Thursday, July 12, 2007

Our Sacred Honor # 4 (Appendix to Remember in 2008)

OUR SACRED HONOR #4 - July 13, 2005, Feast of St. Henry

This is the fourth in a series of E-mail letters to you our Supreme Knight Carl A. Andersen of the Knights of Columbus. The letters remain focused on pro-abortion Catholic politicians and to be sent prior to the National Convention in Chicago in Aug./05

The pro-abortion Catholic politicians are a scandal that cries out to high heaven. I recall a California’s Governor Election in the 90’s. Pro-life candidate Lundgren got the non-catholic Christian vote and lost to pro-abortion catholic Davis who got the Catholic vote. Also, in the 2000 presidential election, the pro-life winner got the Christian vote and the pro-abortion loser got the Catholic vote. It was a miracle the winner got elected. Silence on our part seems like a cover-up for a political party and a Church scandal.

Last week, I finished reading George Weigel’s book, “The Courage to be Catholic.” It is a great analysis and guide. Another great information tape is the Main Mass Homilies given by Father Shannon Collins and Father Bill Casey at the National Catholic Conference in Anaheim, Calif. July 12,13, 2003. This July 23-24, there is another Conference in Anaheim. Their telephone number is (877)-526-2151.

Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver hit the nail on the head. “The abortion issue cannot be avoided. It’s the central moral conflict of this moment in our nation’s history. Every abortion kills an unborn child. Every abortion leaves a woman emotionally scarred. Every abortion is a grave act of violence. All these things fundamentally damage the common good.”

I take what is written in our monthly magazine Columbia for the last ten years literally and not figuratively. You mean what you say and you say what you mean. You are totally in the footsteps of Pope John Paul II. He was not soft when dealing with the communists and secular humanists in Poland. Neither should we be with the allies of secular humanism in our country. Our Sacred Honor is to be who we are. We do not accommodate a culture of death either in Canada or in the United States.

From Vatican, July 5, 2005 ( John Paul II also stressed the need for Catholics to maintain the fullness of the Church’s teachings and not to pick and choose the teachings as they see fit. Speaking to the Bishops of the U.S.A at Queen of Angels Seminary in Los Angeles on Sept. 16, 1987, Pope John Paul II stated. “It is sometimes reported that a large number of Catholics today do not adhere to the teaching of the Catholic Church on a number of questions, notably sexual and conjugal morality, divorce and remarriage. Some are reported as not accepting the clear position on abortion. It has been noted that there is a tendency on the part of some Catholics to be selective in their adherence to the Church’s moral teachings. It is sometime claimed that dissent from the Magisterium is totally compatible with being a ‘good catholic’ and poses no obstacle to the reception of the Sacraments. This is a grave error that challenges the teaching of the Bishops in the United States and elsewhere.”

Pope Benedict XVI has also called for a halt to Cafeteria Catholicism. The members are looking for your strong leadership as relating to pro-abortion politicians.

Fraternally yours,
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.
P.S. I am asking for a reasonable and appropriate Public Censure of the 16 CINOP traitors to our country at the Knights of Columbus Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, Aug. 7-9,2007.

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