Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Father John Hardon S.J. - Prophet

Father John A. Hardon, S.J. – A Holy Man – A Prophet # 1 of 3
Aug. 15th, 2004
Feast of the Assumption

During the last forty years we have seen tremendous changes in America and in our Church. (e.g. the Gallup Poll of July 19-2l, and July 30-Aug. l, 2004): About 40% of Catholic registered voters seldom or never attend church; 33% attend church weekly and 27% attend on a semi-regular basis. I listened to a tape by Father John Hardon more than a dozen times. What follows is the first of three monthly pro-life messages on Father Hardon’s prophetic talk in Chicago in the year 1995.

“Our teleconference today is on the question of Conversion of America through the Holy Eucharist…When the Holy Father (Pope John Paul II) spoke to the youth in Denver this past summer, the urgent theme that he concentrated on was that America might not lose its soul…. The soul of America is Christianity…. As our nation becomes increasingly de-christianized it loses more and more of the source of its moral and spiritual vitality and unless the moral decrease is cured: AMERICA AS A NATION WILL DISAPPEAR.”

Father Hardon goes on to say that people are living in a dream world. By material standards, America is a prosperous nation; in contrast, AMERICA IS ALSO, A WORLD LEADER IN SIN.
“Sin,” St. Augustine says, “is nothing else than the neglect of eternal things and seeking of temporal things.” Father Hardon continues, [We have] “a demonic seduction from the love of eternal things.” In his classic book, “The City of God” St. Augustine divides the human race into two classes of people: those who love God and those who love themselves even to the contempt of God.

“In thousands of pages of print in the newspapers each day, and radio and television, what is the message? Crime and money, sex and entertainment, sports and business … Millions of Americans are mesmerized into thinking of nothing else than WHAT THE MEDIA WANTS THE PEOPLE TO THINK. I say, ‘Amen!’ to the Canadian philosopher Marshal McLuhan, ‘The modern media of communication is engaged in a Luciferian Conspiracy against the Truth.’
“Murder is now legalized in the bestial dismemberment of unborn children in the mother’s womb… Sodomy is widely publicized and the Sodomists are engaging in a network of sex education programs such as are aimed at destroying every vestige of chastity among the young. Contraception has developed into an exact science and adultery has become a fine art. But the worst form of sin in America… is in the widespread neglect of prayer and the worship of God.”

However, Christ is the miracle worker who can bring about the conversion of America through the adoration of the Holy Eucharist; Eucharist means Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is to the Father for the gift of His Son’s Real Presence in the Most Holy Eucharist. Jesus is on earth in the Eucharist!
Fraternally yours,
George H. Kubeck, Pro-Life Chairman, K of C Cypress Council 8599,
K of C Mission San Juan Capistrano Assembly 0062 (September Bulletin)

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