Thursday, April 30, 2009

Is Obama another Carter?

Is Obama another Carter?
In pursuit of the truth – – Thursday, April 30, 2009

David Horowitz and Ben Johnson’s book, “Party of Defeat” Spence Publishing Company – Dallas, 2008, p. 27-29 have an important message for President Obama and all Americans.

“If confusion, guilt, and self-doubt marked Carter’s approach to America’s enemies, moral superiority and self-righteousness characterized his dealings with allies, most pointedly the shah of Iran. To Carter, the shah’s regime looked like the kind of dictatorship McGovern had promised that America would never again defend. In fact, although the shah was a dictator, he was also a reformer who gave Iranians far more freedom than the Mullahs. He had repealed the Islamic law requiring women to wear the veil and for the first time gave them the right to acquire an education.

“It was the shah’s progressive acts that enraged the mullahs against him, but they did impress Carter, who made the shah the prime target of his global crusade for “human rights.”…

“As the Islamic Revolution gathered strength, Carter persuaded the shah to release its leaders from prison and encouraged him to step aside and make way for the mullah…. Senator Edward Kennedy, went further, condemning the shah’s government as “one of the most oppressive regimes in history” – a ludicrous claim that overlooked, among other near-to-hand examples, the murderous North Vietnamese Communists, whose victory Kennedy had facilitated, and who were busily conducting summary executions of a hundred thousand of their new subjects.

“As the Shah became the focus of Carter’s moralistic attacks, America’s support was withdrawn from a region that had been American ally fighting the Communists. Carter thus undermined the ruler of the most pro-Western Muslin government in history as it confronted a rebellion led by religious fanatics, who had declared America to be the Great Satan, …

“The Democratic-led Watergate had targeted the CIA, which had been drawn into the imbroglio by Nixon. As part of its assault on the American Washington’s culpability before the world. Consequently, at the same time Carter was underming the shah, his CIA director, Stansfield Turner, was taking an ax to intelligence assets that might otherwise have identified the threat. Turner cut 820 human-intelligence positions from the agency, forcing it to rely on foreign intelligence for analyses.

“As Americans progressives had nailed the Vietnamese Communists as liberators, they now saw virtue in the monstrous forces they were helping bring to power in the Islamic Middle East. Carter’s ambassador to Iran compared Ayatollah Khomeini to the Hindu pacifist Mahatma Gandhi. UN ambassadors Andrew Young called the fanatic misogynist and America-hater “a 20th century saint.”…

“The Iranians are going to have ultimately see how holding the hostages (66 Americans) is hurting their Revolution.” Carter did not just sit back; he caved in, paying an eight-billion ransom to the ayatollah, who quickly funneled the money to terrorists around the world, in a radical version of trickle-down economics.”…
George H. Kubeck

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