Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Catholic Excuses - 3 - 21

Catholic Excuses – 3 – 21
cinops be gone – Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Why do Catholics support the Democratic Party in spite of its strong commitment to anti-Christian agenda of secularism and moral liberalism?
Let’s us continue to check out the answers from David Carlin’s book, “Can a Catholic Be a Democrat?” # 21 from Chapter 5 - Catholic Excuses p. 109-112

25. Many Catholic Democrats have never even considered that there might be an incompatibility between their political and religious identities.

26. It’s no doubt true that by now many regular Catholics churchgoers, if they were Democrats in the first place, have abandoned the party.

27. Catholic and a Democrat have never been problematic. It’s a family trait to register Democrat.

28, But how can this be – that a serious, practicing Catholic will also be a serious, practicing Democrat?

29. Yes, people can be unaware of the agenda. (Example, California’s homosexual agenda in public elementary education and promotion of same-sex marriage)

30. When Democratic candidates for U.S. House or Senate turn up to speak to folk of your kind, they don’t emphasize their pro-abortion and pro-gay credentials.

31. They talk about social security, health care, education for your grandchildren.

32. For fund raising they save their pro-abortion talks at Planned Parenthood and the ACLU.

33. You can be relatively ignorant of the Church’s strong opposition to abortion and same sex-marriage. But the Church’s opposition to contraception mustn’t be a great deal. You never hear about it in sermons. Catholics can be confused.

34. The average Catholic Democrat in the pew can hardly be blamed for concluding that the Church is barely more serious about abortion and homosexuality than it is about contraception.

Eureka! We have found the norm and the standard for our lives. It is living and loving in union with the Church as enunciated by Pope Benedict XVI’s Christ is our hope visit to America. It is also in union with the Catechism and the universal principles of common sense, reason and natural law. The CINOP is deliberately blind to all of this. His defeat in this year’s election would be part of his conversion.

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish or Vietnamese.

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