Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Liberal and Marxist Bias

Liberal and Marxist Bias
cinops be gone Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Why do our students have to put up with liberal, and or Marxist bias on our campuses, high school and college? Should this be part of their education?
In some ways, their teachers are like parrots of a cult or secular religion. They indirectly indoctrinate their students with a new faith as their old faith is ridiculed and discarded. It is matter that needs to be discussed and resolved. Next to downgrading our history, I understand that the environment and global warming are two of their major beliefs and sacraments.

I recall during the Cold War with Communist Russia, we had these fellow travelers in the country, and in the teaching profession who were parroting and following the commie party line.(They were also known as useful idiots) Today’s liberals use political correctness to promote the liberal party line agenda.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had men of the caliber of the Founding Fathers in our midst? Even the wives of the Fathers are heroes. Let’s watch Abigail, the wife of President John Adams in the series now shown on HBO.
Put yourself into the footsteps of a Washington, Jefferson or Adams. They were wrong on slavery but right on almost everything else. The sad commentary of today’s America is that their writings are either ignored or depreciated by the politically correct News Media.

However, hope springs eternal. Particularly, if we want to survive the radical Islamist Jihadism and the market-improved authoritarianism of Communist China: Let us check out the article by George Weigel, The Edge: The West and the Rest .From March 13, 2008.
In his book, Without Roots, Pope Benedict XVI deplored the addiction to historical self-depreciation rampant at the higher attitudes of European cultural and intellectual life: a tendency to see in the history of the West only “the despicable and the destructive.” The same can be said for America.

George Weigel says there are things that are right with Western civilization.
1. Openness: With the power of reason and search for truth unconstrained by political power, we have an open civilization in history that is closed elsewhere.
2. Freedom: Inalienable dignity of human life and freedom of belief and expression, the idea of human rights and that slavery is an abomination came to an end. Also the idea that women enjoy legal and political rights with men.
3. Knowledge: The Bible, universities, libraries, research and school open to all: openness and freedom of discussion, scientific inventions, living longer, thanks to the West’s technological creativity:
4. Generosity: Every major humanitarian initiative in modern human history, example the Red Cross, care for the physically handicapped, no forced marriage.
5. Beauty: Many cultures produce beautiful things only the West has produced Mozart, Bach, Michelangelo, Dante, Rembrandt, and Shakespeare….
6. Humor: Capable of making fun of itself. Mock pretensions and false piety.

Political correctness is a censorship of reason and common sense.
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate, and or translate into Spanish or Vietnamese.

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