Friday, May 1, 2009

Ex-Canadian: Plain Talk on the Notre Dame Scandal

Ex-Canadian: Plain Talk on the Notre Dame Scandal
In pursuit of the truth – Memorial St. Joseph the Worker – Friday, May 1, 2009

It would be a good idea if both sides of the controversy would begin to read Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger’s book “Co-Workers of the Truth” Meditations for Every Day of the Year,1992 Ignatius Press, San Francisco. Over the years they will learn something each day.

The invitation of President Barack Obama to speak at Notre Dame was a bonanza for the U.S. Catholic-in-name-only politicians. (CINOPS) Nothing more and nothing less. There seems to be a mental block and a blind spot by the bishops, theologians, priests, parishioners, and especially Catholic writers with respect to the CINOPS.

These CINOPS, men and women, are shallow individuals. They are political hacks for the culture of death. The 55 bishops who have spoken out on this scandal are in the footsteps of Blessed Pope John Paul II. All bishops need to speak out.

It is better for the Catholic Church in America to have pro-life and family politicians who are agnostics or atheists than any CINOP. We just had 16 so-called Catholic Senators in Congress vote to eliminate the conscience clause. They are frauds & imposters.

The CINOP is really the equivalent of any politician who publicly supports fornication, adultery and pornography. If those of us who are prayer and educational evangelists at the abortion mills understand this; why can’t all of us?

This controversy is turning into a positive for the education of all. Do we believe in natural law? Who are we as Catholics and Americans? Thank you Father John Jenkins!

Always in the back of my mind is the fear of same-sex marriage for our country that is being promoted by the elite culture in America. IN CANADA, CATHOLIC LIBERALS INTRODUCED AND PASSED THE SAME-SEX MARRIAGE LAWS. IN THE U.S., NO CINOP HAS SPOKEN OUT PUBLICLY IN OPPOSITION TO SAME-SEX MARRIAGE.

The mindset of the staff at USCCB must never accept or accommodate to same-sex marriage IN ANY STATE PRESENTLY LEGALIZED. It would not be America anymore. Have we not learned from abortion? An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Also it’s time to get rid of Democratic registered lawyers throughout each U.S. dioceses. We can’t trust them. Let’s have the lawyers that represent the Evangelical, Baptist or Mormon Churches in America. The D. lawyers come up with stupid regulations for the distribution by pro-life literature and candidates outside Catholic Churches, etc. Besides if any lawyer or Catholic advisors are members of the ACLU; they should be fired.

Catholic writers when writing about the CINOP seem to focus only on abortion. That is the tip of the iceberg! You are looking at a guy or gal that is promoting – the two A’s, the two E’s and the two SS. (Abortion-Assisted-Suicide: Euthanasia- Embryonic-Stem Cell Research; and Same-Sex Marriage) Has it ever occurred to them that the best way to solve this problem is simply vote them out of office in 2010? CINOPS are an albatross and scandal around our necks; our Catholic Faith and Church. Let’s start writing about them!
George H. Kubeck

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