Friday, November 16, 2007

Report Card # 13 on Bill Press's Book

Report # 12 on David Carlin’s Book
Can a Catholic Be a Democrat?
(This is our 202 article on our website – CINOPS Be GONE) Friday, Nov. 16, 2007
Chapter 3 America’s Anti-Christian Party (Continued) p.66 - 70

This page is excellent on understanding the mind and heart of a Secularist.
“But the present-day Culture War (the one with initial capital letters) dates back only to the Cultural Revolution that began in the 1960’s. This spectacular upsurge of secularist, anti-Christianity impulses was marked by a generalized rebellion against authority; the authority of government, educators, religion, and family – and above all the authority of tradition. Among the notable outcomes of this rebellion were the so-called “sexual revolution” and a turn towards pacifism.”…

2.) In this Culture War, the national Democratic Party has teamed up with the secularists and their allies; in so doing, it has become a de facto anti-Christian party.
“If the Democratic Party has come to be dominated by anti-Christian secularist and their allies, the Democratic Party can be rightly called an anti-Christina party…. The aim of the Democrats is not to treat Christians as second-class citizens; their objection is not to Christians as individuals but to their belief systems….
“I must also emphasize that when I say the Democratic Party has become an anti-Christian party, I haven’t forgotten that there are other elements in the party with no interest in the destruction of Christianity: neither organized labor nor organized blacks believe it’s in the interest of their constituents to promote abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, or assisted suicide.

3.) The Democratic Party, once strongly identified with the working classes and the common man, is no longer a small-d democratic party; it’s now a party largely dominated by upper- and upper-middle-class ideologues.

“Groups who hold an ideology use it to serve three purposes .First; it’s used to justify the group itself. Second, it’s used as a weapon with which to attack, and to defend against, the group’s enemies. Third, it’s used to persuade those who, at the moment, are neutrals, neither friends nor enemies of the group.
“Secularism, including its ethic of moral liberalism, is such an ideology. It’s a belief system typically held by upper-middle-class Americans. This isn’t to say that everybody from the upper-middle-classes holds this philosophy, but it is disportionately held – very disproportionately so – by persons of that socioeconomic status and by persons who have realistic aspirations to that status….

“These people use their ideology to justify themselves in their own eyes. (“We hold a true philosophy of life; thus we’re morally and intellectually superior people; and therefore we and our children are entitled to the many social and economic privileges we actually possess.”) They use it as a weapon against their enemies, who are mainly Christians of working-class and lower-middle-class status. (“These old-school Christians are ignorant, and in their ignorance they’re dangerous to the well-being of American democracy, not to mention the international community. Therefore, they must be defeated – or at least their false beliefs must be defeated, thereby liberating these unfortunates to see the truth.”) And the ideology is used to persuade neutrals. (“Do you want America turned into a theocracy? Do you want the government in your bedroom? Do you want your gay cousin to be unable to live a life of married fidelity ….”?)
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish. Posted on Cinops be gone.

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