Thursday, July 26, 2007

Censuring the Church and Silencing Christians # 2

Thursday, July 26th, 2007
Be on the lookout for one of the most insidious false religious propaganda during this and next year’s election cycle. There are groups of people out there who call themselves clergymen and who are for the following: abortion, abortion on demand, assisted suicide, euthanasia, same sex-marriage, cloning, and embryonic stem cell research. All of the above are absolute evils. These pretenders will come up with religious reasons and use the word compassionate in support for each of the above. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

During the California Assembly debate on AB 374, the Assisted Suicide Bill, a softer name was given to it. An open letter in support of the Compassionate Choices Act was circulated. Here is an example.

By Rev. John Brooke (published June 14th 2007)

“I am a clergy member and a representative of the 150 clergypersons from 12 different faith communities who have each stated, “I support the California Compassionate Choices Act.” (Who are you? Give us the names of the 12 different Church communities?)

“We are among the majority of religious believers who are in favor of a mentally capable, dying adult having the legal right to request and receive medication to hasten death if his or her suffering becomes unbearable….(These wolves will always use the word majority)

“In April, Cardinal Roger Mahony denounced this bill and accused Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, a Catholic and a co-author of AB 374, of participating in “culture of death.”... (Pope John Paul II coined the term. Please read his “Gospel of Life.”)

(What follows in Rev. John Brooke’s letter is a CINO (Catholic-in-name-only) theologian Daniel Maguire who publicly and arrogantly differs with the U.S. Bishops and the Magisterium. He reminds me of the fable, The Bullfrog and the Ox. All of this is a scandal and sweet talk to the CINOP (Catholic-in-name-only-Politician.)

“Last year, Catholic moral theologian Daniel Maguire wrote to Catholic lawmakers in California: ‘Catholic theology is broader and more nuanced than Vatican theology. A Catholic lawmaker need not be strictly bound by Vatican theology’.

“There is legitimate ethical pluralism within Catholic theology on the subject of assisted dying. … I believe that one can be a devout Catholic and support the enactment of laws that leave such intensely personal decisions to the faith and spiritual practice of individuals.”…

There will be hundreds of articles written and dozens of books printed to persuade you that the Culture of death is really a morally superior culture to traditional American values and that we are all extremists and have no compassion. The Bible and the Ten Commandments are fundamentally obsolete in this new secular progressive America. Keep religion to yourself and not in the public arena. The election in 08 is all about your vote for a traditional America versus a secular progressive America.

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate; translate into Spanish.

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