Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Unborn, Abortion, Voting, Fatima # 2

Let us celebrate the 125th Knights of Columbus Convention in Nashville, Tennessee on Aug. 7-9th, 2007. Pray that wise decisions will be made and the truth proclaimed.
The attached classic talk # 2 of 12 is to commemorate this gathering.

The Unborn, Abortion, Voting, Fatima # 2
Feast James, Apostle, July 25th, 2007
This is the second excerpt from Father Greg Staab, O.M.V. talk on the above. This is a very deep presentation of the reality of the unborn baby. The tape is available under the title: What happened at Fatima? M1273, St. Joseph Radio, (714) 744-0336

“In the entire history of our country about 19,000 people have died to the death penalty. On the average more children will die in five days to surgical abortions, just in five days, that will die, than have been killed through Capital Punishment in the whole history of our country.
“Sept. 11th, 2001 was a tremendous tragedy and one thing that we noted that all, every thing shut down. Everything stopped on Sept. 11th and for a couple of days afterwards, and rightly so, people spent their days watching CNN and trying to get all the information. They couldn’t believe it – a tremendous shock!
“When all is said and done, about 3,000 people died on Sept. 11th to that terrorist attack. On the average more than 4000 people die every day through surgical abortions. So what took place that day in terms of abortion was a greater evil than what took place in that terrorist attack. It is pretty amazing, yet we don’t even think about it, reflect on it. And this is taking place every day within our country.
“So as Mother Teresa said the greatest destroyer of peace in the world is not war but it is the reality of abortion. There is a war, if you wish, that is taking place within our society right now.
“So I would like to talk a little bit about this reality today and like to start out with a little bit about the reality of abortion, and its effects, to have a deeper understanding of it. How it affects our society! How it affects our consciences! How it has been affecting our culture! This reality of abortion! And then in the second part, what we can do about this?
“There is always hope. What is God asking of us at this time? The first thing to know, the first reality at this time that we have to look at in terms of abortion: It’s a killing of a real human being! This is something that is known and is something that is very clear, the reality of biology and medicine.
“About ten years ago, I was invited to go to a debate at Boston College and it was supposed to be a very non-emotional sort of debate, where people would just look at the facts and people would just discuss them in a non-passionate fashion. And the people who were invited were very good debaters and speakers (supposedly). And the one person who came, who supported the pro-life side, and he waited and all of us waited and the person who was going to argue and debate the pro-abortion side never showed up!
“And the guy said who basically was giving the talk on the reality of life said this has happened to him often when he has gone to debate throughout the U.S. And the reason for this is: the opposing side is afraid of the Truth. They are afraid at looking at the reality of the truth and just discussing it in a very non-emotional, non-political sort of way because it is very clear to everybody and it is very clear to science today that human life begins at the moment of fertilization….”
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

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