Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Biggest Religious Con-Operation in U.S. History # 2

The Biggest Religious Con-Operation in U.S. History # 2
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Let us take a look again at Catholic Advocate‘s Scorecard of Catholics in Congress. Their address is: P.O. Box 96559, Postal, VA 20066-6599
My focus is on several of the California Congress persons and their voting records:
1.) Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act-passage (110th)
2.) Marriage Amendment Act (109th)
3.) Terri Schiavo Federal Court Review
4.) Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (109th)
5.) Abortion in military medical facilities (109th)
6.) Coercive abortion / United Nations Population Fund (109th)
7.) Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act: passage (109th)
8.) Human Cloning Ban: passage (108th)
9.) Partial-Birth Abortion Ban: passage (108th)
10.) Unborn Victims of Violence Act (108th)

a) Baca, Joe, D. Voted for 3 and 8. Voted against the remaining 8
b) Becerra, Xavier, D. Absent for 3 and 7. Voted against the remaining 8

c) Eshoo, Anna, D. Absent for 3 and 9. Voted against the remaining 8
d) Miller, George, D. Absent for 3. Voted against the remaining 9

e) Napolitano, Grace, D. Absent for 3. Voted against the remaining 9
f) Pelosi, Nancy, D. Absent for 3. Voted against the remaining 9

g) Roybal-Allard, Lucille, D. Absent for 3. Voted against the remaining 9
h) Sanchez, Linda, D. Absent for 3. Voted against the remaining 9

i) Sanchez, Loretta, D. Absent for 3 and 8. Voted against remaining 8

j) Solis, Hilda, D. Absent for 3. Voted against the remaining 9
k) Tauscher, Ellen, D. Absent for 3. Voted against the remaining 9

l) Thompson, Mike, D. Absent for 3. Voted against the remaining 9
m) Watson, Diane, D. Absent for 3 and 7. Voted against the remaining 8

Why should we vote for unprincipled politicians? Their CINOP clones in the California legislature are promoting an Assisted Suicide Bill and in Massachusetts, 16 CINOP traitors blocked the Marriage Amendment for 2008. What we have is an axis of deceit and evil, Pelosi and Kennedy?
I would like to participate in a class action suit of fraud and false identity by the Catholic California members in Congress. On second thought, all that money and energy can be better spent on informational precinct work and telephone calls to defeat Loretta Sanchez’s in Orange County. If you are interested, check out Denny’s Restaurant on Chapman Ave. between three freeways, 5, 57 and 22 (Long Beach West)
We would meet for brunch on a Wednesday. 10 AM
Fraternally yours, (Check - CINOPS BE GONE or www.cinopsbegone.blogspot.com )
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

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