of over forty years of social and political change, and constitute the heart of my contention about today’s Democratic Party.” 57-8
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish. CINOPS BE GONE

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