Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Enemies of Traditional America - 1

The Enemies of Traditional America – 1
cinops be gone Saturday, April 26, 2008
According to National Public Radio, a group funded by billionaire George Soros and his wealthy friends plan to spend 100 million dollars attacking pro-life John McCain. It is no accident that there are now 400,000 fewer abortions in America each year than there were in 1990. One important reason is that we have elected lawmakers who passed hundreds of laws across America that give unborn babies a better chance to live. If pro-life loses in 2008, here is what to expect:

1. Appointment of pro-abortion justices to any vacancies on the U.S. Supreme Court.
2. Passage of the so-called “Freedom of Choice Act,” eliminating all state and federal laws restricting abortion.
3. Eliminate the federal ban on partial-birth abortion.
4. Eliminate the Hyde Amendment, resulting in tax funding of abortion on demand.
5. Eliminate laws giving parents the right to know if their minor daughter is going to have an abortion.
6. Repeal conscience clause laws protecting medical professionals who oppose abortion.
7. Eliminate laws guaranteeing a woman a right to know the facts before she decides whether to have an abortion.
8. Perform abortions in military hospitals.
9. Fund abortion in federal health programs for American Indians.
10. Divert massive funding from international health care programs to international groups that advocate and perform abortions.
11. Make it a foreign policy objective to eliminate laws protecting against abortion around the world, using our aid to pressure pro-life countries.
12. Cripple or shut down crisis pregnancy centers which provide services to help women carry their babies to term.
13. Force taxpayers to pay for abortion on demand through a nationalized health care system.

Thank you for the above; Wanda Franz, PH.D., President of the National Right to Life Political Action Committee, March 26, 2008.
If it is not one thing, it is something else. The following is from Bill May, Catholics for the Common Good. 415-651-4171 --- 415-738-0421 (Fax) Strong Response Needed to the New Kill-the-Ill Bill AB 2747 which was the focus of Catholic Lobby in Sacramento, California on April 22nd

“After a stunning setback with the demise of their physician-assisted suicide bill last year, California duo of death, Assembly Members Patti Berg and Lloyd Levine, are back with a sinister and barbaric bill designed to confuse and sneak a platform for assisted suicide through the legislature.”

What is disgusting with the above is that Patti Berg is a Catholic-in-name-only-politician. She is setting a bad example for other Catholics and authentic Catholic identity. It is another reason to vote out of office the CINOP in 2008.
On AB 2747 - Contact your legislator –

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish and Vietnamese.

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