Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Enemies of Traditional America – 2
cinops be gone Sunday, April 27, 2008
In this election cycle we are going be bombarded with all kinds of suave political and religious books that will try to persuade you that if you are religious in any way; vote for a secular America and put your faith in Government. The following is for the archives of left-wing religious indoctrination thanks to Joseph Farah’s review of the book in the Washington Times Weekly, March 17, 2008, p. 32

The book is by Bill Clinton’s spiritual adviser. (Don’t laugh!) Tony Campolo’s Red Letter Christians. Christians have been paying enough attention to issues such as abortion, same-sex marriage, homosexual indoctrination in schools etc. Start paying attention to what the Bible teaches about poverty, the environment, global warming, and social injustice.

1.) Capital punishment is wrong, despite the clear, unequivocal biblical commandments to take life for life.
2.) Most Christians are too war-like and guilty of not loving their enemies.
3.) Universal health care should be provided by the government.
4.) Poverty should be eliminated by the U.S. government, not just in the U.S. but throughout the world.
5.) The minimum wage should be increased significantly.
6.) The U.S. should sign the Kyoto Protocol as a step toward solving the phantom crisis of global warming.
7.) The U.S. should pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan and address the real problem of terrorism by creating a Palestinian state and addressing the root cause: poverty.
8.) We should make condoms available throughout the Third World to fight AIDS.
9.) We should address the same-sex marriage issue by getting government out of the marriage business altogether, leaving it to churches and other religious institutions to decide who should be married and who shouldn’t. (No mention of children in this chapter or the ramifications such unions might have on them.)
10.) We should spend more on government schools.
11.) Christians should be offering sanctuary to all illegal immigrants.
12.) The U.S. should cut the military budget and expand wealth- redistribution programs.

The whole sickening new-Marxian, materialistic, utopian diatribe left me (Joseph Farah) wondering what work might be left for Jesus when he returns… Maybe you can ask Mr. Campolo when, inevitably, he or some other so-called Red Letter Christian comes to speak in your church, spreading not the good news of sacrifice, repentance, forgiveness of sin, personal accountability, spiritual renewal and rebirth but the bad news of collectivism, faith in government and moral relativism.

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish and Vietnamese.

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