Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Unborn, Abortion, Voting, Fatima # 6

Let us celebrate the 125th Knights of Columbus Convention in Nashville, Tennessee on Aug. 7-9th, 2007. Pray that wise decisions will be made and the truth proclaimed. The attached classic talk # 6 of 12 is to commemorate this gathering.

The Unborn, Abortion, Voting, Fatima # 6
July 31, 2007

This is page 6 of the Classic one hour talk on the above by Father Greg Staab O.M.V, given Oct. 12, 2002. It is transcribed from a tape, What Happened at Fatima?

“What do we call the candidate who wants to keep killing legal? He refers to himself as being pro-choice. How many of us would vote for someone who said, ‘I think that killing should be legal in our country. I am in favoring of the legalization of killing human beings.’ How many of us would vote for such a person?

“I don’t think any of us would vote for such a person, right, anybody would vote for such a person. But they don’t refer to themselves in that way because there is deception and there is {are} lies that are involved in the whole thing. So they call themselves pro-choice. It is very anti-septic and in itself it sounds very harmful, in fact, it sounds like there is a value that they are upholding in some way. But who are they?

“They are people who are in favor of the legalization of killing: killing of unborn children….Abortion is very harmful to women. David Reardon has a very interesting series of books. One of them is called: Making Abortion Rare. I am paraphrasing this right now. But he has talked about the fact that you’ve got this middle majority in our country who are kind of undecided, kind of wishy-washy on the reality of abortion and it constitutes the majority of Americans where there is, they don’t really feel comfortable. But they don’t really want to impose their own morality and why do they often times make the decision that they make. It’s kind of a wishy-washy sort.

“It’s because they want to have what they call non-judgmentalism. And they want to have compassion, compassion for the woman. There is that sense that maybe they know some women who have had abortions and they want to have the sense of compassion and non-judgmentalism towards them. And they see themselves as being good, good people non-judgmental, compassionate.

“It’s very important to realize that we are the ones by what we hold that we have to take on that attitude we’re compassionate and we too want to have a non-judgmental attitude of people’s hearts. But it is important to note that abortion hurts women. It deeply hurts women. And it is important that we educate people on this reality and that people become more aware of this.

“John Paul II said in Crossing the Threshold of Hope in firmly rejecting the pro-choice, it is necessary to become courageously pro-woman, promoting a choice that is truly in favor of women. It is precisely the woman, in fact, who pays the highest price for the suppression of a child, the life of the child who has been conceived. So he speaks about the fact that women pay this tremendously high price when they have an abortion.

“There is an axiom that goes like this, a truism: If you want to help a mother, help her child. If you want to give joy to a mother, give joy and happiness to her child. You want to hurt a mother, hurt her child. You want to kill something within a mother, kill her child. Women will have a wound and it’s deep and it’s so profound that most women are not able to look at it right away, the reality of the wound that takes place within them. Important for us to know too, abortion for women is an act of despair. Often time people can think of a person that goes out and has an abortion, this person is exceedingly selfish and actually what’s there, the person is often in tremendous crisis and they feel there is no hope in the situation they find themselves in….”
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and translate into Spanish.

Monday, July 30, 2007

The Unborn, Abortion, Voting, Fatima # 5

Let us celebrate the 125th Knights of Columbus Convention in Nashville, Tennessee on Aug. 7-9th, 2007. Pray that wise decisions will be made and the truth proclaimed. The attached classic talk is # 5 of 12 is to commemorate this gathering.

The Unborn, Abortion, Voting, Fatima # 5
Monday, July 30, 2007

“A former abortionist Dr. Bernard Nathanson narrated a movie of a 12 week suction abortion. It’s called The Silent Scream. It’s silent because there is fluid in the uterus and air. Through the use of ultra-sound you can see the pre-born child dodging the suction instruments time after time, while its heart beat doubles in rate. This is while the abortion is taking place.

“When finally caught as its body was being dismembered, the baby’s mouth is open wide. What is he doing? He’s screaming. You can’t hear it because of the fact of the liquid that is there in the uterus.

“Auditory sense is present in the infant 14 weeks after conception; this involves brain functioning and memory patterns. Recent technology allowed a tiny microphone placed by the fetus’s head and I quote here, ‘We heard almost everything from people talking 12 feet away to a door opening in the room, to a cart going down the hall, with the door closed. The clarity was incredible… It was easy to tell who was talking. The results showed the fetus hears everything only 10 decibels less when loud music is played he will cover his ears with his little hand.’

“From a scientific stand-point, life begins at the moment of conception. What does our Faith tell us? God infuses an immortal soul, and that child now is created in the image and likeness of God. Book of Genesis, Chapter 4, Verse 1, ‘Adam knew his wife Eve, she conceived and bore Cain and said, ‘I have acquired a man with the help of the Lord.’

“What did the Lord do? The Lord infused the immortal soul and so that child is in the image and likeness of God. That child has more value than the entire created universe. You can sacrifice the entire created universe, all the material good in the entire created universe for that one little child who is going to be immortal, who is going to live forever.

“So our human, our Faith, our Faith tells us that this child has this deep profound value, created in the image and likeness of God. This child’s life is sacred, is sacred and is to be protected.

“What we got thus in our culture is a tremendous amount of lies and it shouldn’t surprise us. Anybody who is capable of murdering is also capable of telling a lie. And in fact, Jesus puts these two qualities together, murdering and lying when he talks about the devil. In John, Chapter 8, Verse 44, ‘He was a murderer from the beginning and has nothing to do with the truth because there is no truth in him. When he lies he speaks according to his nature for he is a liar and the Father of Lies.’

“So in the same verse where Jesus talks about the devil as a murderer, He refers to him as a Father of Lies. Tremendous amount of deception and lies that exist in our country and it’s worked to a great extent. People have become deceived. They have scales as it were on their eyes. Just to look at some of the expressions they will use. Speak about, for instance, the termination of a pregnancy, and we just think about that expression. It’s very anti-septic, doesn’t get people to reflect too much. The whole reality is kind of hidden. When a child is born and you have a healthy child. What we call that {is} the termination of a pregnancy. And you have also a willed surgical abortion and they refer to that with the same terminology, the termination of a pregnancy….”

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Insights - Hilaire Belloc - The Modern Attack # 1

INSIGHTS - Hilaire Belloc – “The Modern Attack” # 1
Sunday, July 29th, 2007

“Journalism is meaningful only when it helps us to learn the truth. It can be a genuine calling only when there is a truth that is good. Then it is right and necessary to help this truth to find its proper expression. The fundamental certainty that Good does exist and that we are created for it is not an obstacle to the work of the journalist, but rather makes it possible. It must be the first pillar of genuine journalistic ethics.” (1984), July 26th, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Co-Workers of the Truth, Meditations for every day of the Year, Ignatius, 1990,

In his book, The Great Heresies, Hilaire Belloc has a chapter on The Modern Phase. First published in 1938. Published in 1987 by Trinity Communications. VA.

“The enemy which the Faith now has to meet, and which may be called “The Modern Attack.” is a wholesome assault upon the fundamentals of the Faith – upon the very existence of the Faith. And the enemy now advancing against us is increasingly conscious of the fact that there can be no question of neutrality. The forces now opposed to Faith design to destroy….

“Whether we call it “The Modern Attack” or “anti-Christ’ it is all one; there is a clear issue now joined between the retention of Catholic morals, tradition, and authority on the one side and the active forces to destroy them on the other. The modern attack will not tolerate us. It will attempt to destroy us. Nor can we tolerate it. We must attempt to destroy it as being the fully equipped and ardent enemy of the Truth by which men live. The duel is to the death.

“Men sometimes call the modern attack “a return to Paganism.” That definition is true if we means by paganism a denial of Catholic truth: if we mean by paganism a denial of the Incarnation, of human immortality, of the unity and personality of God, of man’s direct responsibility to God, and all that body of thought, feeling, doctrine and culture which is summed up in the word “Catholic,” then, and in that sense, the modern attack is a return to Paganism….

“We find, to begin with, that it is at once materialistic and superstitious.
“There is here a contradiction in reason, but the modern phase, the anti-Christian advance, has abandoned reason. It is concerned with the destruction of the Catholic Church and the civilization preceding there from. It is not troubled by apparent contradictions within its own body so long as the general alliance is one for the ending of all and by which we have hitherto lived. The modern attack is materialistic because in its philosophy it considers only material causes. It is superstitious only as a by-product of this state of mind. It nourishes on its surface the silly vagaries of spiritualism, the vulgar nonsense of “Christian Science,” and heaven knows how many other fantasies. But these follies are bred, not from the hunger for religion, but from the same root as that which has made the world materialist – from an inability to understand the prime truth that faith is at the root of knowledge; from thinking that no truth is appreciable except through direct experience….

“… It has been well remarked that nothing is more striking than the way in which all the modern quasi-religious practices are agreed upon this – that Revelation is to be denied.”
George H. Kubeck, http://wwwcinopsbegone.blogspot.com

Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Unborn, Abortion, Voting, Fatima # 4

Let us celebrate the 125th Knights of Columbus Convention in Nashville, Tennessee on April 7-9, 2007. Pray that wise decisions will be made and the truth proclaimed. The attached classic talk # 4 of 12 is to commemorate this gathering. The Unborn, Abortion, Voting, Fatima #4
Saturday, July 28, 2007

This is the fourth excerpt from a one hour transcribed talk given by Father Greg Staab, O.M.V. There is no doubt that this is a classic on the above topics. The tape, What Happened at Fatima, M1273 is available at St. Joseph Radio, (714) 744-0336.

“The baby was extremely alive and swam about the sac approximately one time a second with a natural swimmer’s stroke. This tiny human being did not look at all like the photos and drawings of embryos which I have seen nor did it look like the few embryos I have been able to observe since then, obviously because this one was alive.

“There was a tremendous beauty to it in observing this little alive child. When the sac was opened the tiny human immediately lost its life and took on the appearance of what is accepted, the appearance of an embryo at this stage.

“Does the baby breathe? It begins to breathe at the beginning at 11 to 12 weeks, at about 3 months. He is breathing fluids steadily and continuously until birth. At birth he will breathe air. He does not drown by breathing fluids within his mother because he obtains his oxygen from his umbilical cord. This breathing develops the organs of respiration. So he is breathing in and out this fluid.

“Can the unborn baby cry? This was something that was observed. Although the water environment in which he lives presents small opportunities for crying which does require air? You have to have air to cry. The unborn knows how to cry and given a chance to do so, he will.

“A doctor injected an air bubble into the baby’s embryonic sac cells and then took x-rays. It so happened the air bubble covered the baby’s face. The whole procedure had no doubt given the little fellow quite a bit of jostling about and the moment that he had air to inhale and inhale they heard a clear sound of a protesting wail emitting from the uterus.

“Later that same night the mother awakened her doctor with a telephone call to report when she lay down to sleep the air bubble got over the baby’s head and he was crying so loudly in the uterus that he was keeping both her and her husband awake. So the doctor advised her to prop herself upright with pillows so that the air could not reach the baby’s head which by now in the lower part of the uterus. So even the wailing and the crying was heard from the uterus.

“When does a baby, the unborn baby begin to feel pain? The child starts to feel pain at about 8 weeks. And this is how you can tell. If you stick a newly born baby with a pin in the hand, he opens his mouth to cry and he pulls away his hand. If you stick an 8 weeks old fetus in the palm of his hand he opens his mouth to cry. There is no air there so you can’t hear it and he pulls back his hand, the same reaction, he begins to cry already in the womb.

“A more technical description would add that changes in heart rate in fetal movement also suggest that interuterus manipulation is painful to the fetus. A former abortionist Dr. Bernard Nathanson narrated a movie of a 12 week suction abortion. It’s called the Silent Scream. It is silent because there is fluid in the uterus and not air….”
George H. Kubeck. Duplicate, and or translate into Spanish.

Friday, July 27, 2007

The Unborn, Abortion, Voting, Fatima # 3

Let us celebrate the 125th Knights of Columbus Convention in Nashville, Tennessee on Aug. 7-9th, 2007. Pray that wise decisions will be made and the truth proclaimed.
The attached classic talk # 3 of 12 is to commemorate this gathering.

The Unborn, Abortion, Voting, Fatima # 3
Friday, July 27, 2007

This is the third excerpt from a talk by Father Greg Staab, O.M.V., given at St. Peter Chanel Catholic Church in Hawaiian Gardens, on Oct. 12, 2002, Immaculate Heart of Mary Spiritual Retreat, My Love Will Triumph. Tape M 1273, What Happened at Fatima, available at St. Joseph Radio, (714) 744-0336.

“There was a study made by the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1981. They invited 57 experts from all over the world. These were professors, they were doctors who had important positions at different universities, biologists. They came in and they testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee when human life begins.

“And absolutely all of them said human life begins at the moment of conception. And I’ll just cite a few of the statements here. There was Michaeline Matthews Roth of Harvard Medical. She gave confirming references supported by references from more than 20 embryology and other medical textbooks that human life begins at conception, at fertilization.

“The Father of Modern Genetics, Dr. Jerome Lejeune told the law makers to accept the fact that after fertilization has taken place, new life has come into being is no more a matter of taste or opinion. It is plain experimental evidence.

“Dr. McCarthy Demire, a medical professor and law professor from the University of Tennessee testified the exact moment beginning of personhood of the human body is at the moment of conception.
“Dr. Alfred Bonjavani of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine concluded, ‘I no more prepared to say that these early stages represent an incomplete human being than I would be to say that the child prior to the dramatic effects of puberty is not a human being!’

“Dr. Richard James, ‘to say that the beginning of human life cannot be determined scientifically is utterly ridiculous.’ From the scientific background human life begins at the moment of fertilization and that is clear to absolutely everybody in the realm of medicine and science. At that moment [then] the Senate Judiciary Committee [lists] gave a limited example of 13 medical textbooks, all of which state categorically that the life of an individual human being begins at the moment of conception.

“I got to a few kinds of cute anecdotes of things that happen in the womb and kinds of signs of a fact that we are dealing here with human life.
“There is a Dr. Rockwell. He is Director of Anesthesiology at Leno Hospital in Troy, NY. He observed this in an ectopic pregnancy: They had to remove the child. The child was eight weeks along. And this is what he saw. The embryo sack was intact and transparent. Within the sack was a tiny 1/3 inch human male swimming extremely vigorously in the embryonic fluid while attached to the wall by the umbilical cord. The tiny human was perfectly developed with long tapering fingers, feet and toes, eight weeks. It was almost transparent as regards the skin and the delicate arteries and veins were prominent. The baby was extremely alive and swam about….”
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Censuring the Church and Silencing Christians # 2

Thursday, July 26th, 2007
Be on the lookout for one of the most insidious false religious propaganda during this and next year’s election cycle. There are groups of people out there who call themselves clergymen and who are for the following: abortion, abortion on demand, assisted suicide, euthanasia, same sex-marriage, cloning, and embryonic stem cell research. All of the above are absolute evils. These pretenders will come up with religious reasons and use the word compassionate in support for each of the above. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

During the California Assembly debate on AB 374, the Assisted Suicide Bill, a softer name was given to it. An open letter in support of the Compassionate Choices Act was circulated. Here is an example.

By Rev. John Brooke (published June 14th 2007)

“I am a clergy member and a representative of the 150 clergypersons from 12 different faith communities who have each stated, “I support the California Compassionate Choices Act.” (Who are you? Give us the names of the 12 different Church communities?)

“We are among the majority of religious believers who are in favor of a mentally capable, dying adult having the legal right to request and receive medication to hasten death if his or her suffering becomes unbearable….(These wolves will always use the word majority)

“In April, Cardinal Roger Mahony denounced this bill and accused Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, a Catholic and a co-author of AB 374, of participating in “culture of death.”... (Pope John Paul II coined the term. Please read his “Gospel of Life.”)

(What follows in Rev. John Brooke’s letter is a CINO (Catholic-in-name-only) theologian Daniel Maguire who publicly and arrogantly differs with the U.S. Bishops and the Magisterium. He reminds me of the fable, The Bullfrog and the Ox. All of this is a scandal and sweet talk to the CINOP (Catholic-in-name-only-Politician.)

“Last year, Catholic moral theologian Daniel Maguire wrote to Catholic lawmakers in California: ‘Catholic theology is broader and more nuanced than Vatican theology. A Catholic lawmaker need not be strictly bound by Vatican theology’.

“There is legitimate ethical pluralism within Catholic theology on the subject of assisted dying. … I believe that one can be a devout Catholic and support the enactment of laws that leave such intensely personal decisions to the faith and spiritual practice of individuals.”…

There will be hundreds of articles written and dozens of books printed to persuade you that the Culture of death is really a morally superior culture to traditional American values and that we are all extremists and have no compassion. The Bible and the Ten Commandments are fundamentally obsolete in this new secular progressive America. Keep religion to yourself and not in the public arena. The election in 08 is all about your vote for a traditional America versus a secular progressive America.

George H. Kubeck, http://cinopsbegone.blogspot.com Duplicate; translate into Spanish.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Unborn, Abortion, Voting, Fatima # 2

Let us celebrate the 125th Knights of Columbus Convention in Nashville, Tennessee on Aug. 7-9th, 2007. Pray that wise decisions will be made and the truth proclaimed.
The attached classic talk # 2 of 12 is to commemorate this gathering.

The Unborn, Abortion, Voting, Fatima # 2
Feast James, Apostle, July 25th, 2007
This is the second excerpt from Father Greg Staab, O.M.V. talk on the above. This is a very deep presentation of the reality of the unborn baby. The tape is available under the title: What happened at Fatima? M1273, St. Joseph Radio, (714) 744-0336

“In the entire history of our country about 19,000 people have died to the death penalty. On the average more children will die in five days to surgical abortions, just in five days, that will die, than have been killed through Capital Punishment in the whole history of our country.
“Sept. 11th, 2001 was a tremendous tragedy and one thing that we noted that all, every thing shut down. Everything stopped on Sept. 11th and for a couple of days afterwards, and rightly so, people spent their days watching CNN and trying to get all the information. They couldn’t believe it – a tremendous shock!
“When all is said and done, about 3,000 people died on Sept. 11th to that terrorist attack. On the average more than 4000 people die every day through surgical abortions. So what took place that day in terms of abortion was a greater evil than what took place in that terrorist attack. It is pretty amazing, yet we don’t even think about it, reflect on it. And this is taking place every day within our country.
“So as Mother Teresa said the greatest destroyer of peace in the world is not war but it is the reality of abortion. There is a war, if you wish, that is taking place within our society right now.
“So I would like to talk a little bit about this reality today and like to start out with a little bit about the reality of abortion, and its effects, to have a deeper understanding of it. How it affects our society! How it affects our consciences! How it has been affecting our culture! This reality of abortion! And then in the second part, what we can do about this?
“There is always hope. What is God asking of us at this time? The first thing to know, the first reality at this time that we have to look at in terms of abortion: It’s a killing of a real human being! This is something that is known and is something that is very clear, the reality of biology and medicine.
“About ten years ago, I was invited to go to a debate at Boston College and it was supposed to be a very non-emotional sort of debate, where people would just look at the facts and people would just discuss them in a non-passionate fashion. And the people who were invited were very good debaters and speakers (supposedly). And the one person who came, who supported the pro-life side, and he waited and all of us waited and the person who was going to argue and debate the pro-abortion side never showed up!
“And the guy said who basically was giving the talk on the reality of life said this has happened to him often when he has gone to debate throughout the U.S. And the reason for this is: the opposing side is afraid of the Truth. They are afraid at looking at the reality of the truth and just discussing it in a very non-emotional, non-political sort of way because it is very clear to everybody and it is very clear to science today that human life begins at the moment of fertilization….”
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Unborn, Abortion, Voting, Fatima # 1

Let us celebrate the Knights of Columbus Convention in Nashville, Tennessee on Aug. 7-9th. 2007. Pray that wise decisions will be made and the truth proclaimed.
The attached classic talk # 1 of 12 is to memorialize this gathering.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
The following is the first excerpt from the most comprehensive, informative and powerful one hour talk I have ever heard. I transcribed it from a tape by Father Greg Staab, O.M.V. What Happened at Fatima? (10-12-02). This is # 1 of 12 excerpts.

“Mother Teresa of Calcutta was offered the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. And when
she went up to accept it, she said, ‘I am grateful to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in the name of the hungry, of the naked, of the homeless, of the crippled, of the blind, of the lepers, in the name of all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared for throughout society, of a people that have become a burden to society and are shunned by everyone.’ In other words she received the Nobel Prize in the name of Jesus, Himself.
And during that famous talk in 1979, she spoke about the reality of peace and she said the greatest destroyer of peace in the world is not war. ‘The greatest destroyer of peace in the world is abortion.’

“Another occasion in 1997, it was at a National Prayer Breakfast in Washington which was attended by the President and the First Lady. She said that what is taking place in America is a war against the child. And if we accept that the mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another.
“Abortion is the greatest evil that has ever existed in the history of our country. And I like to expound upon that a little bit, to make it more explicit and to make it clearer, to show how true that really is, and to begin my talk this morning.

“First of all, it is the greatest evil because it is the murder of innocent and defenseless human persons. We will never find victims of injustice who are as innocent and incapable of defending themselves as they are. Nor will we find an injustice that is greater than any other tragedy in our history. It is something that we really can’t comprehend, how horrible abortion is, greater than any other tragedy in our history. How great the evil is that is taking place in our country and that we really are not aware of it, conscious of it and reflect on it very much.

“Just to give you a few statistics! Since Jan. 22, 1973, the Supreme Court decision of Roe vs. Wade over 30 million unborn children have died through surgical abortion, over 40 million. That is on the average of l.3 million every year. About 4,000 every day, and about 1 every 20 seconds who are killed on the average. We would add to surgical abortions the reality of chemicals abortions…. We would have another 14 million abortions…This is a number we can’t even begin to fathom.

“The total number of Americans who have died in war from 1776 to 1996 is a little less than 1.1 million. It is a lot of human beings who have died in the wars in the whole history of the United States of America. Yet more Americans are killed in surgical abortions in just one year. (about 1.3 million) …”
George H. Kubeck, duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Monday, July 23, 2007

The Biggest Religious Con-Operation in U.S. History # 3

Monday, July 23, 2007
Today any politician can call himself a Catholic. I was rereading the comments of one bishop. These comments are probably going through minds of all bishops.
“Recently, a book has appeared whose thesis is that the German population, in general, was a willing participant in the holocausts. Many articles and reviews have pointed out the regime was ruthless in crushing opposition and dissent. (But in America our bishops are not faced with that persecution. GHK)
“What will history say about us? Future generations will say we were paralyzed by political correctness, or more probably that everyone voted according to their pocketbook for the politicians who promised the most tax cuts, or the most benefits, or best pork barrel. I am Irish enough to understand that the tribal allegiances that bound us to the Democratic Party are very strong and in our not-too-distant past, quite understandable. (The problem is - that Democratic Party does not exist anymore. And would bishops be silent if the Republican Party promoted all these evils? GHK)
“The faith or our ancestors, tested by dungeons, fire and sword has succumbed to the Brooks Brothers suit and secular humanism, the new state religion. (A secular and a traditional America are two different countries.)
“The legalization of the partial-birth abortion procedure should be a wake-up call for Americans. Life, so revered in our Constitution, is no longer sacred in our country.
“We are definitely at the crossroads. What kind of society do we want for future generations? Are we going to opt for a society that wants to solve social problems by elimination of people in cold blood?
“We must look beyond sectarian politics, beyond personalities, beyond the hype and examine the issues and the issue is life. To say that, it is a matter of life and death is not longer a cliché. (There are four other party promoted evils besides abortion. GHK)
If you are a politician and you feel that you cannot be in favor of life and enjoy the support of your party or constituency, it is time for you to seek other employment before it is too late.” (Clergy and voters can reregister to another party or decline to state and vote out all Catholic-in-name-only Politicians in 2008. And this can be done. GHK)

Let us look at the CINO politicians in Massachusetts and New York from the Catholic Advocate’s Scorecard. Notice that CINO rhymes with RINO. (Republican in name only) How many voted against the Catholic position on the following issues?
l. Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act – passage (110th)
2.Marriage Amendment Act (109th) 3.) Terri Schiavo Federal court review (109th)
4.Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (109th)
5. Abortion in Military medical facilities (109th)
6. Coercive abortion/United Nations Population Fund (109th)
7. Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act: passage (109th) (108th)
8. Human Cloning Ban: passage (108th) 9,) Partial-Birth Abortion Ban: passage
10.Unborn Victims of Violence Act (108th)
The following Massachusetts Congressmen voted 8 to 10 times on the above issues against the Catholic position: Michael Capuano, William Delahunt, Edward Markey, James McGovern, and Marty Meehan. And in New York, we have: Tim Bishop, Kirsten Gillibrand, John Hall, Maurice Hinchez, Carolyn McCarthy, Charles Rangel, and Nydia Velasquez. All of this is very serious matter. Please send a postcard to Catholic Advocate, P.O. Box 96559, Postal, VA 20068-6599 for the analysis. You can decide.
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate or translate into Spanish.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Dominican Order 800 Years - Holy Name Society 733 Years

Saturday, July 21, 2007
A Salute to the Dominican Order and their 800th Anniversary; and to their Founding of the Holy Name Society 733 years ago!
Tradition! Tradition! Tradition! Let us celebrate more of it. You are always on solid ground. Let us start with the Holy Name Society. It had its origin in the Council of Lyons in 1274, which prescribed that the faithful should have a special devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus and that reparation might be made for insults offered to it by Albigenses and other blasphemers.
The Albigenses in Southern France were kind of suicidal, like the contemporary anti-life, anti-marriage and anti-family Culture of Death in America. The Friar Preachers were preaching everywhere with the Zeal of St. Dominic, it was natural, then, that Pope Gregory X selected the Dominicans to preach this devotion to Jesus which he did by letter to Blessed John of Vercelli, Master General of the Order on September 20, 1274.

I recall the 700th anniversary celebration of the Holy Name Society at St. Matthew’s Church in Long Beach in 1974. And then something sad happened. Within a decade or two most Holy Name Societies in the parishes faded away and disappeared.
They were replaced by the Church’s name and a so-called Men’s club. Where is their spiritual tradition? Well we still have at least one Holy Name Society in Orange County at St. Pius V Church in Buena Park. It is very small but we do meet on the Second Sunday after the 7:45 A.M. Mass. We do say the Holy Name Pledge. It makes sense to me for all parishes to return to the Men’s Holy Name Society.
For the Dominicans, see The Coming of the Preachers – http://www.800.op.org
The good news is that there is a small Dominican Laity Chapter in Costa Mesa – Bartolomeo de Las Casas Chapter-in-formation. They meet at St. Joachim’s –Annex C (across from the church) on Orange Street. They meet the last Tuesday of the month from 7:00 –9:00 PM (except in July of this year)

The first year an inquirer attends chapter meetings and learns about the charism of St. Dominic and the Four Pillars of the Dominican Order, Prayer, Study, Community and Ministry, and how they apply to lay people. At the end of the year, if the inquirer is still interested in the Dominican Laity, he/she is received as a candidate. The second year of formation is devoted to the study of the Beatitudes and how lay people are called to holiness. Fr. Enrique Sera, the pastor of St. Joachim Church is the Religious Advisor who gives the formation studies for the Costa Mesa group. People come and go as inquirers, trying to determine if being a Lay Dominican is for them.

To find out more about the Dominicans, come and join us in celebrating our Chapter Day for the Orange County chapter of the Dominican Laity. Spend an afternoon in study, prayer, community and ministry. Learn about the life of St. Dominic and how the Dominican Laity fulfill their ministry of preaching through their individual talents. There will be lectures and prayer time. The afternoon will culminate in the 5:30 PM Mass where our two inquirers will receive the scapular of the Order of Preachers.
Please join us: Saturday, Aug. 11th at 12:00 P.M. in St. Joachim Parish Annex C, 1964 Orange Ave. Costa Mesa, Ca. 92627, Call (949) 574-7400 for more details. Drinks and snacks provided.
In the Spirit of St. Dominic,
George H. Kubeck OPL,

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Censuring the Church and Silencing Christians # 1

Thursday, July 19th, 2008
If it is not one thing it is something else. And if CINOP Senator Edward Kennedy is involved, Look Out! Thanks to Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council
for this informational letter. Please support and access his e-mail: frcpub@frc.org

“In an effort to bypass the committee process, Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) is attempting to add a federal Thought Crimes (or so-called hate crimes) as an amendment to a defense spending bill. By protecting some victims of violent crime (such as homosexuals) more than other victims of equally violent crimes, this amendment would change our time-honored understanding of Equal Justice for All to Special Justice for Some.

Federal hate crimes laws are increasingly used in various jurisdictions to silence or punish Christians for opposing homosexual behavior and radical Islam. The Liberal Congress and Special Interest are coordinating to push this and other radical agendas.

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) would force employers, including Christians, ministries, and churches, to hire practicing homosexuals and would punish employers – including churches for refusing to hire or promote homosexuals:

They are for increased public funding for Planned Parenthood, abortions, and sex-education programs that encourage teen promiscuity, while ending proven abstinence education programs.

They are making a second attempt to increase embryonic stem cell research funding even though it requires the destruction of viable human life and has yet to produce a single benefit to any human struggling with a disease.

Liberals seek to reverse the ban on partial-birth abortions (a ban supported by 70% of Americans) and enshrine Roe vs. Wade into our Constitution.

The leaders of this Congress are working overtime in taking incremental steps that move our nation to same-sex marriage. (You can understand that while the approval rating of the President is 34%, the approval rating of Congress is 14%. Liberals are in the twilight zone, and all efforts must be made to throw them out in 2008. GHK)

In conclusion, when a 16-year-old high school student in Illinois handed out flyers to her classmates containing a derogatory slur for homosexuals – instead of being disciplined by school authorities as she should have been- she was arrested, charge with a hate crime and thrown into a juvenile corrections center for nearly 20 days.
No matter how many denials liberals and their homosexual allies issue, it’s clear: Those laws are intended strictly to silence any opposition to homosexual behavior. And if they will arrest a young girl for poor judgment, how long will it be before they come after your pastor for reading Scripture that opposes homosexual behavior.”

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate in to Spanish.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Biggest Religious Con-Operation in U.S. History # 2

The Biggest Religious Con-Operation in U.S. History # 2
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Let us take a look again at Catholic Advocate‘s Scorecard of Catholics in Congress. Their address is: P.O. Box 96559, Postal, VA 20066-6599
My focus is on several of the California Congress persons and their voting records:
1.) Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act-passage (110th)
2.) Marriage Amendment Act (109th)
3.) Terri Schiavo Federal Court Review
4.) Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (109th)
5.) Abortion in military medical facilities (109th)
6.) Coercive abortion / United Nations Population Fund (109th)
7.) Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act: passage (109th)
8.) Human Cloning Ban: passage (108th)
9.) Partial-Birth Abortion Ban: passage (108th)
10.) Unborn Victims of Violence Act (108th)

a) Baca, Joe, D. Voted for 3 and 8. Voted against the remaining 8
b) Becerra, Xavier, D. Absent for 3 and 7. Voted against the remaining 8

c) Eshoo, Anna, D. Absent for 3 and 9. Voted against the remaining 8
d) Miller, George, D. Absent for 3. Voted against the remaining 9

e) Napolitano, Grace, D. Absent for 3. Voted against the remaining 9
f) Pelosi, Nancy, D. Absent for 3. Voted against the remaining 9

g) Roybal-Allard, Lucille, D. Absent for 3. Voted against the remaining 9
h) Sanchez, Linda, D. Absent for 3. Voted against the remaining 9

i) Sanchez, Loretta, D. Absent for 3 and 8. Voted against remaining 8

j) Solis, Hilda, D. Absent for 3. Voted against the remaining 9
k) Tauscher, Ellen, D. Absent for 3. Voted against the remaining 9

l) Thompson, Mike, D. Absent for 3. Voted against the remaining 9
m) Watson, Diane, D. Absent for 3 and 7. Voted against the remaining 8

Why should we vote for unprincipled politicians? Their CINOP clones in the California legislature are promoting an Assisted Suicide Bill and in Massachusetts, 16 CINOP traitors blocked the Marriage Amendment for 2008. What we have is an axis of deceit and evil, Pelosi and Kennedy?
I would like to participate in a class action suit of fraud and false identity by the Catholic California members in Congress. On second thought, all that money and energy can be better spent on informational precinct work and telephone calls to defeat Loretta Sanchez’s in Orange County. If you are interested, check out Denny’s Restaurant on Chapman Ave. between three freeways, 5, 57 and 22 (Long Beach West)
We would meet for brunch on a Wednesday. 10 AM
Fraternally yours, (Check - CINOPS BE GONE or www.cinopsbegone.blogspot.com )
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Biggest Religious Con-Operation in U.S. History # 1

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Did you know that there were 130 Catholic Congressmen and 25 Catholic Senators in Washington, D.C.? Catholic Advocate, a project of the Morley Institute, P.O. Box 96559, Postal, VA 20066-6599 made a Scorecard of Catholics In Congress and how they voted on 10 critical Catholic issues. Write to them for the complete Scorecard. By the way, these issues are supported by Natural Law, Common Sense and Traditional American principles.

Cath. Adv. seeks to be an authentic Catholic voice in media and public policy arenas.

My focus is on several of the Senators in Congress and their voting records:
1. Funding of overseas pro-abortion organizations (109th)
2. Funding of embryo-killing stem cell research cell research (H.R. 810th) (109th)
3. Child Custody Protection Act (S.403) passage (109th)
4. Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (CIANA) (109th)
5. Federal Marriage Amendment Act (109th)
6. Harkin Amendment to endorse Roe v. Wade (108th)
7. Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003: passage (109th)
8. Abortion in military medical facilities (108th)
9. Feinstein Substitute Amendment (single-victim substitute) (108th)
10. Unborn Victims of Violence Act passage (109th)

A) Dodd, Christopher, D, CT., Absent or not voting on 6. Voted against the other 9

B) Biden, Joseph, D, DE., Absent or not voting on 6, 7, 9. Voted against the other 7

C) Harkin, Tom, D, IA., Voted against all 10 of the Catholic positions.

D) Durbin, Richard, D, IL., Voted against all 10 of the Catholic positions.

E) Kennedy, Edward, D. MA., Absent or not voting on 1, 4. Voted against the other 8
F) Kerry, John, D. MA., Absent or not voting on 7, 8. Voted against the other 8.

G) Milkulski, Barbara, D, MD., Voted against all 10 Catholic positions.

H) Collins, Susan, R, ME., Not eligible on 10, voted against the other 9

I) Reed, Jack, D. RI., Voted against all 10 of the Catholic positions.

J) Leahy, Patrick, D. VT., Voted for # 7. Voted against the other 9

K) Cantwell, Maria, D. WA. Voted against all 10 Catholic positions.

L) Murray, Patty, D. WA. Voted against all 10 Catholic positions.

The above scorecard is a matter that all Catholic publications and leaders should make a comment on. We have such a rich and noble Catholic belief system. I keep repeating to myself the CINOP (Catholic-name-only-politician) is a participant in the biggest religious-con-operation in U.S. history. You Decide.
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Our Sacred Honor # 6 (Appendix to Remember in 2008)

Our Sacred Honor # 6 - July 27th, 2005

This is the sixth E-mail letter to you our Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson, Knights of Columbus. They are sent prior to the great Convention which you and your committee have planned in Chicago, August 3-5th, 2005. (Columbia@kofc.com)

People need the truth. We need courage to speak the truth. The truth about abortion and marriage is a matter of life and death. Everything is a gray area for dissenters. God came up with life and marriage. It has to be done His way.

What are the lessons from Canada where nominal pro-abortion Catholic politicians passed this month the same sex marriage C-38? We witnessed political correctness & the dissenter’s religious correctness. It sacrificed the truth and natural law. We ended up with a Canadian Catholic Church leadership that is shameful & scandalous.

As Knights, we have a special loyalty and relationship with our Holy Father past and present, and it overrides any other. Dissenters believe that they are wiser than Pope John Paul II. We have at least 100,000 Knights in Canada. Hopefully, at the next election their faith supersedes party affiliation. On the matter of pro-abortion U.S.A. Catholic politicians, our Shepherds put us into this predicament. They could have easily resolved this matter 25 years ago in accordance with Cannon Law. Sadly, I recall a case in Los Angeles where a pro-abortion Catholic politician Knight was blocked from removal by our bishop. On Apr. 22, 05, we met our local pro-abort State Senator. He suggested we check Mario Cuomo on the Internet. I found his writings clever but hogwash.

Let’s focus in on the following news items from LifeSiteNews.com 7/25/05

“In mid-July, the Windsor Star newspaper (in Canada) conducted a survey contacting 51 Catholic MP’s who had voted in favor of homosexual ‘marriage.’ While most did not respond, 11 said they were not reprimanded in any way, four refused to say, 34 were unavailable and two NDP MP’s noted their reprimands.”

“Public Discomfort With Canadian Bishops’ Approach to Catholic Politicians Growing: …In a column, published in the Ottawa Citizen on Sunday, David Warren. a recent convert to Catholicism writes … It can be no secret that the majority of Canadian Catholic bishops… run away from almost any opportunity to defend the faith they were entrusted to defend…. Some appear to be themselves opposed to most Church teaching. It is thus left to the laity to do for the Catholic Church that for which its “hands on” leadership have not the stomach.”

“According to Francis Cardinal Arinze, the Vatican’s chief over the administration of the sacraments, the denial of Holy Communion to pro-abortion politicians is a no-brainer.”

“In a book-length interview with journalist Peter Seewald, the future Pope Benedict XVI said of bishops whose first instinct is to avoid conflicts, ‘Peace is not the first civic duty, and a bishop whose only concern is not to have any problems and to gloss over as many conflicts as possible is an image I find repulsive.’”

Ours is the faith of our fathers and mothers. With the daily rosary and weekly Eucharistic adoration, we strengthen our religious integrity. Once a Catholic, always a Catholic 100%! We love Pope Benedict XVI, the Magisterium, and our priests and bishops. The gates of hell shall not prevail.

Fraternally yours,
George H. Kubeck, Knights of Columbus, Cypress Council #8599, and Mission San Juan Capistrano Assembly 0062,
P.S. Today, please e-mail one sentence to the Supreme Knight. At your meeting in Nashville, Tennessee during Aug. 7-9, 2007, censure the 16 rogue members. All America will be watching.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Our Sacred Honor # 5 (Appendix to Remember in 2008)

OUR SACRED HONOR # 5 - July 20th, 2005, Feast of St. Apollonaris

This is the fifth E-mail letter to you our Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson, Knights of Columbus. There is excitement & pride as we approach the 123rd yearly
Convention of the Knights of Columbus in Chicago on Aug. 3-5th, 2005. The dark clouds are the pro-abortion Catholic politicians. In Canada, they are implementing same-sex marriage.

There is no need for despair. The problem and solution are spiritual. It’s about faith and fidelity. It’s about prayer, the Rosary, and Eucharistic Adoration. It’s about Trust in the Lord and the Holy Spirit. It’s about tough love. We have to think out of the box and do things differently. I recall the monthly pro-life messages in the past years.

1) Dec./02 - Pope John Paul II prayed for changes in Poland without violence…. The Pope credits his victory to Mary and believes that Christ will conquer through her, because he wants the Church’s victories to be now and in the future to be linked to her.
2) Oct./02 -The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary falls on Oct. 7th. It was on that day in 1571 that the European Christian fleet won a crucial victory over the Moslems at Lepanto. The victory was attributed to the intercession of Our Blessed Mother, invoked through the praying of the Rosary. On Oct. 13, 1917 Our Blessed Mother appeared for the sixth time to three children at Fatima, Portugal. Our Lady asked the children to pray the Rosary. She then identified herself as Our Lady of the Rosary.

3) Sep./02 - Pope John Paul II prayed the Rosary daily…. At the World Youth Day, Aug. 15th, 1993, in Denver, “Be not afraid to go out into the streets and into the public places like the first apostles, who preached Christ and the good news of salvation in the squares of cities, towns, and villages.”

4) July/02 - Pope John Paul II Journey to America, Oct. 7, 1995 Feast of the Holy Rosary, “Like Mary you are called to respect the mystery of life, the life of the unborn babies, helping mothers in difficult situations, pray against abortions, violence done against women, against pornography. Stand up for the aged & the handicapped, against assisted suicide & euthanasia. Stand up for purity, marriage and family life. Resist the pressures & temptations of the world. You must help the Holy Spirit & do this with the help of Mary, the mother of Jesus, the rosary & the power of the Holy Spirit is with you.”

5) Feb./03 - This is also the work of Priests for Life. In January, Founding Director Father Frank Pavone invited pro-life activists to join him in peaceful sidewalk demonstrations throughout New York City to educate the public regarding the reality of abortion. As with every reform movement, including Christianity, we have to go to them.

6) July/03 - The members of the Father Michael J. McGivney Guild know that our founder is the Apostle for the 21st Century, Apostle to the Young, and Protector of Christian Family Life. Where in America are the least of our brothers? Where are about 400,000 Catholic mothers duped yearly? They are at the abortion facilities. Our Lady’s Great Commission is for all Christians to pray at least one hour each month at the nearby abortion or Planned Parenthood facility. Catholics can also pray the new Mysteries of Light for peace, the family and conversion, a change of hearts and minds.

In closing, we are co-workers in the legacy of Pope John Paul II. #1 of 2

Fraternally yours, George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.
P.S. Remember in 2008 the 16 CINOP Traitors to our Country. Remember the 17th CINOP Traitor to our Country CINOP Nancy Pelosi.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Our Sacred Honor # 4 (Appendix to Remember in 2008)

OUR SACRED HONOR #4 - July 13, 2005, Feast of St. Henry

This is the fourth in a series of E-mail letters to you our Supreme Knight Carl A. Andersen of the Knights of Columbus. The letters remain focused on pro-abortion Catholic politicians and to be sent prior to the National Convention in Chicago in Aug./05

The pro-abortion Catholic politicians are a scandal that cries out to high heaven. I recall a California’s Governor Election in the 90’s. Pro-life candidate Lundgren got the non-catholic Christian vote and lost to pro-abortion catholic Davis who got the Catholic vote. Also, in the 2000 presidential election, the pro-life winner got the Christian vote and the pro-abortion loser got the Catholic vote. It was a miracle the winner got elected. Silence on our part seems like a cover-up for a political party and a Church scandal.

Last week, I finished reading George Weigel’s book, “The Courage to be Catholic.” It is a great analysis and guide. Another great information tape is the Main Mass Homilies given by Father Shannon Collins and Father Bill Casey at the National Catholic Conference in Anaheim, Calif. July 12,13, 2003. This July 23-24, there is another Conference in Anaheim. Their telephone number is (877)-526-2151.

Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver hit the nail on the head. “The abortion issue cannot be avoided. It’s the central moral conflict of this moment in our nation’s history. Every abortion kills an unborn child. Every abortion leaves a woman emotionally scarred. Every abortion is a grave act of violence. All these things fundamentally damage the common good.”

I take what is written in our monthly magazine Columbia for the last ten years literally and not figuratively. You mean what you say and you say what you mean. You are totally in the footsteps of Pope John Paul II. He was not soft when dealing with the communists and secular humanists in Poland. Neither should we be with the allies of secular humanism in our country. Our Sacred Honor is to be who we are. We do not accommodate a culture of death either in Canada or in the United States.

From Vatican, July 5, 2005 (LifesiteNews.com) John Paul II also stressed the need for Catholics to maintain the fullness of the Church’s teachings and not to pick and choose the teachings as they see fit. Speaking to the Bishops of the U.S.A at Queen of Angels Seminary in Los Angeles on Sept. 16, 1987, Pope John Paul II stated. “It is sometimes reported that a large number of Catholics today do not adhere to the teaching of the Catholic Church on a number of questions, notably sexual and conjugal morality, divorce and remarriage. Some are reported as not accepting the clear position on abortion. It has been noted that there is a tendency on the part of some Catholics to be selective in their adherence to the Church’s moral teachings. It is sometime claimed that dissent from the Magisterium is totally compatible with being a ‘good catholic’ and poses no obstacle to the reception of the Sacraments. This is a grave error that challenges the teaching of the Bishops in the United States and elsewhere.”

Pope Benedict XVI has also called for a halt to Cafeteria Catholicism. The members are looking for your strong leadership as relating to pro-abortion politicians.

Fraternally yours,
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.
P.S. I am asking for a reasonable and appropriate Public Censure of the 16 CINOP traitors to our country at the Knights of Columbus Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, Aug. 7-9,2007.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Our Sacred Honor # 3 (Appendix to Remember in 2008)

OUR SACRED HONOR #3 - July 4th, 2005

This the third in a series of E-mail letters to you Our Supreme Knight Carl A. Andersen of the Knights of Columbus. The focus remains on pro-abortion Catholic politicians. Greetings! A Happy Fourth of July! E-mail sent to Columbia@kofc.org

I’m reminded of a most powerful and classic talk, Engaging the Culture, given by Dr. Jim Dobson to the Religious Broadcaster Association in 2002 in which he said, “Since when have we become timid about addressing the moral issues of our day.”

Anyone who reads our monthly magazine, Columbia realizes that we are one of the most Catholic organizations in the world. We love our Church and priests unconditionally. We are faithful followers of Pope John Paul II, and the Magisterium. We are devoted to Mary the Mother of Jesus, the Rosary and the Eucharist. We finance the pro-life movement in the U.S.A. We are proud to be Catholic and American.

In a community of believers, we pray and must pursue and preach the truth. The naked truth is that pro-abortion Catholic politicians are not Catholic and ought not to be treated as Catholics. I believe that the passage of the same sex ‘marriage bill’ C-38 in Canada is a stroke of lightning for truth and action. When the Canadian Senate approves C-38 later on this month, I expect Deputy Supreme Knight Jean Migneault of Canada to come out with a statement that this law will not stand. We will defeat those who voted for the bill in the next election . Our faith supersedes our political registration.

The lesson from Canada is the simple. Unless the Knights of Columbus step up to the plate with leadership, information and direction the same thing will happen here.

It’s the laity that will save the Church and our nation from moral disintegration and destruction. The key leaders for Catholics in the U.S.A. are the Knights of Columbus. We must move quickly for a U.S. Constitutional Amendment to protect marriage.

May I share with you exhibit D:
I had a teach-in on pro-abortion politician Representative Loretta Sanchez
Where: Albertson’s Supermarket, State College St. Anaheim, Calif.: When Sat. Aug. 18, 2001, 10:30 A.M.-l2:30 P.M. What: Loretta Sanchez’s Monthly Community Meeting

I hand delivered a letter to her office in Garden Grove, dated May 4th, 2001
That letter reads, “It seems to me that the idea of a pro-abortion Catholic is about as ridiculous as Catholics for a free-choice or the pro-adultery Catholic sitting in the church pews. Could we talk or communicate on this subject? Please share the three enclosures with your pastor or bishop? I believe that the independent and informed Catholic laity prefers persuasion and dialogue on this subject rather than protests or teach-ins.” Sincerely yours, GHK.
Her personal comment to me and others at the teach-in is that a majority of Catholics are pro-abortion and one of her helpers said he was Catholic and pro-abortion. I did send similar letters to the other pro-partial birth abortion Catholic Congressional Delegation: Joe Baca, Xavier Becerra, Anna Eshoo, Grace Napolitano, Nancy Pelosi, Lucille Royball-Allard, Ellen Taucher, Mike Thompson and George Miller.

Fraternally yours,
George H. Kubeck, Knights of Columbus, Cypress Council # 8599, and Mission San Juan Capistrano Assembly 0062, Appropriate for today. Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Our Sacred Honor # 2 (Appendix to Remember in 2008)

OUR SACRED HONOR # 2, July 2nd, 2005

This is the second in a series of E-mail letters to you our Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson of the Knights of Columbus. The focus remains: pro-abortion Catholic politicians. These politicians are an albatross around the neck of our Catholic faith.

“Enlighten our minds to an awareness and to a renewed conviction that all human life is sacred because it is created in your image and likeness. Help us to teach by word and example of our lives that life occupies the first place, that human life is precious because it is the gift of God whose love is infinite.” Pray the Rosary to End Abortion, a Knights of Columbus prayer card. (Adapted from Pope John Paul II Homily, Capital Mall, Oct. 7, 1979)

Blocking the removal of pro-abortion Catholic politicians from membership in the Knights of Columbus is wrong. It is contrary to the spirit, mind, and heart of our role models, Father Michael J. McGivney, Pope John Paul II, and our pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI. There is a civil war going on in America. We are for a traditional America and pro-abortion politicians are for a secular America. (For your info: (Columbia@kofc.org))
Please support the following reasonable consequences to their public actions.
1) Resolutions of censure by individual councils. You can suggest the wording.
2) Likewise, a short prayer for the “conversion of pro-abortion Catholic politicians” at council meetings.
3) Public prayers (in particular the Rosary) by their offices or at nearby Abortion and Planned Parenthood sites.
4) Add the words ‘born and unborn’ to the final words of the Pledge of Allegiance.

May I share with you exhibit C: Ottawa, June 28, 2005, (LifeSiteNews.com)
At 9 P.M. June 28, Canada’s Liberal government passed, without significant amendment, third and final reading of it same-sex ‘marriage’ bill C-38 by a vote of 158 for to 133 against. Canada now joins Holland and Belgium as the only three countries in the world to have legalized these radical redefinition of the institution of marriage. Will the same thing will happen in America?

The following are comments by Jim Hughes president of the Canadian national pro-life organization. “I think it is because there has been very little and very weak spiritual leadership and very little spiritual formation on the major issues of the day. The churches and other faith institutions and places of worship have turned a blind eye and haven’t addressed the major issues of the day….

We were told by many people in the Church not to judge, ‘don’t judge others’. This crept into the school system and instead of having young people trained on what is right or wrong, the emphasis became what feels good and in your own conscience, “what you think is right”?
That all goes back to Winnipegitis, that is, the Winnipeg Statement of 1968, with the Canadian Catholic bishops failing to support the papal encyclical Humanae Vitae on human life. All of the decisions since then, in large part, can be traced back to a loss of faith. There are no objective standards of morality.”

Fraternally yours,
George H. Kubeck, Appropriate for today. Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.
P.S. Please e-mail to the Supreme Knight to censure the 16 rogue knights. columbia@kofc.org

Monday, July 9, 2007

Our Sacred Honor # 1 (Appendix to Remember in 2008)

June 27, 2005
This is the first in a series of E-mail letters to you our Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson of the Knights of Columbus. (Columbia@kofc.org) Copies will be sent to fellow Knights, friends and associates. The letters focus on matters related to pro-abortion Catholic politicians. Today, these politicians are leaders for a secular America promoting same sex -marriage, assisted suicide, and embryonic stem cell research. Is this a new religion of Catholic relativism and accommodation with the culture of death part of the Catholic Church in the Americas?
As a brother Knight, I prayed for another St. Thomas More. But the faith and the backbone in these politicians were not there. This is a most serious crisis of faith and a scandal. I believe Knights of Columbus has an important role to play.

May I share with you exhibit A:
The Conference of Catholic Bishops recommended that the following postcard be mailed to our Senators in Congress. “All human beings deserve respect and protection from harm, especially those who are most defenseless. Yet the U.S. Supreme Court, in the Roe vs. Wade, violated these principles when it created a new “right” to abortion throughout pregnancy. Because of Roe, the Court has ruled that even children who are partially born can be killed. As your constituent, I urge you not to require support for Roe v. Wade as a condition for determining a nominee’s fitness for judicial office.”

On the Senate Judicial Committee we have pro-abortion Catholic politicians, like Senators Kennedy, Leahy, Dodd and Durbin etc. subverting the intent of the above postcard. At least one Senator is a member of the Knights of Columbus.

May I share with you exhibit B:
Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin is forcing members of the Canadian parliament to daily sit in the House until as late as midnight in order to ram through same-sex ‘marriage’ Bill C-38. He is quoted, “I am actually a very strong Roman Catholic,” “But I am also a legislator, and I believe that clearly what I’ve got to do is to take the widest perspective possible. And that perspective leads to me to believe that the Charter of Rights is a fundamental pillar of our democracy.”

Calgary Bishop Fred Henry wrote a pastoral letter in which he informed his flock that the media’s portrayal of the Prime Minister (Paul Martin) as a ‘devout Catholic’ was inaccurate given his public support for abortion and homosexual ‘marriage’. He would deny the Prime Minister communion and would consider excommunicating him. “He’s putting at risk his eternal salvation. … He is making a morally grave error and he (Paul Martin) is not being accountable to God.”

In conclusion, what would our Founder Father Michael J. McGivney do? Didn’t our bishops read and study Pope John Paul’s encyclicals, The Gospel of Life and The Splendor of Truth? Will they listen to Pope Benedict XVI?

Fraternally yours,
George H. Kubeck, Knights of Columbus, Cypress Council #8599 and Mission San Juan Capistrano Assembly 0062, June 27th, 2005 (Appropriate for today.)
P.S. The 125th Supreme Convention will be in Nashville, Tennessee Aug. 7-9, 2007

Sunday, July 8, 2007

"Remember in 2008 the 16 CINOP Traitors to our Nation"

Sunday, July 8, 2007
It happened in Massachusetts during the month of June, 2007. These 16 legislators are rogue members of the Knights of Columbus and have shamed the Order with their decisive votes against the Marriage Amendment scheduled for a vote in 2008. The decision was historic, horrific and an abomination. It will not go away. Here is the background story.

Knights of Columbus Calls Pro-Gay “Marriage” Knights “Embarrassing”
By Peter J. Smith
NEW HAVEN: Connecticut, July 5, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) … the Knights of Columbus has learned that 16 of its own members cast decisive votes against the measure…. Pat Korten, Vice President for Communications for the Knights of Columbus told LifeSiteNews.com “It’s embarrassing.”…

“The revelation has hit the Knights hard, since the Order – known for its pro-life stance and fidelity to the Church as its “strong right arm” – had led the drive to collect the 170,000 petitions to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

“That was a Knights of Columbus effort from top to bottom,” said Korten, who added that 500 KofC delegates at the state convention had unanimously approved a resolution demanding that the Legislature allow the people to finally decide the fate of same-sex “marriage.”…

“Although open rejection of Church teachings by its members causes embarrassment to the order, Karen says the Knights can really only employ “fraternal correction” and prayer for these Knights.”

First of all, Pat could have used a more poignant word than “embarrassing.” I believe that a public censure of these 16 scoundrels is the very least the Order can start with. Readers can persuade Supreme Knight, Carl A. Anderson, Columbia@kofc.org

Also, let us share the politics behind all of this? It seems that CINOP Pelosi is a supporter of same-sex marriage. She is apparently concerned about the impact of a vote on the marriage amendment would have on the 2008 elections. In the May 17th edition of the Boston Globe, reporters suggest Pelosi has burned up the phones in recent days, warning Massachusetts legislators that their local battle over marriage may well decide the next White House occupant and the fate of the Democratic control in Congress. Nancy threatened and duped the 16 wimps.

So we will have what occurred in Canada in 2005. Same-sex marriage laws to be passed by Catholic-in-name only Politicians. Today, our Church in Canada is a basket-case. Well, with your help, this is not going to happen in the U.S.A. All CINOPS must be defeated in 2008.

Let us change a negative into a positive. We are all fed up the Catholic-in-name-only- politicians like the likes of Pelosi, Kennedy and Sanchez. The coddling and enabling must cease. It should not be that difficult for 55% of reasonable Catholics to vote them out of office in 2008. Other Christians will help us with at least 60% of their votes. This is a major educational work for the Knights. The CINOP has loads of money from the culture of death.

The main issue is very clear. Leaders of any political party that promote the evils of abortion, assisted-suicide, euthanasia, same-sex marriage and embryonic stem cell research are screwed up not only religiously but also politically. Have you noticed this in the political arena?

In the past, I wrote a series of letters on this subject Our Sacred Honor. I will post it on my blog titled: CINOPS BE GONE. It deals with a history of these nefarious CINOP politicians.

Fraternally yours, George H. Kubeck,Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Presidential Questionnaire in 2004

Press Release: E-mail to ogl@USCCB.org (Catholic Conference of Bishops)Feast of St. Augustine, 8/28/04 (3:38:04 PM)
Presidential Questionnaire for All Political Parties
(Discerning the two major parties and their leaders)
In the L.A. Tidings, July 30, 2004, Rev. James L. Heft wrote, “When it comes to presidential elections these days, any thoughtful Catholic is politically homeless. Neither party shares fully the Catholic view of the value of life.” In his Orange County Catholic, August, 2004 letter, Monsignor Wilbur Davis states, “What we have are two flawed candidates representing two compromised political parties. Mr. Kerry is pro-choice which does not equal pro-abortion. Mr. Bush is anti-abortion, which does not equal pro-life…. Our conscience must be our guide.”
On the other hand, guest Columnist David Carlin, a former Democratic Senator in Rhode Island, and chairman of the Newport, R.I. Democratic Party, Our Sunday Visitor, Aug. 15, 2004, believes, “My party is hiding its radical anti-Christian agenda behind a mask of old-style liberalism…Moreover, they want to replace traditional Christian morality with a new morality that maximizes personal liberty and tolerance – a “do your own thing” morality. This explains why they are strongly supportive of abortion and same-sex marriage.” Where is the whole truth?
It seems we have a secular-religious divide in our country. We refer to the ANES and Pew surveys. “A ten on this scale indicates that the senator (Kerry) had a perfect secularist score; a zero indicates a perfect anti-secularist and traditionalist score. The average Democratic Senate score was 8.9; the average for the Republican was 0.95. Senator Kerry scored a perfect 10.” P.11, First Things (F.T.), May, 2004

“Kerry, who has a 100 percent approval rating from pro-abortion organizations, also on partial-birth abortions, has repeatedly and publicly taken his unequivocal stand with NARAL, Pro-Choice America, Planned Parenthood and other groups that have stridently declared for decades that they view the Catholic Church as their number-one enemy.” P. 89. F.T., Aug./Sept.04.(Richard J. Neuhaus)

President Bush spoke to the Knights of Columbus 122nd Convention in Dallas this month and stood up for his record. (www.kofc.org )
1) For the poorest of the poor, President Bush has expanded and built over 600 community health centers. 2) He signed an executive order ending unfair discrimination against faith-based charities in the federal grant process. 3) He signed laws ending the brutal practice of Partial-Birth Abortions, the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, and the Unborn Victims of Violence Act. 4) He plans to triple the federal funds for abstinence programs, and support a Constitutional Amendment to protect marriage.

The crux of the matter is that there is a Catholic mindset that puts housing, immigration, minimum wage, farm subsidies, rural development, and programs for the poor; as morally equivalent to abortion, same-sex marriage, assisted suicide, euthanasia and embryonic stem cell research (cloning). This is false. The first listed are prudential issues, the second listed are absolute intrinsic evils. There is no comparison. This is Veritas. Our Catholic Catechism teaches and explains it all.
The evidence is overwhelming. The Democratic Party is suicidal. It has committed spiritual suicide and has struck out with the evils of promoting abortion on demand, same-marriage, and embryonic stem cell research.
Respectfully yours, George H. Kubeck, (Appropriate for today. Duplicate and into Spanish.)

Friday, July 6, 2007

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi

Friday, July 6, 2007
“Of course, if one’s faith does not impact on one’s whole life, including one’s political and social responsibilities, then it is not authentic faith; it is a sham, a counterfeit.” Bishop Thomas J. Olmstead, Catholics In the Public Square, 01 the Shepherd’s Voice Ser.

There are several very serious problems with CINOP (Catholic-in-name-only-Politician) Nancy Pelosi. Let us take a look at the evidence and you decide.

1) “Pelosi’s twenty year record in the House is appalling. She has voted against every major piece of pro-life legislation introduced since she took office. She has cosponsored the abortion lobby’s so-called Freedom of Choice Act, opposed display of the Ten Commandments on public property, opposed a constitutional amendment to permit prayer in the classroom, and voted in favor of destroying human embryos for science – just to name a few.” Family CWA Voice, Concerned Women for America, Jan.-Feb. 07
Tel. 1-800-323-2200, E-mail, familyvoice@cwfa.org , www.cfa.org
2) Pelosi believes gay couples can marry and that she approved of San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom’s decision to grant same-sex marriage licenses.

3. “Speaker (Pelosi) invoked God’s blessing on the stem cell bill’s passage saying, ‘Science if a gift of God to all of us, and science has taken us to a place that is biblical in its power to cure…. And that is embryonic stem cell research.’ Of course, it’s complete nonsense to suggest that God wants us to destroy human embryos, since they are His own creation.” Washington Update, Family Res. Council, frcpub@frc.org June 8/07
4.) Nancy Pelosi doesn’t want to protect our Pledge of Allegiance. In 2004, she voted against the Pledge Protection Act that would protect the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance.

5. Nancy Pelosi voted against at least eight or nine of the following ten: 1) Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act – passage (110th) 2) Marriage Amendment Act (109th) 3) Terri Schiavo: Federal court review (109th) 4) Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (109th) 5) Abortion in military medical facilities (109th) 6) Coercive abortion/ United Nations Population Fund (109th) 7) Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act: passage (109th) 8) Human Cloning Ban: (108th) 9.) Partial-Birth Abortion Ban: passage (108th) 10) Unborn Victims pf Violence Act (108th) Common Sense and the Church supports all of the 10.
6. Manassas, VA, May 17, 2007 (lifeSiteNews.com) The Cardinal Newman Society (CNS) has urged the University of San Francisco (USF) – a Jesuit University- to cancel the invitation to pro-abortion Rep. Nancy Pelosi to deliver the university’s commencement address this Saturday…. ‘Even as we celebrate the fact that a growing number of Catholic colleges are choosing exemplary speakers and honorees, we learn that the USF has chosen a much different direction,’ wrote CNS President P. J. Reilly in a letter faxed to USF President Rev. Stephen Privett, S.J. today. privet@usfca.edu

7. Nancy Pelosi persuaded fellow CINOPS in Massachusetts to block a vote on a Marriage Amendment (Marriage is between a man and a woman) in 2008. Why? Because a local battle over marriage may well decide the next White House occupant and the fate of Democratic control in Congress. She blocked the vote. (FRC, May 19th)

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and check out CINOPS BE GONE on the internet Blog.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Father John Hardon - Prophet # 3 of 3

Father John A. Hardon, S.J. – A Holy Man – A Prophet # 3 of 3
St. Francis of Assisi, Oct. 4th, 2004
The following is the third and last of the monthly pro-life messages on Father Hardon’s prophetic talk in Chicago in the year 1995. (for November Bulletin)

Father’s last paragraph shall be first. “Forty six years in the priesthood have taught me many things – I share this with you. Believe! Have deep faith in Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist and He will, I repeat, He will bring back to His heart those estranged from Him no matter how deeply immersed in sin they now be. That is why we can say and say with complete security, the single most powerful means on earth for the conversion of America is for Catholic America to mobilize a crusade of prayer before the Holy Eucharist for the conversion of our beloved nation. I have a short concluding prayer.” We’ll read it at the end.

“One miraculous communication of our Lady after another and especially of Our Lady of Fatima pleading, urging, urging people to be converted to return to the God from whom they have strayed.”… Pray the Rosary is her message.

“ When one learned theologian after another may God forgive them speak now (1995) what they call the fundamental option, clever language, the only mortal sin they claim is the habit of what the Church for centuries has called mortal sins, only the habit of abortion, only the habit of adultery, of perjury, can become if you please a mortal sin.”…

“During his first visit to the U.S. and in Chicago from which I am now speaking the Holy Father pleaded with the American Hierarchy. In the name of God, he told the Bishops will you please I beg you bring your people back to the confessional.”…

“When we pray before the Eucharist we profess to believe… It was God shedding human blood so that we might be spared the fires of hell. All of this we believe as we pray before the Blessed Sacrament either exposed on the altar or reserved in the Tabernacle.” It is the prayer of faith in the Real Presence.

In his famous hymn, Tantum Ergo Sacramentum, St. Thomas Aquinas wants all Catholics to understand this Latin “Praestet fides supplementum, sensuum defectui”, in English, “that faith supply for the defect of the senses.” The apostles said to Jesus: ‘Increase our faith!’ (Lk 17:5)

Here is Father Hardon’s closing prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, present on our altars in the Sacrament of your love, we beg you to restore to your friendship the multitude of wayward sheep, wandering in darkness in the shadow of death. We ask you – Our Eucharistic Lord to have mercy on so many persons who are in danger of losing their souls – by the blood you shed for them on Calvary grant them the humanity to repent so that by repenting, they will merit your reconciliation here on earth and eternal salvation in the world to come. Amen

Here is Pope John Paul II”s message: This Eucharistic Year Oct. 04 to Oct. 05. “start afresh from Christ” by “contemplating more assiduously the countenance of the Incarnate Word really present in the Sacrament.” (Magnificat, Oct. 2004)

Fraternally yours,
George H.Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Father John Hardon S.J. - Prophet

Father John A. Hardon, S.J. – A Holy Man – A Prophet # 2 of 3
Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, Sept. 15th/04

“Jeremiah preached for 40 years. The people did not listen…. At one point God said do not pray for these people. Get out of here. This whole place, the temple will be destroyed…. People died of famine and pestilence. The city was burned down. People were sent into exile… Need to listen to the church. Repent. God forgives.” G.S. July/04

The following is the second of three monthly pro-life messages on Father Hardon’s prophetic talk in Chicago in the year 1995.

“Remember the subject on which we are speaking is the Conversion of America through the Holy Eucharist…. I have taught the theology of the Holy Eucharist to so many people not to know how imperative it is to really understand what we believe. God became man for two basic reasons. He became Man that He might have a human body and human soul that could be separated by his physical death on Calvary. That is why God in becoming Incarnate assumed a body and a soul. But God also in becoming Incarnate assumed a human free will. Why? Because when God became man to choose to suffer and die. That is why He had a free will, the essence of Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary, I repeat the essence was his willingness to die…”

“The night before Jesus died, He instituted a marvelous way of remaining with us in the fullness of His humanity until the end of time. Memorize this, hatchet into your minds…. The Eucharist began at Nazareth in the womb of Mary … He assumed a human body and human blood from his Mother, therefore at the Last Supper, He could pronounce the Words of over what had been bread and declare this is My Body, and over the chalice of wine this is my Blood. It is the self same Jesus who died on the cross who rose from the dead on Easter Sunday and ascended into Heaven but did not leave the earth. Jesus Christ is on earth in the Holy Eucharist….”

“Why is Christ here on earth in the Holy Eucharist in the fullness of His Humanity and Divinity? He is here because he wants to continue doing now elsewhere in the world in America what he had done in Palestine nineteen plus centuries ago…. He wants to exercise His Almighty Power by working miracles now in our country as He performed in Judea at the dawn of Christianity…. Jesus Christ is on earth invisibly to the human eyes but visible to the eyes of faith.”

In Palestine, Jesus did physical miracles like the healing of the sick, and the raising of the dead back to life. There were intellectual miracles as when Jesus enlightened Elizabeth to recognize His Mother Mary as the Mother of Elizabeth’s Lord.
Father Hardon continues with examples of moral miracles as when Christ converted the Samaritan woman at the well.

In conclusion, Father’s talk ties in with another prophet with the importance of the Eucharist. Consider Pope John Paul II who has declared October 2004 to October 2005, as the Year of the Eucharist. Note: Next year is World Youth Day. With the theme We Have Come to Worship. The Assembly takes place in the city of Cologne, Germany during the week of the Assumption, August 15th, 2005. (www.wyd2005.org)

Fraternally yours,
George H. Kubeck, Appropriate for today. Duplicate and translate into Spanish.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Father John Hardon S.J. - Prophet

Father John A. Hardon, S.J. – A Holy Man – A Prophet # 1 of 3
Aug. 15th, 2004
Feast of the Assumption

During the last forty years we have seen tremendous changes in America and in our Church. (e.g. the Gallup Poll of July 19-2l, and July 30-Aug. l, 2004): About 40% of Catholic registered voters seldom or never attend church; 33% attend church weekly and 27% attend on a semi-regular basis. I listened to a tape by Father John Hardon more than a dozen times. What follows is the first of three monthly pro-life messages on Father Hardon’s prophetic talk in Chicago in the year 1995.

“Our teleconference today is on the question of Conversion of America through the Holy Eucharist…When the Holy Father (Pope John Paul II) spoke to the youth in Denver this past summer, the urgent theme that he concentrated on was that America might not lose its soul…. The soul of America is Christianity…. As our nation becomes increasingly de-christianized it loses more and more of the source of its moral and spiritual vitality and unless the moral decrease is cured: AMERICA AS A NATION WILL DISAPPEAR.”

Father Hardon goes on to say that people are living in a dream world. By material standards, America is a prosperous nation; in contrast, AMERICA IS ALSO, A WORLD LEADER IN SIN.
“Sin,” St. Augustine says, “is nothing else than the neglect of eternal things and seeking of temporal things.” Father Hardon continues, [We have] “a demonic seduction from the love of eternal things.” In his classic book, “The City of God” St. Augustine divides the human race into two classes of people: those who love God and those who love themselves even to the contempt of God.

“In thousands of pages of print in the newspapers each day, and radio and television, what is the message? Crime and money, sex and entertainment, sports and business … Millions of Americans are mesmerized into thinking of nothing else than WHAT THE MEDIA WANTS THE PEOPLE TO THINK. I say, ‘Amen!’ to the Canadian philosopher Marshal McLuhan, ‘The modern media of communication is engaged in a Luciferian Conspiracy against the Truth.’
“Murder is now legalized in the bestial dismemberment of unborn children in the mother’s womb… Sodomy is widely publicized and the Sodomists are engaging in a network of sex education programs such as are aimed at destroying every vestige of chastity among the young. Contraception has developed into an exact science and adultery has become a fine art. But the worst form of sin in America… is in the widespread neglect of prayer and the worship of God.”

However, Christ is the miracle worker who can bring about the conversion of America through the adoration of the Holy Eucharist; Eucharist means Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is to the Father for the gift of His Son’s Real Presence in the Most Holy Eucharist. Jesus is on earth in the Eucharist!
Fraternally yours,
George H. Kubeck, Pro-Life Chairman, K of C Cypress Council 8599,
K of C Mission San Juan Capistrano Assembly 0062 (September Bulletin)

Monday, July 2, 2007

Fear Not!

There is excitement and pride as we approach the 123rd yearly Convention of the Knights of Columbus in Chicago on Aug. 3-5th, 2005. The dark clouds are the pro-abortion Catholic politicians. In Canada, they are implementing same-sex marriage.
There is no need for despair. The problem and solution are spiritual. It’s about faith and fidelity. It’s about prayer, the Rosary, and Eucharistic Adoration. It’s about Trust in the Lord and the Holy Spirit. It’s about tough love. We have to think out of the box and do things differently. I recall the monthly pro-life messages in the past years.
1) Dec./02 - Pope John Paul II prayed for changes in Poland without violence…. The Pope credits his victory to Mary and believes that Christ will conquer through her, because he wants the Church’s victories to be now and in the future to be linked to her.

2) Oct./02 -The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary falls on Oct. 7th. It was on that day in 1571 that the European Christian fleet won a crucial victory over the Moslems at Leponto. The victory was attributed to the intercession of Our Blessed Mother, invoked through the praying of the Rosary. On Oct. 13, 1917 Our Blessed Mother appeared for the sixth time to three children at Fatima, Portugal. Our Lady asked the children to pray the Rosary. She then identified herself as Our Lady of the Rosary.
3) Sep./02 - Pope John Paul II prayed the Rosary daily…. At the World Youth Day, Aug. 15th, 1993, in Denver, “Be not afraid to go out into the streets and into the public places like the first apostles, who preached Christ and the good news of salvation in the squares of cities, towns, and villages.”
4) July/02 - Pope John Paul II Journey to America, Oct. 7, 1995 Feast of the Holy Rosary, “Like Mary you are called to respect the mystery of life, the life of the unborn babies, helping mothers in difficult situations, pray against abortions, violence done against women, against pornography. Stand up for the aged & the handicapped, against assisted suicide & euthanasia. Stand up for purity, marriage and family life. Resist the pressures & temptations of the world. You must help the Holy Spirit & do this with the help of Mary, the mother of Jesus, the rosary & the power of the Holy Spirit is with you.”
5) Feb./03 - This is also the work of Priests for Life. In January, Founding Director Father Frank Pavone invited pro-life activists to join him in peaceful sidewalk demonstrations throughout New York City to educate the public regarding the reality of abortion. As with every reform movement, including Christianity, we have to go to them.
6) July/03 - The members of the Father Michael J. McGivney Guild know that our founder is the Apostle for the 21st Century, Apostle to the Young, and Protector of Christian Family Life. Where in America are the least of our brothers? Where are about 400,000 Catholic mothers duped yearly? They are at the abortion facilities. Our Lady’s Great Commission is for all Christians to pray at least one hour each month at the nearby abortion or Planned Parenthood facility. Catholics can also pray the new Mysteries of Light for peace, the family and conversion, a change of hearts and minds.
Fraternally yours,
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and translate into Spanish.
P.S. The Liberal CINOPS implemented same-sex marriage in Canada. They are at war with traditional America and specifically the Catholic Church. They may call themselves dissenting Catholics but their religion is equivalent to being a Unitarian. They are not a religion. July

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Our Lady of Fatima and Pope John Paul II

Brothers: Pro-Life Chairman Report, Knights of Columbus,

There are significant anecdotes to the messages of Our Lady of Fatima. Pope John Paul II credited the intercession of the Blessed Mother for allowing him to survive the assassination attack on May 13th, l981. He brought the bullet to the shrine of Fatima in Portugal and left it there in the crown of Mary’s statue. Later he said, “Let us remember everything Mary has done for each one of us and for all of us by becoming the Mother of Christ.”

The pope’s whole life is interwoven with Mary the Mother of Jesus Christ. This ‘perfect devotion’ is indispensable to anyone who means to give himself without reserve to Jesus Christ and to the work of redemption. “It is from Montfort that I have taken my motto: ‘Totus tuus’ (‘ I am all thine’). It would be wise to ponder Mary’s influence in the success of this pope.
Prior to the apparitions beginning May 13, 1917, there were three apparitions of the Angel of Peace in 1916. Here is sister Lucia’s account of the apparitions. 1) We imitated him, led by a supernatural inspiration, and repeated the words we heard him say: ‘My God, I believe, I adore, I hope, and I love Thee. I beg Thee forgiveness for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope, and do not love Thee.’ 2) ‘Offer God a sacrifice of anything you can as an act of reparation for the sins with which He is offended and as a supplication for the conversion of sinners. Draw peace upon your country by doing this. I am its guardian angel – the Angel of Portugal. Above all, accept and endure with submission whatever suffering the Lord sends you.’ 3) “Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I adore Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the earth, in reparation for the insults, sacrileges, and indifference with which He is offended. And through the infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart and of the Immaculate Heart of May, I beg Thee for the conversion of Poor sinners.’ Excerpts- “Our Lady of Fatima” Prophecies of Tragedy or Hope? by A.A. Borelli

Of the six apparitions, there is not one in which the sins of humanity are not mentioned…. In her first apparition Our Lady asked the shepherds to accept the laborious mission of expiating for sinners and foretold that they would have much to suffer. In the second apparition, she urged them to pray and sacrifice in order to lessen the number of souls who were being lost…. In the third apparition, she showed them hell and the indescribable torments suffered by those cast there by the justice of God…. Many souls are lost because there is no one to make reparation for them. In the fifth apparition, Our Lady reiterated that men need to convert from their sins and cease tempting the justice of God to avert the chastisement. Sixthly, the surest remedies for this terrible religious and moral crisis are prayer and reparation.

Several of Jacinta’s last words were as follows: “Wars are nothing but punishment for the sins of the world. Pray much for priests! Pray much for religious! Sins that lead more souls to hell are sins of the flesh. Have charity even for those who are bad. Speak ill of no one and flee from those who do so. Be very patient, for patience leads us to heaven. Mortification and sacrifice greatly please our Lord. Confession is a sacrament of mercy. Therefore, one must approach the confessional with confidence and joy. Without confession there is no salvation.”
Our Lady of Fatima has been an inspiration, guide and protector of this pontiff. He has been seen by more people than anyone else in the world. He has issued more than 13 encyclicals, written countless letters, and made thousand of speeches all over the world. He has created 447 saints, compared to the 302 created in the five hundred years before he assumed the chair of St. Peter. He is the role model for each one of us, our shepherd Pope John Paul the Great.
“Pray the Rosary Daily” Our Lady of Fatima

Fraternally, George H. Kubeck, March 8, 2003