Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The U.S. Catholic-in-name-only Religion # 2

The U.S. Catholic-in-name-only Religion # 2
Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2007
Comments on the statement: A Catholic Call to Observe Civility in Public Life.

“As Americans we acknowledge deep divisions over some policy issues; and recognize that some, who are active in political life and who differ with the Church’s teachings on certain issues, such as abortion, stem cell research, the death penalty, and the justification for war, air their difference in public and criticize the Church for these teachings….

“To right this wrong, we should observe the following principles.

“As Catholics we should not enlist the Church’s moral endorsement for our political preferences….

“As lay Catholics we should not exhort the Church to condemn our political opponents by publicly denying them Holy Communion based on public dissent from our Church teachings. An individual fitness to receive communion is his or hers personal responsibility. And it is a bishop’s responsibility to set for his diocese the guidelines for administering communion.

“Catholic politicians who advertise their Catholicism as part of their political appeal, but ignore the Church’s moral teachings in their political life confuse non-Catholics by giving the appearance of hypocrisy.
This is true. It also drives practicing Catholics up the wall. It is one of the strongest reasons to vote out of office, the CINOP. (Catholic-in-name-only Politician) The CINOP is also the role model for the second largest religious group in America.
“As Catholics we need to keep in mind the common humanity that we share with those with whom we disagree. We must avoid seeing them as ‘the enemy’ in a life-or-death, winner-take-all political contest…”

Let us review the Pelagian heresy: Human action alone is all that is necessary to get to heaven. There is no need for God’s grace. We should stop thinking of true doctrine, missionary
work and the conversion of other people. We need to get along.
Since we have been over-washed with toleration, empathy and sensitivity to good and evil, let us water down our Catholic beliefs in this pluralistic society and adapt ourselves to the dominant politically correct environment and play by their rules.
Let us keep this as a discussion within the Catholic Laity. It will help us to evangelize and convert. Do you notice that this problem of civility is not happening to the Evangelical and Baptist politicians?

What I look for are some civil debates and discussions by Judie Brown, Karl Keating or Phil Lawler with one or more of the signatures to the Statement like Terry McAuliffe, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

Dear Reader, Check out the above statement on the internet, write a one-half page comment, and E-mail it to me so I can put it on the CINOPS BE GONE blog.
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish, Cinops be gone

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