Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Pope Benedict's Christ is Our Hope

Pope Benedict’s Christ is Our Hope
cinops be gone Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Significant notes on Pope Benedict XVI’s arrival in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 from Fox News Chanel and EWTN. (In the docket for the next five days - Raymond Arroyo, Father Richard Neuhaus, and Supreme Grand Knight Carl Anderson) (Ask questions via )
Nancy Brinker, U.S. Chief of Protocol was the first person to greet the pope. She shared and was very touched with Pope Benedict’s arrival. The pope has a real presence and amazing energy. He was very engaged with everyone.
1. A choir of children was singing happy birthday to him even though his birthday is tomorrow. (81 years)
2. There were 5000 military families at the Tarmac at Andrews Air Force Base.

3. Security details are very high for Washington and New York city for the next five days of Benedict’s historic mission which is Christ Our Hope.
4. Flowers were changed by Mrs. Bush at the White House to yellow and white tulips to match the Vatican flag.
5. Also on Fox News, there was an interview with a David B. about a report that shows that 112 billion dollars is the cost to taxpayers for divorce and child care in America. Marriage is downgraded, children out wedlock, people who never marry, all of this is not normal and we pay a price. President Bush is especially committed to faith-based initiatives to strengthen marriages and families.

6. Benedict will be talking about moral issues that impact our individual lives, the country and the world. As the Vicar of Christ on earth, he is a spiritual father. He is Peter among us, the 265th pope. He builds on the world-wide mission of Pope John Paul II in America and throughout the world.
7. Americans will have a chance to get to know him better. He is a true intellect. and makes thinks understandable to you. When you are with him, it feels like you are the only person in the room. (Father Jim Lisante)
8. Raymond stated that our culture is superficial and attached to image. This pope is an authentic spiritual entity who will resonate with Americans.
9. He did not want to be pope, but now seems to enjoy it. He was always a priest and a professor at heart. He has an Augustinian approach with a quest for the absolute. “… our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”
10. Benedict wants us to concentrate on the truth and Jesus who is truth, the way and the light.

11. The Church is engaged in a global dialogue with Moslems and secularist.
The Holy Spirit gives us the pope for our times. God is love, charity and reason. We react with others via the Good Samaritan and the Beatitudes and personal sacrifice for our neighbors. (Carl Anderson)
12. The rest of the week will be exciting for all Americans. Christ is our hope
and that is the center of it all.
13. Pope Benedict comes as Pope John Paul II did when he visited the White
House in 1979: “Come to help America fulfill its noble destiny for the world.” “To do what is right and not what you want to do.”
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish and Vietnamese.

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