Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Campaign Trail Report of Nov. 7/06 - 2

The Campaign Trail Report of Nov. 7, 2006 # 2

Note this a Committee of 1 report prior to the 06 Election Monday, Oct. 9th, 2006

Let’s go over our E-mails, telephone and personal conversations and flyer distribution: There is a loud: Yes on Proposition 85: No to the False Religion of Sanchez and Correa: Let’s memorize the pronunciation of the derivative, CINO. It rhymes with RINO (Republican in name only). Get the message out before the absentee ballots are mailed in.

The CINOP’s, (Catholic in name only Politicians) are the leaders of the Catholic in name only Religion in this State and throughout the Nation. They believe in the primacy of conscience, over Church beliefs, which is heretical. They also promote directly and indirectly the absolute evils: abortion on demand, same-sex marriage, assisted suicide, euthanasia, and embryonic stem cell research. Why should Catholics vote for such scoundrels?

Please note that Christians respect the atheist, the agnostic and the homosexual person. I would rather have a pro-life atheist, agnostic or a homosexual person than a CINOP represent me in government. There is a big difference between a homosexual and a gay person. During this past summer the Democratic California legislature came down with a series of gay agenda laws that were an insult to common sense, the family and Natural Law. If the Democratic Party wants to commit suicide, there are other parties that people can join and vote for in this and future elections.

In the kind of America we live in today, all of the above matters need to be dealt with solely and exclusively by the Catholic Laity. Truth is our most powerful weapon. The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who remain neutral during this moral crisis. Neutrality means you are going to vote for any CINOP. Neither do I believe in contrived optimism. Pope Benedict XVI experienced this at least once in America.

The CINOP is responsible for making the Catholic voting bloc the most uninformed in America. Let me give you a couple of examples: In 2004, the Catholic vote in California was 61% for Embryonic Stem Cell Research and for Senator Barbara Boxer 64%. Other Christians do not vote that way.

The vote that made me climb the wall was the presidential vote in 2000. Thanks to the Protestant vote Bush – 58%, Gore – 40%, and Nader – 2%, Bush was elected President. The Catholic vote was Bush – 46 %, Gore – 53%, Nader – 1%. This was a miracle experience for the traditional family values and the pro-life movement. As I wrote on Sunday, Nov. 12th, 2000, “It seems that the Protestants read Pope John Paul’s Encyclicals, ‘The Splendor of Truth’ and the ‘Gospel of Life.” (By the way, the majority of Catholics in Florida did vote for Bush.)

There are several First Class CINOP Wimps running for a State Office. See the Poster Boy Snapshot of Cruz Bustamante from the L.A. Times, Thurs. Nov. 10, 2005, A.20. He is with Kathy Kneer, President of Planned Parenthood holding hands celebrating the defeat of Proposition 73, Parents Right to Know & Child Protection Ballot Initiative. These CINOP’s are fraudulently using the Catholic label to run for office. From a personal note, there is CINOP Jerry Brown. He signed the Rodda Act in 1975. This Act destroyed the integrity and independence of the public school teacher. It politicized & legalized industrial type unionism in public education. Unionism has no place in public education. (I was a public school teacher for 23 yrs.).

There are five cultural informational flyers for distribution. One of the best is no. 2 of 5, The Seven Sacraments of Secularism by Rockford Bishop Doran. Presently, I am plowing through and trying to digest two books which I recommend. Bill O’Reilly, Culture Warrior, and David Carlin, Can a Catholic Be a Democrat? There is nothing more powerful in America than an informed Catholic voter.
In closing, if you are unsure of who and what propositions to vote for, there is a sign on my garage wall: Vote against the Candidates and Issues that the Hollywood and Media Elites Support. (Please E-mail the above to voters and all churches in the Sanchez and Correa voting areas.)
George H. Kubeck, P.O. Box 579, Stanton, Calif. U.S.A., 90680, posted Sun. Aug. 20, 2008

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