Thursday, July 19, 2007

Censuring the Church and Silencing Christians # 1

Thursday, July 19th, 2008
If it is not one thing it is something else. And if CINOP Senator Edward Kennedy is involved, Look Out! Thanks to Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council
for this informational letter. Please support and access his e-mail:

“In an effort to bypass the committee process, Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) is attempting to add a federal Thought Crimes (or so-called hate crimes) as an amendment to a defense spending bill. By protecting some victims of violent crime (such as homosexuals) more than other victims of equally violent crimes, this amendment would change our time-honored understanding of Equal Justice for All to Special Justice for Some.

Federal hate crimes laws are increasingly used in various jurisdictions to silence or punish Christians for opposing homosexual behavior and radical Islam. The Liberal Congress and Special Interest are coordinating to push this and other radical agendas.

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) would force employers, including Christians, ministries, and churches, to hire practicing homosexuals and would punish employers – including churches for refusing to hire or promote homosexuals:

They are for increased public funding for Planned Parenthood, abortions, and sex-education programs that encourage teen promiscuity, while ending proven abstinence education programs.

They are making a second attempt to increase embryonic stem cell research funding even though it requires the destruction of viable human life and has yet to produce a single benefit to any human struggling with a disease.

Liberals seek to reverse the ban on partial-birth abortions (a ban supported by 70% of Americans) and enshrine Roe vs. Wade into our Constitution.

The leaders of this Congress are working overtime in taking incremental steps that move our nation to same-sex marriage. (You can understand that while the approval rating of the President is 34%, the approval rating of Congress is 14%. Liberals are in the twilight zone, and all efforts must be made to throw them out in 2008. GHK)

In conclusion, when a 16-year-old high school student in Illinois handed out flyers to her classmates containing a derogatory slur for homosexuals – instead of being disciplined by school authorities as she should have been- she was arrested, charge with a hate crime and thrown into a juvenile corrections center for nearly 20 days.
No matter how many denials liberals and their homosexual allies issue, it’s clear: Those laws are intended strictly to silence any opposition to homosexual behavior. And if they will arrest a young girl for poor judgment, how long will it be before they come after your pastor for reading Scripture that opposes homosexual behavior.”

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate in to Spanish.

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