Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Catholic Excuses - 1 # 19

Catholic Excuses – 1 # 19
cinops be gone Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Why do Catholics support the Democratic Party in spite of its strong commitment to the anti-Christian agenda of secularism and moral liberalism?

Answers from David Carlin’s book, Can a Catholic Be a Democrat? #19 from Chapter 5 – Catholic Excuses p. 103-106

1. Failure on the part of Catholic leadership

2, Ineffective communication to Catholics on the unequivocal Catholic
teaching on abortion and other culture of death issues.

3, Weak persuasion of CINOPS – Catholic –name-only politicians
who are supporting the secular and moral culture of death agenda?

4. Weaknesses in catechesis and liturgy.

5. Seminary formation and discipline of clergy

6. Slap in the wrist to high profile dissenters

7. Timidity and fear of offense to certain persons in the pews on matters pertaining to abortion and homosexuality.

8. Need to focus on regular Church goers. Preach the Catechism and most will applaud you.

9. Some clergy have sympathy for social justice and fairness for gay agenda items.

10. Sympathy for social justice agenda being best proclaimed by the Democrat Party.

11. Diocesan chancery is a bureaucracy with layers of liberal staff.

12. Many bishops and priests seem to be simply ignorant of the menace that secularism poses to their religion.

Election Update: Notes from Hugh Hewitt, Mon. March 31st Radio Talk Show 870 AM. 3– 6 P.M. On abortion by children: Obama who has a six and nine year old daughters said, “If they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.”

Also, Born Alive Infant Protection Act was passed in Congress years ago. A similar act was in the Illinois legislature and Barak Obama voted against it three times. (Former Pennsylvania’s Senator Santorium’s observation)

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish and Vietnamese.

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