Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Biggest Religious Con-Operation in U.S. History # 1

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Did you know that there were 130 Catholic Congressmen and 25 Catholic Senators in Washington, D.C.? Catholic Advocate, a project of the Morley Institute, P.O. Box 96559, Postal, VA 20066-6599 made a Scorecard of Catholics In Congress and how they voted on 10 critical Catholic issues. Write to them for the complete Scorecard. By the way, these issues are supported by Natural Law, Common Sense and Traditional American principles.

Cath. Adv. seeks to be an authentic Catholic voice in media and public policy arenas.

My focus is on several of the Senators in Congress and their voting records:
1. Funding of overseas pro-abortion organizations (109th)
2. Funding of embryo-killing stem cell research cell research (H.R. 810th) (109th)
3. Child Custody Protection Act (S.403) passage (109th)
4. Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (CIANA) (109th)
5. Federal Marriage Amendment Act (109th)
6. Harkin Amendment to endorse Roe v. Wade (108th)
7. Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003: passage (109th)
8. Abortion in military medical facilities (108th)
9. Feinstein Substitute Amendment (single-victim substitute) (108th)
10. Unborn Victims of Violence Act passage (109th)

A) Dodd, Christopher, D, CT., Absent or not voting on 6. Voted against the other 9

B) Biden, Joseph, D, DE., Absent or not voting on 6, 7, 9. Voted against the other 7

C) Harkin, Tom, D, IA., Voted against all 10 of the Catholic positions.

D) Durbin, Richard, D, IL., Voted against all 10 of the Catholic positions.

E) Kennedy, Edward, D. MA., Absent or not voting on 1, 4. Voted against the other 8
F) Kerry, John, D. MA., Absent or not voting on 7, 8. Voted against the other 8.

G) Milkulski, Barbara, D, MD., Voted against all 10 Catholic positions.

H) Collins, Susan, R, ME., Not eligible on 10, voted against the other 9

I) Reed, Jack, D. RI., Voted against all 10 of the Catholic positions.

J) Leahy, Patrick, D. VT., Voted for # 7. Voted against the other 9

K) Cantwell, Maria, D. WA. Voted against all 10 Catholic positions.

L) Murray, Patty, D. WA. Voted against all 10 Catholic positions.

The above scorecard is a matter that all Catholic publications and leaders should make a comment on. We have such a rich and noble Catholic belief system. I keep repeating to myself the CINOP (Catholic-name-only-politician) is a participant in the biggest religious-con-operation in U.S. history. You Decide.
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

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