Monday, November 19, 2007

The U.S. Catholic-in-name-only Religion # 1 of 2

The U.S. Catholic-in-name-only Religion # 1 of 2
Monday, Nov. 19, 2007
This is the week of Thanksgiving: We thank the Lord for our gift of Faith. Pray for an increase in faith, hope and charity. Give us the wisdom to respond with civility tomorrow to a Pelagian religiously correct article on the internet titled, “A Catholic Call to Observe Civility in Political Debate.”
The challenge is how do we begin the conversion of a politician who uses the Catholic label when he runs for office and when he is in office votes and promotes anti-Christian laws? Of all the voting blocs in the U.S.A. the Catholic voter particularly in California and New York is misinformed and uninformed. In many parts of the country we have pro-life democratic politicians running for office and getting elected. Why not in these two states?
What is the evidence that this false religion exists? First of all the CINOP is a member of a party that directly and indirectly promotes the 2 A’s, 2 E’s, and the 2 SS’s. (Abortion, Assisted-Suicide, Euthanasia, Embryonic Stem-Cell Research, and Same-Sex Marriage) All of these are intrinsically evil.
Another example: Take these fundamental issues and the Catholic position:

1) Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act-passage (110th) – Against
2) Marriage Amendment Act (109th) – For
3) Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (109th) - For
4) Abortion in military and medical facilities (109th) – Against
5) Coercive abortion/United Nations Population Fund (109th) – Against
6) Unborn Pain Awareness Act: Passage (109th) – For
7) Human Cloning Ban: Passage (108th) – For
8) Partial Birth Abortion Ban: Passage (108th) – For
9) Unborn Victims of Violence Act (108th) – For

It is incredible but most of the CINOPS have voted against the above Catholic position eight or nine times. There is a culture war going on in America and they are on the side of the Culture of Death as enunciated by Pope John Paul II. (By the way, it is President George W. Bush who has fought for all of the above Catholic positions. Let us give credit where credit is due. It is also one of the main reasons why he is hated by the leftists. President Bush has been the Pro-Life President.)
Last week we saw the U.S. Bishops’ Conference in Baltimore, Maryland. I have read through one of their documents titled, Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship. This document is valuable for the evangelization of Catholic and nominal Catholics on all of the above issues. (# 16. As the Holy Father also taught in Deus Caritas Est, ‘the direct duty to work for a just ordering of society is the proper duty to the lay faithful.’ (No. 29)) How are we going to do this?
Let’s us meet to study these matters on the second Wednesday of each month-- 10 AM. Where? Mark your calendar.
WED. DEC. 12, 2007 – 10 A.M.

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

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