Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thank You -

Thank You –
cinops be gone Thursday, April 17, 2008
First: You ( are making it possible for all Americans to read or run off almost all of Pope Benedict’s addresses on his historic visit to America. I am looking at 1) Press Conference Aboard Papal Flight 2) Bush’s Welcome to Benedict XVI 3) Pontiff’s Address at White House 4) Benedict XVI’s Address to US Bishops on Wednesday, April 16, 2008.
Secondly: Thank you Hugh Hewitt on talk radio 870AM KLAC 3 to 6 P.M. on Wednesday, April 16, 2009. We were able to listen to what Bill Maher said on his Real Time with Bill Maher on his Friday night HBO Show. Bill ridiculed in a most filthy manner possible Pope Benedict’s visit to America and the Catholic Church.
Bill is an ex-Catholic who is a deeply angry, offensive person and not a funny man. He has an attention deficit with a dirty mouth. Besides calling the Pope a Nazi and a cult leader for child abuse, this idiot is getting away with anti-Catholic hate speech and stupid bigotry. If he had said this of the Jewish or Moslem faith or even the gays, he would have been off the air the next day. This is a matter I will deal with in another letter.
Thirdly: Thank you Pope Benedict XVI for publishing Your Meditations for Every Day of the Year, “Co-Workers of the Truth.” Ignatius, San Francisco, 1992.
Your meditation for April 16th is most appropriate for today. Here are excerpts:
“… Christ is raised! In old chronicles we read how the faithful in Russia used to embrace each other with this greeting. They had undergone tangible renunciation during the period of Lent, and now that this period was over, they experience a real, immense overflowing of joy.
“By entering into the rhythm of the Church’s year they knew quite tangibly that life had triumphed and that life was beautiful. We still celebrate Easter today, of course, but the grey veil of doubt has spread over the heart of Christendom, robbing us of joy….
“What would it mean if Easter, the Resurrection of Jesus, had not taken place? Would it mean just one more corpse, insignificant among the statistics of world history, or would there be more to it? Well, if there were no Resurrection, the story of Jesus would have ended with Good Friday….
“But that would mean that God does not take initiatives in history, that he is either unable or unwilling to touch this world of ours, our human living and dying. And that in turn would mean that love is futile, nugatory, an empty and vain promise. It would mean that there is no judgment and no justice. It would mean that the moment is all that counts and that right belongs to the cunning, the crafty and those without consciences.
“There would be no judgment. Many people, and by no means only wicked people, would welcome that because they confuse judgment with petty calculations and give room to fear than to trusting love.
“This is the motivation for the passionate efforts made to remove Easter Sunday from the pages of history, to “get behind” it and stop history with Good Friday. But these escape attempts result, not in redemption, but in the dreary kind of joy of those who regard God’s justice as something dangerous and therefore wish it did not exist.
“All this makes clear what Easter does mean: God has acted. History does not go on aimlessly. Justice, love, truth – these are realities, genuine reality. God loves us; he comes to meet us.

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish and Vietnamese.

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