Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Father John Hardon S.J. - Prophet

Father John A. Hardon, S.J. – A Holy Man – A Prophet # 2 of 3
Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, Sept. 15th/04

“Jeremiah preached for 40 years. The people did not listen…. At one point God said do not pray for these people. Get out of here. This whole place, the temple will be destroyed…. People died of famine and pestilence. The city was burned down. People were sent into exile… Need to listen to the church. Repent. God forgives.” G.S. July/04

The following is the second of three monthly pro-life messages on Father Hardon’s prophetic talk in Chicago in the year 1995.

“Remember the subject on which we are speaking is the Conversion of America through the Holy Eucharist…. I have taught the theology of the Holy Eucharist to so many people not to know how imperative it is to really understand what we believe. God became man for two basic reasons. He became Man that He might have a human body and human soul that could be separated by his physical death on Calvary. That is why God in becoming Incarnate assumed a body and a soul. But God also in becoming Incarnate assumed a human free will. Why? Because when God became man to choose to suffer and die. That is why He had a free will, the essence of Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary, I repeat the essence was his willingness to die…”

“The night before Jesus died, He instituted a marvelous way of remaining with us in the fullness of His humanity until the end of time. Memorize this, hatchet into your minds…. The Eucharist began at Nazareth in the womb of Mary … He assumed a human body and human blood from his Mother, therefore at the Last Supper, He could pronounce the Words of over what had been bread and declare this is My Body, and over the chalice of wine this is my Blood. It is the self same Jesus who died on the cross who rose from the dead on Easter Sunday and ascended into Heaven but did not leave the earth. Jesus Christ is on earth in the Holy Eucharist….”

“Why is Christ here on earth in the Holy Eucharist in the fullness of His Humanity and Divinity? He is here because he wants to continue doing now elsewhere in the world in America what he had done in Palestine nineteen plus centuries ago…. He wants to exercise His Almighty Power by working miracles now in our country as He performed in Judea at the dawn of Christianity…. Jesus Christ is on earth invisibly to the human eyes but visible to the eyes of faith.”

In Palestine, Jesus did physical miracles like the healing of the sick, and the raising of the dead back to life. There were intellectual miracles as when Jesus enlightened Elizabeth to recognize His Mother Mary as the Mother of Elizabeth’s Lord.
Father Hardon continues with examples of moral miracles as when Christ converted the Samaritan woman at the well.

In conclusion, Father’s talk ties in with another prophet with the importance of the Eucharist. Consider Pope John Paul II who has declared October 2004 to October 2005, as the Year of the Eucharist. Note: Next year is World Youth Day. With the theme We Have Come to Worship. The Assembly takes place in the city of Cologne, Germany during the week of the Assumption, August 15th, 2005. (

Fraternally yours,
George H. Kubeck, Appropriate for today. Duplicate and translate into Spanish.

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