Monday, July 23, 2007

The Biggest Religious Con-Operation in U.S. History # 3

Monday, July 23, 2007
Today any politician can call himself a Catholic. I was rereading the comments of one bishop. These comments are probably going through minds of all bishops.
“Recently, a book has appeared whose thesis is that the German population, in general, was a willing participant in the holocausts. Many articles and reviews have pointed out the regime was ruthless in crushing opposition and dissent. (But in America our bishops are not faced with that persecution. GHK)
“What will history say about us? Future generations will say we were paralyzed by political correctness, or more probably that everyone voted according to their pocketbook for the politicians who promised the most tax cuts, or the most benefits, or best pork barrel. I am Irish enough to understand that the tribal allegiances that bound us to the Democratic Party are very strong and in our not-too-distant past, quite understandable. (The problem is - that Democratic Party does not exist anymore. And would bishops be silent if the Republican Party promoted all these evils? GHK)
“The faith or our ancestors, tested by dungeons, fire and sword has succumbed to the Brooks Brothers suit and secular humanism, the new state religion. (A secular and a traditional America are two different countries.)
“The legalization of the partial-birth abortion procedure should be a wake-up call for Americans. Life, so revered in our Constitution, is no longer sacred in our country.
“We are definitely at the crossroads. What kind of society do we want for future generations? Are we going to opt for a society that wants to solve social problems by elimination of people in cold blood?
“We must look beyond sectarian politics, beyond personalities, beyond the hype and examine the issues and the issue is life. To say that, it is a matter of life and death is not longer a cliché. (There are four other party promoted evils besides abortion. GHK)
If you are a politician and you feel that you cannot be in favor of life and enjoy the support of your party or constituency, it is time for you to seek other employment before it is too late.” (Clergy and voters can reregister to another party or decline to state and vote out all Catholic-in-name-only Politicians in 2008. And this can be done. GHK)

Let us look at the CINO politicians in Massachusetts and New York from the Catholic Advocate’s Scorecard. Notice that CINO rhymes with RINO. (Republican in name only) How many voted against the Catholic position on the following issues?
l. Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act – passage (110th)
2.Marriage Amendment Act (109th) 3.) Terri Schiavo Federal court review (109th)
4.Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (109th)
5. Abortion in Military medical facilities (109th)
6. Coercive abortion/United Nations Population Fund (109th)
7. Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act: passage (109th) (108th)
8. Human Cloning Ban: passage (108th) 9,) Partial-Birth Abortion Ban: passage
10.Unborn Victims of Violence Act (108th)
The following Massachusetts Congressmen voted 8 to 10 times on the above issues against the Catholic position: Michael Capuano, William Delahunt, Edward Markey, James McGovern, and Marty Meehan. And in New York, we have: Tim Bishop, Kirsten Gillibrand, John Hall, Maurice Hinchez, Carolyn McCarthy, Charles Rangel, and Nydia Velasquez. All of this is very serious matter. Please send a postcard to Catholic Advocate, P.O. Box 96559, Postal, VA 20068-6599 for the analysis. You can decide.
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate or translate into Spanish.

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