Monday, January 7, 2008

Do Mess with the ACLU !

Do Mess with the ACLU!
Monday, January 7, 2008
I received a letter from the ACLU which reads: Dear Friend,
“I am writing to urge your active participation in the ACLU’s all out effort to restore our lost liberties. (American Civil Liberties Union)
The ACLU is actively working to reverse the damage done by the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, the unchecked and secret spying on innocent Americans, abuse at Abu Ghraib, extraordinary renditions, detentions without trial at Guantanamo Bay, and other affronts.”

To the above I say hogwash. We are at war with Terrorism. The above measures have prevented another 9/11 terror attack. I know of no American who has lost his liberty. You have an irrational hatred of President Bush. It is partly because he is a practicing Christian, a pro-life President and won Florida & Ohio voters in 2000 & 2004.

Let us check out the history of the ACLU. The ACLU was founded in 1920 by communist enthusiast Roger Baldwin, “I am for socialism, and ultimately, for abolishing the state itself … I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.”

They are the authors of National Division: From the Washington Post – Dec. 14, 2004
In 1947, the ACLU was responsible for Everson v. Board of Education coming before the high court. One of its lawyers, Leo Pfeffer, wrote the draft of the opinion which resulted in the popularization of the so-called, “separation of church and state.”
The author of the Everson decision was Justice Hugo Black, a card-carrying member of the ACLU and a former member of the Alabama Ku Klux Clan.
In 1962 Justice Black also wrote the decision (Engel v. Vitale) prohibiting school prayer.

Thanks to Liberty Counsel – , let us check out the ACLU programs.
Ten Campaigns of the ACLU:

1. Erasing our Christian Heritage. 2. Attacking Religious Liberties.
3. Silencing the Church. 4. Advancing Sexual Anarchy.
5. Sexualizing Our Children. 6. Redefining Marriage and Family.
7. Promoting Obscenity. 8. Promoting a Culture of Death.
9. Impending the War on Terror. 10. Looting the American Taxpayer

A Partial List of the ACLU’S Legacy at the Supreme Court:
1962 – Engel v. Vitale – Attempted to end prayer in schools
1963 - Abington v. Schempp – Assaulted authority of the Bible
1985 - Wallace v. Jaffree – Opposed public “moments of silence”
1992 - Lee v. Weisman – Called for end to all graduation prayer

The ACLU gives you an idea of the challenges we face. They boast 500,000 members and are the largest public interest law firm in the nation. They employ roughly 100 staff attorneys and have the assistance of nearly 6000 volunteer attorneys. They file thousands of law suits each year. They are involved in the “political” realm and we must do likewise. Reference Maxim # 2.
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

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